Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 198 Important Matters

Zhao Lifei woke up in comfortable warmth, something she always sought for. She was cocooned within something hard, strong, safe... She tiredly opened her eyes, wanting to rub the sleepiness away, but found her arms trapped. She looked down and saw two thick, honey-toned skin biceps around her. She was fascinated by the muscles, wanting to poke it, but could not do so because of the brute who was hugging her too tight.

She found it amusing that even when he slept, he still had the urge to touch and cradle her in his embrace, not that she minded, for he was like her personal heater.

With great ordeal and a lot of wriggling, she was finally able to turn around to properly look at his sleeping face. He looked so innocent and peaceful when he slept, nothing like his awakened self. When she saw his dark circles had worsened, she wondered what types of nights he had for him to not get proper sleep, but then again, realized, she too, could not get a good sleep.

She stared at his features for the longest time, so perfect, not a single flaw visible, it made her envy him. The Gods truly spent their sweet time designing his face, more appealing than Adonis himself. She always admired his jawline, sharp enough to cut through rocks, and those lips of his, slightly thin, but could do crazy wonders to hers.

At the memory of their steamy night, her cheeks flushed bright red, feeling embarrassed even though she clearly enjoyed every part of it. She did not think she could get over her fear so quickly, even with the years of therapy, but being with him, who always remained patient with her even when he could easily overpower her, a giddy feeling spread through her chest.

A word was pressing on the tip of her tongue, but she decided it was not the right time yet and she was not ready to say so. "Yang Feng," she whispered, "I like you..."

"Not as much as I do."

His reply made her heart skip a beat in fright. H-he was awake this entire time?! For how long now? Did he catch me ogling over his face, nearly drooling again?!

Yang Feng slowly opened his eyes, a glint tucked within the folds of obsidian black. "Good morning, my dear." He bent in for a kiss, but she turned her head, landing a peck upon her face.

"Brush your teeth first." She mumbled, causing a peal of ripe laughter to echo throughout the room, the sound carefree and sending tingles down her spine. It was the sort that came from the soul, pure and genuine.

A silly smile lifted her lips as he laid on his back, one arm still around her waist. She leaned her head on his strong and firm chest, enjoying the way it rises and rumbled as his laughter settled to a low chuckle.

"I don’t mind it."

"I do."

He pinched her nose, amused at the quirky little things about her. When she peered up at him with that goofy smile of hers, he couldn’t help but also want to smile, one that reached his eyes.

"If I get up right now, will you give me two more kisses?"

"Why two?"

"You only gave me one yesterday, plus the one you should give me today, it would be two."

She scoffed. "You keep count?"

"Of course."


Something flashed in those mischievous eyes of his, "Because important matters should be properly regulated."

She rolled her eyes. "Sure it should." She sarcastically replied, but his thick skull and low EQ, smaller than hers it seemed, took it as the truth.

He grinned in delight, "I’ll hold you to that promise." He winked, sitting up in bed and kissing her one last time on the forehead before walking into the bathroom to hurriedly freshen himself up. When he eagerly got out, spraying his mouth, he was severely disappointed to see she was asleep again. This little temptress!

She got out of another kiss!

Yang Feng stormed to her, ready to shake her awake, but seeing that adorable face of hers fast asleep, he could not bring it in himself to disturb her. Groaning to himself, he could only give a slow kiss, lingering his lips on hers, before standing to his full height and begin getting ready for the day.

He wanted to hear and see her send him off, but knew she needed this sleep more than anyone. After reassuring himself that they had a long future ahead of them to see each other off, he closed the door to the room, before pausing outside and entering the room again. He grabbed a note and wrote her a message, placing it beside the nightstand before bending down to kiss her forehead and leaving the room.

- - - - -

Words spread around the office very quickly of what happened to Su Meixiu. The goddess has finally fallen from cloud nine and for once in nine years, she received a punishment. No one would expect it to be so severe to the point of where she was demoted to a simple desk job as the messenger.

Seeing that she had lost Yang Feng’s good grace, many of the employees stopped catering to her. This was the problem with society. People only cared about someone when they were relevant, popular, and powerful.

Su Meixiu faced a rude awakening this afternoon when she sat down with the usual employees for lunch who eventually all got up one by one with random "excuses." Later on, she was subjected to backstabbing talks and gossips, forcing her to realize, the people she once called friends, were only leechers.

Her face contorted into that of malice, the friendliness gone from within. She suffered only a day, but that was enough for her to stop playing nice, for there was obviously no point in pretending so. The only thing she could do now was placing her best cards down...

Chen Gaonan was more diligent in his apology letter. This time, he did not put in a quarter of care, instead, devoted his entire night and morning into the heartfelt letter. He poured his heart and what little emotions he had left into the writing and finally, it was not tossed into the shredder.

While spending the night to write it, his wife was interested in meeting the woman who dared to steal the time she spent with her husband, but after hearing it was for a highly-potential Lady Boss, his wife was intrigued enough to desire a meeting between the two.

And because Chen Gaonan was so henpecked by his wife, giving in to all of her wishes, he tried to plan out a good way for the two to meet, but then he carefully thought over it. What if they meet up, and together, they bully him? The chances were very likely, given his wife’s crazy behavior that was even able to keep the Ice King in check... He shivered at the terrible idea, deciding it was better to not mix together two ticking time bombs.

Chen Gaonan knocked on the door to his boss’ office and received a gruff reply to which he pushed the door open.

"Boss, you’ve called?"

"The reports," Yang Feng muttered, his eyes glued to his laptop, his fingers flying effortlessly across the keys as the workaholic completely immersed himself into today’s documents.

Chen Gaonan looked at his tablet and spoke up, "The project is currently flowing very smoothly. After Miss—, no, President Zhao’s suggestions, we switched to a different real estate company." He was still impressed by her words that came true just this morning.

Wang Real Estate had suffered another drastic and damaging slandering again, their stocks dropping even lower than before as the truth of the scandal immersed into the limelight. The CEO had performed a hit and run, killing an innocent passerby.

"Since the funds are secured, we have sent out the proposal to the government and the response will most likely come before the end of the day." He continued his report, checking the progress, "Aside from that, there are no visible conflicts."

Yang Feng hummed in reply, nodding his head in satisfaction, half-working, half-listening. "Grab the copies of tomorrow’s presentation."

Chen Gaonan bowed his head, excused himself, and walked back to his desk, his impeccable stature and chilling atmosphere wooing the employees. Many of them swooned at the way he carried himself, never caring for anyone else around him, so stand-offish and mysterious, it urged the women closer to him.

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