Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 317 Despicable

Yang Feng ignored the woman that entered the scene. Her words only enraged him further. Did these retards think he was as dumb as them? Calling this imposter "Lifei"? The Zhaos were stupidly bold.

"I asked you a question." He snarled, grabbing Zhao Linhua by the neck. He would not mind squeezing the daylight out of her neck if she lied to him. Breaking it would be child’s’ play.

Zhao Linhua could see her life flash before her eyes. She stared at him, wide-eyed and pale. She tried to talk and explain herself. The constriction against her throat was preventing her from doing so, her eyes blurred with tears.

"Y-young Master Yang, what are you doing? You’re hurting our Zhao Lifei!" Wang Nuoli stepped forward with her hands raised in an attempt to grab her daughter. One cutthroat glare from Yang Feng was enough to freeze her in her path.

Tears flowed from Zhao Linhua’s face. She thought it was her fault. She believed that because she had messed up on her "test," that this was her punishment.

"I’m sorry—!" She cried out in pain when he tossed her onto the ground like she was trash. She scraped her knees, blood flowing from the deep wounds. Sparks of pain traveled throughout her body.

Yang Feng turned to his butler who came over with a hot towel and handkerchief. He wiped his hands as if she was dirty. His aloof face flashed with disgust, staring at the failure before him. "I should have you shot to death for lying to me." He threw the towel at her, causing her to flinch and shrink back in fear, whimpering like a pathetic mole.

Wang Nuoli paled. "Young Master Yang—"

"Did I give you permission to call me that?" His words were a slap to her face. It was a bucket of cold water dumped onto her. No one had ever disrespected her like this. Well, at least, not directly in her face.

"Where is Zhao Lifei?" Yang Feng cut straight to the chase.

When Wang Nuoli’s troubled face filled with guilt, she dropped her head and looked to the ground. The pavement was very interesting today. She wished she could bury herself in a hole. If she could tell him the truth, she would, but she was placed under strict orders to not let Zhao Lifei come near Yang Feng.


Wang Nuoli’s horrified face snapped up at the sound of a gun. She was faced with one of the most terrorizing scenes she witnessed. A gun. A gun was being pointed at her precious Zhao Linhua’s head! Her face was red with anger and she could not do anything about it.

"It seems the Yangs have been too lenient upon you fools." Yang Feng unlocked the trigger guard, his eyes glancing towards the top of the house where he saw a body previously. It was gone.

"You have one chance to answer me." Yang Feng positioned the gun, pressing it against Zhao Linhua’s temple. She was frightened, her life flashing before her eyes. Suddenly, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She had fainted.

Yang Feng was irritated. He wanted to see the life leave the eyes of the deceitful little wench.

"My baby!" Wang Nuoli shrieked, taking a bold step forward, then another. She ran to her unconscious daughter, only for her forehead to roughly collide with something. Her head snapped up and she was alarmed to see a wall of men blocking her path.

"What are you doing? Get out of my way!" She screamed, "Don’t you know who I am?! I am the wife of Zhao Wenjin! He will not stand for this!"

The loud commotion reached Zhao Lifei’s thin windows. She slammed her pen down onto the desk, her face flushing with annoyance. What exactly was going on down there?! She could hardly concentrate with all of the noises!

She pushed her swiveling computer chair back and stood to her feet. She walked to one of the windows and yanked the curtains back, revealing the chaos outside.

When Zhao Lifei saw the gun pointed at Zhao Linhua, her heart plummeted to her stomach. Her heart hammered against her chest. She flung herself out of her room, racing down the stairs, her steps thundering against the wood. She ran all the way downstairs and pushed the front door open.

"No, First Miss, you can’t go outside—" The maids and butlers tried to grab her. She dodged all of their hands and broke through the clearing.

"Put that gun down!" Her melodic voice was a knife that sliced the heavy tension. She was huffing and puffing from the intense exercise of running from the fourth floor down.

