Monster Integration

Chapter 3850 Tenth Clone

Chapter 3850 Tenth Clone


The word rang out through the voice of the two Primes and Grimm together.

Immediately, the battles below stopped one after another, before the natives and Grimms separated. Soon, both armies were completely separated and now looking at each other.

"You are lucky this time; next time you won't be," said Grimm to the two Primes. "If you dare to come next time, even your body won't leave," replied the Prime.

The Grimm didn't say anything to that. It simply grinned and looked down, making the grin on its face become bigger before it waved its hand.

A colossal gate appeared, and I felt it connecting itself to the space of the ruin. It had already drilled a hole and an only a few seconds for the connections to stabilize.

"Enter!" it commanded.

Immediately, the Grimms moved in order. The first one to enter the Sky Sovereigns as they are the most important. They moved fast, entering the formation, hundreds by a minute.

Nobody stopped them. The Primes just watch the Grimm Prime with its back on them. If the Grimm hadn't been strong enough to force them on the defensive; they wouldn't have let him leave so easily.

They would have fought till one side was totally defeated or made the retreat hard.

I couldn't help but regret seeing them leave. I am quite close to my limit. If I had fought for an hour or two, I might have reached it.

Soon, it was the turn of Earth Sovereigns; they took longer because of high numbers, leaving only the Prime Grimm behind.

"See you again, natives," it said and disappeared, long with the gate.

For a couple of seconds, there was a silence before the Prime turned to us.

"The spawns of abomination had struck us; they wanted to kill us all, but we fought them bravely, forcing them to retreat."

"For it, I am proud of you all," said the Prime and disappeared along with the second Prime. With them, the dome had also disappeared, with many people descending.

I didn't move from my spot as I waited for Ven and Sarena.

"It is quite a battle. I thought I would die," said Ven as he stopped beside me with his girlfriend. "You did good. Those you have fought were not easy to kill," I said. To which he rolled his eyes.

"They were nothing compared to what you had fought," he replied, and I smiled. "I am Sky Sovereign, you are not," I said.

His disguise is perfect; even Prime wouldn't be able to tell the difference until he looked deep enough.

"Let's go down. We need rest after the big battle," said Sarena after a few seconds of silence.

I nodded, and we descended, not toward the city, but outside of it. Many people have decided to set up above in the wild, instead of going back to the ship or the hotel.

I took out my abode, and they took out theirs before turning to me. I smiled and waved my hand. Immediately, a young woman appeared.

I could see the relief in their eyes seeing her.

"Take a rest," I said and walked into my abode.

I wanted to sleep immediately, instead I showered and ate the food my clone had cooked. I am famished; I hadn't had anything in over two days.

I returned to my room and lay on the bed, before falling into sleep. I was in a deep sleep within seconds.

When I woke up, it was nearly midnight. I had slept for over ten hours, without any alarm. Woke only when I felt completely rested and refreshed.

I didn't get out of bed immediately, instead; I laid there for a couple of minutes, thinking. Especially, what had happened in the past a couple of days; it was unexpected, but the benefits were also great.

I had completed the zero level of the dance of ukasanavor, which had been stressing me, and made a breakthrough to Earth Sovereigns.

The Grimms have given me a huge increase in strength. I am very close to the limit, as for how long it will take me to reach it; I don't know. I haven't started practicing the dance yet; I would be able to predict after the first session.

Finally, I walked out of bed, freshened, and ate something light, before laying on the couch and closing my eyes.

I have a lot of things to do, and it is better, if I start immediately.

A moment later, I entered my core, and it was completely transformed. Every plan is grown and filled with the resources, including those that had been planted less than a day ago, made a growth, that would have taken them years or decades.

I looked at them, and the smile on my face couldn't help but widened up.

made a growth, that would have taken them years or decades.

I looked at them, and the smile on my face couldn't help but It is a massive wealth, to make even Prime jealous. The sheer number of plants here is amazing and most of them are rare and precious.

Some couldn't be grown outside without heavy effort. It is because of the unique environment of my core, that I could grow those plants here.

I looked at them for a while, before I went to my bees, which had worked like a workhorse yesterday, beyond their limit. My clones had pumped them with things, so they could go over their limits.

It is not something, I usually do, and harmful for the bees if done repeatedly, but they were extraordinary circumstances.

I had harvested a large amount of growth energy from the Grimm. Which I had provided, the resource growing plants slowly, so the bees could harness the maximum nectar from them.

Now the honeycombs are filled to the brims, while the bees are unconscious and going through the treatment in the vats, including the queens.

The first batch should wake up and start to work again. Their orders of business should be producing the Sky Sovereign bees. Only one hive is Sky Sovereign; I kept the rest of them to the Earth Sovereign.

Now, that I had advanced. It is time for all of them to advance too, and it won't be the problem with this Sky Sovereign grade nectar, filling their hives to the brim.

They have collected so much nectar here that they needed to expand the give to store it. My clone had also helped them. The bees had a natural limit; they needed a little help.

Thankfully, my clone had started preparing for it; the moment, I had killed the first bloodline Grimm.

I took a last look at the hive, before walking out of it and appeared at the small pool, where all my clones have gathered. It had been a long while since I had a new clone; I needed it for a lot of work, that needed to be done.

I looked at preparations, including the Peak Earth-Sovereign grade stainless-blood soul lotus.

I have the stainless lotus of the Sky Sovereign grade, but its won't matter if I use the Earth Sovereign. It is a little better and more in synch than using those above my level.

"Let's create a tenth clone," I said and sat above the pool and began the process.

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