Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 150 Dream On

The next day, Zhao Lifei had just finished her breakfast when a newly hired maid timidly walked into the room, her footsteps light but frantic and rushed. She walked up to Zhao Lifei with her head bowed and said, "Young Miss, there’s a man outside of the front entrance requesting your presence."

Zhao Lifei tilted her head in confusion and looked at the pendulum clock hanging on the wall. It was ten in the morning, every single one of her acquaintances should be busy doing something by now. Not everyone shared the same lazy schedule as her.

"Are you sure it’s for me and not my grandfather?" She asked, wiping her mouth and standing up gracefully. The maid was momentarily awestruck at her Young Miss’ natural elegance.

"Yes, Young Miss, he specifically asked for you." The maid said, trailing behind her Young Miss with hands clasped in front of her stomach.

Zhao Lifei simply hummed in reply. When she got to the staircase, her eyes widened in surprise. Standing not far from the grand entrance of the Zhao Mansion was a tall and lean man whose flawless figure was enhanced by his casual clothing.

"Yang Feng...?" His name left her mouth before she could even think it through. When he turned around, holding a pastel blue box in his hand and a charming smirk on his face, her heart skipped a beat. She felt her throat run dry upon the sight of him.

She had never seen him in casual clothing before, but he looked too good to be real. He was wearing a clean-cut white button-up shirt with sleeves rolled up and black pants. His outfit greatly complemented his body, making him look perfectly proportional. She noticed his outfit matched her white top and black jeans.

She cursed inside her head, did he always have to look this handsome?!

Yang Feng felt the edge of his lips tug up higher upon seeing her mesmerized expression. Her rosy lips were slightly parted. Her eyes, resembling a vast sea of stars, were wider than usual. "It’s rude to not greet your guests." He teased, his deep and smooth voice filled with mirth.

Zhao Lifei blinked, her brain coming back to reality. "You..." She paused, thinking her response through before speaking. "You’re not mad at me?" She was nervous about his response. The entire night, she couldn’t sleep properly because she overthought the scenario yesterday.

"Yesterday, I was." Her heart dropped at his words.

"But I’m not anymore." He added on, watching the light return in her eyes. As always, she was good at keeping her emotions in check.

"You broke your promise." He chided her, deciding if she was too unsure to move, he would be the first to close their distance.

"My promise?" She repeated, watching as he confidently walked to her. She was surprised when he suddenly lifted her closer to him by grabbing her waist.

"You’re keeping your emotions to yourself again." He mused, placing the box onto her hands so he can properly touch her. When he used his rough thumb to gently soothe her dark circles, her eyes fluttered closed as she leaned into him, basking in the warmth he always provided. His other hand caressed the back of her head, causing her to rest it on his chest.

"What do you mean?" She was trying to understand his hint, but with his distracting hands, she couldn’t think properly.

Yang Feng decided to not say anything. He knew if he did so, the surprise would be ruined. "Open the box, it’s a present." He enjoyed the way she always sought to be closer to him. Unlike the previous women in his life, she was not scared of touching him as she pleased.

Zhao Lifei pulled back a bit to open the gift, but the clingy man shifted his arm to wrap it around her waist and tugged her to him again. She rolled her eyes. "If you want me to open the present, you have to give me some room to do so."

As if to annoy her, he crashed her body into his, tightly embracing her to the point where not even a piece of paper could be wedged between them. "Yang Feng!" She exasperated, despite the happiness that shimmered within her eyes and the smile threatening to break out.

"I quite prefer it if you shout my name like that in bed." He teased.

Instead of blushing, like he had expected her to do, she gave him a refreshing response by scoffing, her face filled with disinterest.

"Dream on." She bluntly said, her sharp reply causing him to laugh, his rock-hard chest rumbling. The sound, deep and warm, made her heart skip another beat.

She looked up at his smiling face, his eyes slightly crinkled, the sunlight from the glass window behind him made his body glow as if he was an immortal god who had descended to this realm.

She scowled. This was so unfair! Why was he so good-looking whatever he did?!

"Dreams almost always come true." He grinned, pinching her cheeks so she puffed them up to prevent him from doing it again.

"Whatever." With a loud hmph, she turned and opened the light blue box with silver detailing on the front. Her eyes widened when she saw her favorite dessert in the entire world.

"Rice cakes from Hedong?" Her face broke out into a fond smile, the simple movement instantly capturing Yang Feng’s heart again. Seeing her smile, with happiness swirling deep in her eyes, he felt his poor heart being squeezed.

"There’s more in the car." He muttered distractedly, hooking her chin to turn her face so that he could see her expression properly.

Completely unaware of his expression, she excitedly exclaimed, "Really?!" She closed the box and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the sleek and midnight black Ferrari parked in front. But she didn’t care about the car, instead, she walked straight to the tinted window and tried to peer inside.

Yang Feng became quiet at seeing how happy she was from receiving the simplest gift of boxes of inexpensive rice cakes. He had gifted her so many things, but she never seemed to be as happy as she was when it came to receiving food!

When he opened the door to reveal the different pastel colored boxes with assorted flavors of rice cakes, she squealed in delight and gave him a hug that caught him off-guard. His frigid face melted into pure adoration and tenderness for the woman in his arms. But before he could even hug her back, she had already pulled away. He frowned at this and right when she was about to climb into the car to retrieve the gifts, his large hands came out and he hugged her from behind.

"Hug me longer." He demanded, like a needy child. She could practically imagine his wagging tail waiting for her to finally do something to him. She turned around to hug the sullen child, giving his wide back a few firm pats, as if reassuring him she wasn’t going anywhere.

"There, there, is that better now?" She laughed when he responded by tightening his arms around her. He buried his face into the crook of her slender, swan-like neck and kissed the delicate white as snow skin.

"Not good enough." He responded, breathing in her mellow and sweet scent before pulling back with an expectant expression.

She quirked her brow at this. "How can I make it better then?" She teased, just to humor him, but he took it seriously and shamelessly said, "I want a kiss." She choked and looked at him, an incredulous expression on her face. She didn’t think he would take her word literally!

Seeing his heavy gaze and eager expression, a mixture of anticipation and seriousness, she resisted the urge to laugh. It was such a funny sight to see Big Boss Yang Feng so excited for a simple kiss. Standing on tiptoes, she pressed a swift kiss to his lips and stood back down before he could do anything.

He slightly frowned. "That’s not a proper kiss."

She snorted and daringly said, "Then show me one."

The second she said that, he crashed his lips down onto hers, passionately capturing it, one of his hands coming up to softly touch her cheek, the other tilting her neck. His lips were hot and sucked and tugged on her lips, before molding it perfectly over hers, greedily kissing her as if he wanted to devour her whole.

Her entire body buzzed as warmth entered her, a light moan escaping. At that sound, he let out a low growl and kissed her harder, desire-ridden as he pressed her body onto the car, trapping her and leaving her without much room to run. He made sure to keep that hardening friend of his away from her, fearing that it would scare her.

After what felt like an eternity lost in passion, with tiny breaks of air in between, the two finally broke apart. Zhao Lifei’s chest moved up and down as she tried to catch her breath, her eyes completely dazed and unfocused.

Yang Feng smirked when he saw her bruised lips, ruby red flushed cheeks, and eyes ignited with lust for him. He lifted her chin and kissed the corner of her lips, enjoying the way her chest was pressed against him. He could feel every one of her desperate attempts to catch air. "That, my dear, is how you give a proper kiss."

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