Monster Integration

Chapter 3856 Competent

Chapter 3856 Competent

"What do you think about his offer?" asked a man and a surprise couldn't help but appear on the woman's face.

"Are you seriously thinking about it?" she asked, and the man nodded. The woman opened her mouth to say something but closed it seeing the expression on the face of the man she loves.

"He knows about us. He is also aware of a lot of things. We also have leverage over him, if things were to go wrong," he said, and the woman laughed.

"That man scares me. I have come across Primes, and they didn't scare me as that man does," "When he looked at me. I feel naked. I feel like he could see through every secret of mine. I don't like it,"

"As for the leverage; I don't think we have any."

"He didn't seem worried at all. When he showed us all those resources; he seemed to be very sure, that we wouldn't be able to tell anyone anything about him and it is not just because of the trust," she said worriedly.

The man didn't say anything for several seconds.

"I wouldn't have thought about taking his help, but you know, what happened last time? I feared it might happen again and this time; I won't be able to stop it," said the man.

Hearing that, the eyes of the woman become worried. She knew what happened during his Earth Sovereign, he was barely able to survive.

"Do you think he will be able to help you with that?" she asked, to which he shrugged.

"I don't know, but he is the only person, I could think of aside from elders at the village. It will be years before we will reach the village and I don't want to burden on you, till then," he said.

The pain appeared in the woman's eyes as she heard those words and took her lover's face in her hand and looked into his eyes.

"You are not a burden. Don't ever say that!" she said.

He didn't say anything to that, but embraced her naked body tighter and inhaled her smell, which always made him calm.

"Congratulations, Michael. Your understanding of the ancient runes has now reached the competent level," she said, and a big smile lit up across my face.

I felt I had reached it, but her words made it formal.

The declaration made me so ecstatic that tears started to flow from my eyes. "Thank you, teacher," I said after controlling my emotions.

Competent may not seem like much, but it is. Prime study for centuries to reach this level, but I did it for decades, while not being a Prime.

"You don't have to thank me, Michael. You have achieved it, with your own efforts," she said, bringing another tide of emotions, which I was barely able to calm.

'I think, it is time, I ask her that question,' I thought.

"Do you think, I am ready for the challenge, teacher?" I asked, feeling a little nervous. "That is for you to decide," she replied and disappeared, while I laid back on the chair with a sigh.

I was asking about the library challenge. Completing it will open another floor for me.

I feel like, I am ready for it, but I will think about it a few more days, before deciding.

The current knowledge I have in my hand is enough for me to work, but more is always better. I have seen how drastically deeper the knowledge of each floor is and I would be an idiot if I believe it won't help me much.

Still, I want to think about it for a while before making a decision.

I pushed those thoughts and focused on the homework. I thought it was simple homework, at the level of what she usually gave me, but as I studied it and realized the complexities within, my expressions couldn't help, but turn serious.

'It will be a challenge,' I said as I messaged my head, but there was a smile on my face.

I didn't waste any time and started working on it.

Soon, I focused on it completely, forgetting everything else; I only have a formation in my mind, that I have to create.

The homework the teacher gave, was never related to inheritance, but every challenge helped me in inheritance. I have to solve it because if I know the teacher, then the homework from now on would be as too difficult as this one.

Hours passed, and before I knew it, it had been twenty hours passed.

I only noticed the time because of the clock that rang gently every hour. It had rung twenty times since I had started working on the formation.

A few more hours passed and finally, a smile appeared on my face.

'Fuck, it was complex!" I cursed, but there was a big smile on my face. It took me thirty-one hours, but I created the formation, that produced the result that the teacher wanted.

I double-checked the formation, before closing my eyes, and for an hour, I did nothing. I didn't even think, I remained sitting with my eyes closed.

I opened them an hour later and walked toward my clones. The work in the inheritance has already begun. I joined them but didn't stay with them for long and returned to my table.

I tapped in the air, and a complex formation appeared in front of me. I have to upgrade it for the next upgrade.

Upgrading isn't a challenge for me. The challenge is to upgrade it with the ancient runes. The formation has 11.4% of ancient runes and I have to increase that by at least 2.5%.

The number is small, but it is a tall task. I will need to accomplish it if I want the power.

The power, I project is possible because of the inheritance. If it had been a subpar inheritance, then even with the methods and forbidden power; I wouldn't have been half as powerful as I am right now.

I studied it and began to select the common formation I could upgrade into the ancient ones.

I have already converted all the basic formations. The ones that remained are not basic; they are complex and converting them into the ancient rune formation is going to be a challenge.

Soon, I found what I had been looking for and copied it out of the formation before making the rest disappear.

"Now I have to turn you into the formation of ancient runes," I said to the common rune formation and began.

I began to draw the ancient runes frenziedly, but stopped a few seconds later and stared at them for a few minutes, before making small changes. I looked at the changes for a minute more before doing it.

Minutes passed and turned into the hours, and I kept working.


It was at the twenty-second hour, that formation buzzed. Seeing that, I smiled, but I controlled my emotions and brought the formation it is part of.

I begin to make adjustments. I couldn't simply replace it. I need to make an adjustment to it, which didn't take me more than a few minutes before I added the formation and activated it.


It buzzed clearly without any problem.

It worked better than I had thought. Now, I have to do that with a few more formations of this big formation.

I will need to make such changes in thousands of such big formations and design a few hundred new ones before the upgrade will be ready for me to use.

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