Mr Devourer, Please Act Like a Final Boss

Chapter 35


Chapter 35

“Boss, there are four simple ways to find out how active a human village is,” Patrick suddenly spoke while walking through the streets of Hastin.

Devourer’s uninterested question about what they were was met with silence as Patrick moved his steps without uttering a word. The bustling marketplace became the place where the ceaseless footsteps finally paused.

“The first is to see how lively the market is.”

The market was empty. Numerous shops lined both sides of a single street. Counting with both hands, the number of shops with open doors was so low that one hand would have fingers left. Even the makeshift stalls, commonly referred to as street vendors, had long disappeared. It didn’t feel like the shops closed due to the late hour; the lack of people was too severe.

Even the few open shops didn’t seem to be operating with any enthusiasm, and among them, there wasn’t a single store selling food.

In other words, the open shops were merely holding on out of obligation.

“The second is to see how much smoke is coming from the lord’s furnace… You should check a couple of hours before humans have their dinner. Looks like we’re out of luck today.”

Although he said that, there wasn’t much expectation on this front.

When they climbed the hill with the help of the witch Grephenia, they directly confirmed that no smoke was rising.

“The fact that the furnace is not in operation implies that the food supply is not smooth. It might be an exaggerated interpretation, but it probably aligns well with the current situation. Just looking at the empty market gives us confidence.”

“Not baking bread in a village that revolves around agriculture is a clear sign that food distribution is not smooth. Perhaps they are watching each other closely. In a situation where they are struggling with a lack of food, showing it to others wouldn’t be beneficial.”

In addition, Patrick has realized something while wandering around Hastin’s busy district. The residents of Hastin are not only wary of outsiders like ‘the knight and the accompanying undead.’ The residents were mutually wary of each other, and most of them probably locked themselves in their homes for that reason.

“What do you think, Boss?”

After finishing his thoughts, Patrick turned his head back. Devourer, who was staggering from behind, lifted his head slightly. Seeing his periodically muttering ‘hungry, tired,’ there was no separate undead around.

“Just say Boss is an undead.”

“What did you say?”


Let’s be grateful that he followed us this far.

After quickly finishing his self-brainwashing, Patrick sighed and added, “The third is how many mercenaries and expedition members are in the extermination request board. However, this only applies to areas with many dungeons around the territory, so it’s irrelevant to Hastin. Lastly, here.”

With the conclusion of Patrick’s words, he halted his steps. Only then did the soulless eyes of Devourer, who had been wandering without hope, light up.

“An inn.”

The end of the journey. The orange light illuminating the interior of the shop brightened Devourer’s face. There was no lock on the door, indicating that it was open for business.

“The significance of an inn is similar to that of a market, but the market is related to the territory… Are you listening?”

“Oh, yes…”

Turning his head, Patrick glanced at Devourer. The bright light inside the shop breathed life into Devourer’s dying pupils.

He had the typical face of a “redeemed weakling.” The author of the strongest ancient monster had the face of a human who had been stranded in the desert for a few days after just one day of wandering.

“Let’s rest, Patrick. Let’s rest here for a bit…”

“I was planning to stay here anyway since it’s getting dark. Go inside, Boss. But don’t expect too much…”

Whether Patrick’s words were not worth listening to or if Devourer was caught in the madness induced by fatigue, he opened the door of the inn. The soft light and warm atmosphere enveloped Devourer’s whole being.

For just 3 seconds.

The expression on Devourer’s face, which had briefly brightened, gradually sank into despair.


“There you go. Didn’t I tell you not to expect anything?”

As Devourer, about to slump down, Patrick, holding her with one hand, concluded with an indifferent tone.

No noise was heard outside the inn, so there was no way there could be customers.

“This is the worst.”

The inn was silent. Naturally, there was no sign of any customers.

Although it looked like just a quiet village at first glance, it seemed to be completely failing to fulfill its village role. Patrick muttered to himself.

We’ll have to check more tomorrow, but probably – there’s a high chance that the village of Hastin itself has been isolated. The external material exchange might have been completely cut off.

Rather than the direct damage of Devourer destroying parts of Hastin, the collateral damage of Hastin becoming the target of avoidance by lords from other regions due to that would be much greater.

“Are you from out of town?”

In the car that was already in a mentally exhausted state, a fairly strong-toned voice was heard. Patrick and Devourer turned their heads simultaneously in such a tight and tense atmosphere. In response to their reaction, the man coming down from upstairs frowned slightly.