Yang Feng’s head snapped to her. He could not believe his eyes. She was here. Her face matured a bit and she was slightly taller now. His eyes searched her body for any visible injuries. Her outfit caught his attention. It was a light summer dress whose style was similar to the ones he had anticipated she would wear. So he hadn’t guessed wrong after all. She was no longer into frilly and over-the-top dresses.


"Are you crazy?! Did you not hear what I said?" Zhao Lifei placed her hand on her hips and stomped her way to the boy. She felt her heart throb when her eyes laid upon him and she could see his features clearer now. If he wasn’t the one threatening the life of her younger sister, she would’ve been knocked out of breath by how unbelievably attractive he was. His eyes were the best part of his features. They were a prominent, obsidian black. It flowed like a river of finely grated ink.

Yang Feng was astonished to see her tone of voice towards him had changed from admiration to indignation. When she was younger, she was never like this. Her speech towards him was not this bold. In these five years, how could she change so much? What happened to the light in her eyes? He heard she was introduced to the elite society a year ago...did it take such a heavy toll on her for her to look like this? She had lost weight — a distressing amount for a growing child her age.

He dropped the gun.

Yang Feng staggered towards her, his thin lips parted a bit.

When he began to approach her, Zhao Lifei took steps backward, then forward after remembering what she came downstairs for. She might’ve disliked the fact that Zhao Linhua stole all of their parents’ attention, but that did not mean she would leave her younger sister to rot on the floor like this.

"Get away from me! Don’t touch me!" She slapped his hand away, the sound echoing through the empty fields.

Everyone was quiet, holding their breath. The servants sniggered inside. The First Miss had just sealed her fate. No one talked back to Young Master Yang the way she did. That was because the people that did never lived to tell the tale. For her to disrespect him and touch him without permission, she would surely lose a hand or even worse, her head.

Yang Feng retracted his hand, boggled at her violent reaction. Did she not remember him? "Xiao Lili, what are you doing? It’s me, Yang Feng." Even though she had hit him, he was not infuriated at her. He just...couldn’t believe that she would change this much.

"Okay and?" She rolled her eyes. "You think you can scare me with your name? News flash, my name is Zhao Lifei. You don’t scare me."

Yang Feng was shocked by her bratty voice. She had never shown this side to him. Granted, when she was younger, she needed all of his attention and at times, she would whine to get it. But it was never this. She never spoke to him like that. What happened?

"Xiao Lili—"

"Stop calling me that!" Zhao Lifei hated the way her head hurt when he called her that. It was strange. One minute her head was pounding and the next, it stopped. She rubbed her chest, attempting to numb the prickling pain that spread there.

In a way of distracting herself, she bent down to check Zhao Linhua’s pulse and let out a sigh of relief upon feeling a very strong one. That meant nothing big happened to her. "And get off our lawn." She could hardly call this place a lawn. Her house was large and the lawn had rows upon rows of grass littered with nicely-trimmed trees and three fountains that were spaced out.

Yang Feng opened his mouth to protest and was roughly interrupted by the sound of his phone going off. He peered down, his face becoming stormy when he saw it was his grandfather.

"We are not done with this discussion." He calmly told her before turning back to his car. He paused and turned around, "You will see me again."

"Over my dead body." She retorted, her eyes glaring daggers into his flawless face.

He stiffened at her words and opened his mouth to speak, but she beat him to it.

"Don’t come back here. I don’t want to see you ever again." She snarled at him, hugging Zhao Linhua close whilst kicking the gun away. It landed beside Yang Feng. He didn’t spare it a single glance. He was too busy standing like a statue, frozen with shock at her words.

"You’re despicable." She added the finishing blow, watching as his fingers curled into cramped fists that turned paler than her skin. He was furious.

Yang Feng gritted his teeth and stormed into his car, slamming the door behind him and ordering the chauffeur to drive to the Underworld.

He never came back again.

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