Monster Integration

Chapter 3839 Battle At Gate I

Chapter 3839 Battle At Gate I

"Cowards!" cursed Ven, seeing a group of people leaving.

I didn't say anything and flew toward the gate with the people who had decided to stay. Only a small percentage of people have left, but their absence will affect things a lot.

There is no option. We couldn't afford to wait for more people to gather, we need to act as quickly as possible.

A few minutes passed and Grimms at the gate had finally sensed us. The smiles appeared on their faces, with many moving out of the places and gathering in front of the gates.

We got closer to the gate, with me in the lead. I don't usually like to take the lead, but here I am strongest, which makes it my responsibility.

Our faces are somber and the two had even left, seeing the Grimms. I am glad that more didn't follow. If they had, we might have needed to abandon the entire plan of the attack.

Soon, there were less than ten miles of distance between us. I could see, the eighty-seven Sky Sovereigns. A huge number, that many organizations would love to have, but here, such numbers are guarding a gate.

There are at least a thousand Sky Sovereigns in the ruin. This is a massive number, for any organization, including Tor, but for Grimms, it is not.

The bastards have huge numbers and progress faster. It is already a miracle, that we are resisting the Grimms and their creators, despite the massive advantages they have over us.

The only advantage we have over them is that it is our world.

"We have been debating about the dinner and you guys, so graciously presented yourselves."

"Now, we will have fresh meat for dinner," said the Blue Horned Apeman with a massive warhammer on its shoulder.

"I am afraid we are not something. You and your critter will be able to swallow," I replied and anger flashed into the Apeman's deep brown eyes for a moment before the calmness returned and it smiled.

"Don't worry; we have good chefs. They will remove all the bitterness you might have," it said and removed the warhammer from shouting and pointed toward me.

"Charge! I want all the natives dead by the dinnertime," it said and Grimms moved.

"Kill the Grimms, till nothing remained," I said calmly, and the natives shot toward the Grimms with greater fury, than the crackling sky above us.

The Apeman and I didn't move. We watched the clash for a few seconds before flying urgently, without moving our eyes from each other.

"I have a thing for the last wishes. You can tell, how you want to be eaten. I will cook you that way," It asked as we stopped.

Burst 90%.

"Ask me, when you are about to kill me," I said and shot toward it, while activating the burst at 90%. It gave me massive power; something, I have not felt in my body.

I had tested my strength in the formation, but since coming out of it. I had killed countless Grimms, making with the bloodline. It took my strength to reach a different level, I hope, these enemies will force me to use all my strength.

I needed to get control over it before I walked out of the gate.

I don't know what there is on the other side; the Grimms might be waiting, or it could be a battle that is happening. If we are lucky, we might see everything good with Prime dealing with most of the trouble.


There was a barely hundred meters of distance between me and the Grimm when the enemy finally acted.


Puh Puh

My lance clashed against the invisible blade of Night-Scale Viperman, sending it back vomiting and visible.

A shock flashed in the eyes of Apeman, and the powerful aura blasted off its body. The attack of Viperman was sneaky and powerful, but I was able to detect it and sent it back vomiting.

It had finally, made the Apeman serious. Forced it to bring its real power. If it didn't, it would suffer the same fate as the Viperman, who have not stopped and become invisible, just like my string's limbs had been when they clashed against its invisible attack.


Roared the Apeman and attacked me with its massive stone Warhammer, covered in dense blue energy.


My tiny sword clashed against the massive warhammer, stopping it, without shaking. At the same time, Viperman attacked again, and my string limbs dealt with its attack.

Its expressions became serious, while I launched the attack, more powerful than the last.

The Viperman came at me, and I let my string arms deal with it. It is not as big of a threat as the Apeman is to me. Its strength lies in stealth, while many fear it more than an Apeman, but I didn't.

They fear it because they can't sense it or see its attack. To me, that is not a problem. Its methods are so useless, that it makes no difference to me, whether it is invisible or visible.

The things, that matter to me are its power and its strength. It barely fits in average; to be honest, I am kind of disappointed.

Though, I am glad it is weak. I will be able to finish it quickly after I deal with Apeman, who has started to make my heart beat wildly.

It is such regret that I want to finish the battle quickly. I would have a long battle with it, where I could fight, till I am completely satiated and satisfied.

It responded to my attack, with more energy covering its hammer, before morphing into lightning.

It surprised me before a small smile appeared on my face.

I wanted to see it for a long time. It is a morph-style inheritance; it is extremely rare in both Grimms and natives. I have been searching for it. It will be tremendously helpful to me in hiding the forbidden power.


We clashed, creating a defeating sound and powerful shockwave, that pushed people below us, that they decided to move away.

It is wise because the attacks are going to get a lot stronger.

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