With an intimidating impression as if he had built a wall with politeness and manners, brown skin that made him stand out more, rugged muscles. A middle-aged man with short white hair that seemed quite suitable for him. Judging by the sleeveless outfit he was wearing, he wasn’t a guest.

Without much thought, the man, who introduced himself as the innkeeper, continued his question.

“…Where are you from?”

“Oh, I’m a knight belonging to the Pytarion Black Dog Suppression Force from Netranje.”


As Patrick casually mixed and responded with the gathered names, the innkeeper stroked his short beard with his hand. Shortly after, he silently looked at both of them.

The gazes directed at Patrick and Devourer were quite different, especially the one towards Devourer had a noticeable sense of confusion.

In the face of the meaningful reaction, Devourer and Patrick looked at each other – but only Patrick seemed to understand the situation as he nodded his head. Devourer, still not grasping the situation, only furrowed his brow.

“Um, I apologize, but the person beside the knight…”

After hesitating, the innkeeper finally spoke. Patrick replied while tapping Devourer’s back.

“Oh, he’s my slave.”


The last voice came from Devourer’s mouth.

A moment of silence. Devourer turned his head towards Patrick with a look that seemed to say, ‘Patrick, what nonsense are you talking about?’ However, Patrick just stiffly nodded, tapping Devourer’s back with the gauntleted hand.

Although there seemed to be a message trying to be conveyed, Devourer couldn’t understand it, especially with Patrick avoiding eye contact and wearing a helmet.

“Um, Patrick…”

“Considering the rather modest attire, it might be uncomfortable for you. Given the circumstances, please understand. Even though he’s a slave, he has been quite helpful…”

“I’m just receiving what’s appropriate treatment, so please don’t take it too strangely.”

“I see. Since the knight said so, I should rather apologize from my side. I was momentarily confused about what to call him.”

The conversation between the two, excluding Devourer, continued. Devourer, who was unable to accept it and frowned, eventually succumbed to fatigue, lowering the corners of his eyes. Patrick, who had finally released the fingers pressing Devourer’s back, asked the innkeeper a question.

“So, by the way, we need a simple meal and a place to relieve fatigue.”

“You mentioned you came from Netranje, right? I’m afraid you might not be aware of the situation in our Hastin. I apologize, but we don’t have any food to treat the knight. It’s not just our shop. You won’t find any place selling food anywhere in this village.”

“…Because of the ‘Black Disaster,’ is it?”

“You’re aware of it. In that case, I trust you’ll understand.”

Contrary to his initial impression, the innkeeper could be naturally polite, or it might be his usual courtesy since Patrick was a knight. Whatever the reason, the innkeeper politely bowed. Devourer, who was despairing at the fact of no food, also bowed his head in succession.

“It can’t be helped if there’s no meal.”

“No, saying it can’t be helped that there’s no meal…”

“Don’t interfere when the owner is speaking.”

“Yes, sir.”

Seeing Patrick’s reaction, which was too natural for a situation that required such behavior, Devourer dropped his tail in disappointment.

It was a face filled not with disgrace but with helplessness. Patrick, glancing at Devourer in such a state, turned back to the innkeeper and opened his mouth again.

“So, is accommodation possible?”

This time, the innkeeper, slightly taken aback, absentmindedly stroked his beard. The answer came after a brief silence.

“…I apologize again to the knight, but honestly, we haven’t prepared for business at all. Even unlocking the door was for personal matters. Given the situation where we can’t even provide a meal, I cannot offer an unprepared room.”

“Well… I think it’s acceptable from my point of view.”

Patrick, who glanced at the somewhat surprised innkeeper, raised his right hand discreetly.

It seemed like it would turn out that way.

The village was a mess.

Taking in such a situation, where the town was in shambles and there was no way to make money, especially considering that there wouldn’t be much even if they hosted two guests, probably not even five ounces of silver combined.

In such circumstances, offering an unprepared room to guests seemed unthinkable. Patrick somewhat expected such a reaction.

After finishing his words, Patrick, who had a faint smile on his lips, raised his right hand subtly.

He somehow knew it would turn out like this.

The village is a mess.

In such a situation, hosting two guests and expecting to make much money, and then using that earned money for something meaningful, seemed improbable. Even combining the two, it probably wouldn’t amount to more than five ounces of silver.

