Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 272 Shattered and Discarded

No one dared to speak of the incident that happened in Feili. None of the employees except for Wei Hantao and Huo Qiudong knew what had happened in the meeting room. No one knew why Wei Hantao never showed up at the office anymore or why his placard was shattered in half and publically discarded in the trash.

The very next day, an entire company meeting was called. From the janitor to the board of directors and executives, everyone had to show up in a grand hall in the outskirts of the town that could house hundreds of people.

"What is going on?"

"Did you see the placard? The one made out of pure crystal and embroidered with gold? I saw pieces of it..."

"I heard our real CEO is going to be introduced today. Apparently, there will be a debut banquet very soon."

"Real CEO? So you’re saying Wei Hantao was not the actual CEO? Wasn’t he going around saying that he was...?"

"Yeah, I thought he was it too. But he was just the Vice President!"

"What? That’s insane."

"Supposedly, our actual CEO is the true mastermind behind Feili and he has been ruling from behind a curtain! [1]"

"What do you mean he? It’s a she!"

"I heard she’s the one who managed to convince Yang Enterprise of changing the numbers around on the contract!"

"Yang Enterprise?! But that company never adheres to anyone!"

"I know!"

"Why do I feel like she usurped the throne or something?"

"Why was she absent for two years if she was the true CEO? How could she discard Wei Hantao like that?"

"It’s so messed up."

"He was loyal to our company and even worked in her stead."

"I heard she’s a wealthy heiress. In those two years, she was probably running off vacationing somewhere."

"Hah, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was."

Excited murmurs and curious chatter filled the large, crowded room. It was so loud, the buzz could be heard within a one-mile radius. Then all of the talks quieted down when a woman walked onto the stage with her blinding presence that outshined the theatre lights above her. She was dressed in a white top, crisp navy blazer, and black dress pants. She rocked the stunning attire with the confidence of a businesswoman.

A screen was being slowly let down from behind her.

Zhao Lifei stepped up to the stage and clasped her hands in front of her. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming here on such short notice." As she began speaking, she made eye contact with everyone in the room, not once missing a single person. "As many of you already know by now, the true founder and CEO of Feili is the woman standing before you at this moment."

The lights dimmed and the presentation began. Behind Zhao Lifei were multiple pictures, documents, certificates, registration papers, everything. And one thing was repetitive in them all: her signature.

Everyone understood her message perfectly. She was the true mastermind behind Feili.

"I was not personally present at the office, but my presence was there. I assigned the previous Vice President to be in charge of Feili, for I believed he had the potential to handle a position he could not obtain with his standing at that time. Never once did I think he would take his title for granted."

"With my guidance and consultation, Feili was able to rise from the ground up, and it will continue to rise until it touches the sky, much further than the companies before us!"

"From now on, I will be at the office every day and will work alongside everyone here to achieve that dream rather than working remotely. Even in my absence, I was always watching over this company, day and night." She revealed a confident smile.

"Do not fret, for the person to be working as my right-hand will be someone you are all familiar with." She turned to her right and through the darkness, one lone man’s footsteps echoed throughout the room.

Huo Qiudong appeared on stage, dazzling as always, his relaxed posture easing the fear of a few people. When his full lips tugged into a confident smile that reached his eyes, the people let out a sigh of relief to see someone so familiar.

"I would like to formally introduce to you the new Vice President of Feili, Huo Qiudong, who worked as an intern at our company before he diligently worked hard to achieve the post he is standing on today."

Huo Qiudong bowed his head before standing up straight again, standing alongside Zhao Lifei.

"Today, ladies and gentlemen, marks a new day for Feili and the start of something phenomenal."

Silence. It was deafening. It started with one clap, tiny and meek, then became more confident. Within the span of a few seconds, thundering claps, cheers, and whistles could be heard. They had not heard such confident words in a very long time. It was a skill that only the CEO could muster.

Zhao Lifei was announced as the true mastermind behind Feili. No one dared to object when the statistics were shown, and her signature found on nearly all of the documents from two years ago.

A new era was beginning for Feili and it would all start with a woman named Zhao Lifei.

- - - - -

The people left the banquet awestruck and in a daze. No one could stop talking about it. They got into their cars and drove back to the company. When they reached there, they suddenly realized something. Why was Wei Hantao dismissed from his position?

It was the talk of the office until Huo Qiudong arrived and the people swarmed to him like a flock of bees in a dying meadow with a single flower.

"Congratulations on your position as the new Vice President!"

"Wow, I knew you would succeed one day!"

"Mr. Huo, can you tell us why Wei Hantao was dismissed?"

"Was it because he was no longer needed anymore?"

"Did President Zhao feel threatened by Wei Hantao’s position?"

So many questions and compliments were fired at him all at once. It was beginning to give him a headache. He loudly coughed and cleared his throat. "President Zhao did not want any of you to lose faith in a man you once trusted. She did not want to slander him and respectfully kept the reasoning private. But I am not so kind."

He could see Zhao Lifei in the distance. She was surrounded by people, but unlike her grandfather who ignored everyone, she had a tiny smile on her face. She even waved at the janitors and made a few small talks.

His eyes flickered. Someone that would treat the janitor the same as they would treat the president, it was an intriguing thing to witness. She would, without a doubt, make a just CEO.

Their eyes met and her smile grew brighter before she went back to the employees eager to get her attention and talk to her.

Huo Qiudong watched her all the way, as she went into the public elevators with people trailing after her. She was certainly good at making first impressions...

"Wei Hantao schemed behind our President’s back and made deals with a company to benefit his own family that could have put our company at risk. Such a man can not be trusted." While the information and underlying message sunk in, Huo Qiudong sneaked off to the private elevator to avoid any more questions for the day.

All the while, on the other side of the city, a man was drunk in a bar, drinking his sorrows and regrets away. He was surrounded by beautiful women with bountiful assets, all hugged by tight dresses. Something dangerously flashed in his eyes before he stumbled to his feet, dodging all of the grabbing hands of the women eager to drain his wallet. He disappeared into the shadows.

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