In this dire situation, five ounces of silver was a considerable sum. It was certain that anyone would refuse. Patrick, having anticipated such a reaction to some extent, revealed a faint smile on his lips after finishing his words and flicked his finger toward the innkeeper.

Patrick, who had a faint smile on his lips after finishing his words, raised his right hand subtly.

He somehow knew it would turn out like this.

A small, sparkling object, whose appearance and origin were unknown, floated into the air as it left Patrick’s hand, accompanied by a tinkling sound.


At the metallic ringing sound, the innkeeper, who had absentmindedly extended his hands at the unexpected appearance of a coin, held the object within the shop.

“Suddenly, what coin is this… What?”

Immediately, the innkeeper’s voice, which deviated from the normal pitch, filled the interior of the shop. Like someone who had seen something they shouldn’t have, his voice departed from the usual tone upon seeing the coin, and he momentarily lost his composure.

The innkeeper asked Patrick again, who just smiled in response.

“Gold… coins?”

“How about being lenient with yourself?”

To cut to the chase, the power of gold coins was magnificent. It was a moment when Patrick’s past saying, “Most things that money can’t buy can be bought with more money,” was proven in real-time.

The place guided by the innkeeper was a room on the second floor with the largest and best-view balcony. With two windows and a spacious area, it seemed to be a room prepared for special guests’ special moments.

As soon as they arrived in the room, Devourer threw himself onto the two adjacent beds. There was a slight creaking sound near the ankle due to a missed shot, and the wood made a golden sound, but aside from that, the beds easily accommodated Devourer’s body. Considering it was from a small village, the bed quality was quite good.

“It’s much better than where I stayed with Melje in Riaze.”

Devourer’s small admiration echoed from under the covers.

“I’ll be going out for a moment then.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Patrick, after delivering a cliché remark to Devourer, stood up, brushing his knees.

“Boss, you’re resting. As for me, with a body that can’t even sleep, just staying here would be a waste of time. I’ll take a look around and be back soon.”

“Patrick, I don’t recommend pushing yourself that much.”

Even the citizens of Riaze, the imperial capital, wrapped up their daily routines when the sun set. A knight roaming the streets at night in a village that was already in a dire situation wouldn’t seem too suspicious.

“Don’t worry too much, Boss. On the contrary, since it’s nighttime, there might be places to move around freely. If the innkeeper asks about my whereabouts, just tell them I went for a simple night stroll. If they press further, you can say, ‘It’s the owner’s personal matter; don’t interfere.’ Give them a stern look. Boss, with your sharp gaze, you’ll look quite intimidating without even trying.”

Devourer, whose shoulders twitched at the term ‘owner,’ turned to glare at Patrick. His eyes were filled with dissatisfaction.

“By the way, speaking of which, did we really have to go with the slave setting?”

“Huh? … Well, Boss, isn’t the outfit you’re wearing the most comfortable attire? If you’re going to walk around in that shabby attire, rather than being treated like a beggar, it’s much better to be treated as a slave.”

At least a slave is someone’s property. There’s an owner to the body. Miserable as it is, it’s special, and because of that, it can’t be easily meddled with.

With a fairly flat and businesslike tone, Patrick continued his explanation.

“If you walk around in that outfit, all ten out of ten people will treat Boss like a beggar. It’s much more dangerous to go around pretending to be a beggar. You never know when or how someone might pick a fight. I thought logically and made a judgment for Boss’s sake.”

“No, still, a slave…?”

“Boss, don’t you want to move as little as possible?”

“Of course. I’ve reached a point where I’d rather be born as a rock in my next life.”

“Then it’s better to listen to what I say.”

“You speak wisely, Master.”

He reluctantly accepted it. There’s no reason to fuss about some trivial formality if it allows him to move less.

After exchanging a few meaningless words, Patrick concluded the conversation with, “Well then, I’ll be off.” He opened the window and jumped out, causing a slight noise that Devourer barely registered. Since there was no sound resembling the collapse of a window, he must have landed safely.

Devourer, with his face buried in the bed again, stayed in that position for a while. The cool breeze entering through the open window was quite refreshing. If he stayed like this for another five minutes, he felt like he would fall asleep right there. Enjoying sleep in a cool dungeon is nice, but this isn’t bad either.

The sound of an owl crying came from beyond the window.

“…But they really don’t make it comfortable to sleep.”

It was around that time that he heard the discreet sound of someone coming up the stairs.


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