Monster Breeder

16. Grotto Part 2 (R-18)

16. Grotto Part 2 (R-18)


*Selected Mermaid Ovipositor!*

After expending the use of Paternal Malleability, my Goblin cock reshapes into something sleeker and pink. Despite being ten inches long, the Ovipositor’s last several inches are much narrower than the Goblin version. The first couple inches, however, are much girthier, so my deep thrusts should hit that much harder.

The prehensile, almost tentacle-like control is a bit like getting a third arm. I know its purpose is to help longer creatures, like Mermaids, or monsters without hands, like Kani, find and align with their partner’s entrance more easily.

If my body can now gain new appendages this easily, maybe I could try tentacles at some point…

Later. I need to strike while the iron is hot! Kani is defenseless, reveling in her post-coital high.

“Kani~” I get her attention in a seductive tone as I comb a loose lock of hair behind my ear. Her eyes are glued to my swaying hips and the swinging member between my legs. I lay my hands on her carapace to either side of her head and lean in. “Wanna try receiving this time?”

“Y-yes…” The crab girl seems intimidated by my forwardness, but she relaxes beneath me in invitation. Her head tilts back to expose her neck and I kiss her throat while pressing my body flush against her slippery torso.

My prehensile mer-cock traces the outline of Kani’s vulva. Then I rub my shaft between her labia.

“Mmm,” she hums her appreciation as her member wriggles against my tummy. It tickles in a way that makes my mer-cock rock hard. My tip searches through her ever-present crustacean foam to find her entrance and slide inside.

“Fuck, you feel nice,” I whisper in her ear.

“This is… Alex’s… dick. Mph!” Kani grunts as I shove my length into her love tunnel.

I roll my hips against the crab girl, savoring the in and out. Then I pause and lean back to appreciate the chocolate-skinned girl beneath me. Kani’s chest heaves and her core pulses around my shaft. My hands run across her bubble-slick stomach, shoulders, and breasts.

Then I thrust into her with gusto. Between my own slippery shaft, her internal juices, and the crab foam, the lubrication is amazing.

“Yes!” We grind together, both working toward a mutual climax.

That’s when I feel small hands grab my buttocks and spread them.

“This is called ‘returning the favor’ Alex,” Gabby taunts as she takes revenge on me for earlier today while I’m in a vulnerable position. Casting her spectacles aside, she buries her face in my ass, and her Goblin tongue aggressively rims my rosebud. Cruel betrayal! Then I feel her oral member press its way into my pucker.

“Ahn! Gabby!” Each withdrawal from Kani forces the Goblin’s tongue deeper. Pleasure from the front and behind batters my brain and whittles my will; I won’t last long like this. My hips move on their own, thrusting with greater force to slam myself harder against the girls I’m sandwiched between.

“I’m not about to let you sabotage Alex,” Ariella says as she surges upward with a splash of her tail. She grabs my thighs to hold herself partially out of the water behind Gabby standing in the shallows. “But you do make for an excellent toy.”

“Mph!” Gabby’s surprise is muffled by my butt cheeks as the Mermaid aligns her mer-cock with the Goblin’s honeypot.

Ariella pulls on my hips, pressing Gabby’s face into my ass as she shoves her member into the green girl’s sheath.

“Ahn! I didn’t know Goblins were this tight!”

Her fingers dig deep into the meat of my thighs as she uses her grip as leverage. Splashes come from behind as her tail provides the thrust, slamming into Gabby, whose tongue is wedged deep inside my secret tunnel.

“Mph! Mph! Mph!”

“Ah-ah-ahn!” I can’t help moaning with each wonderful thrust.

Ariella fucks my ass from behind with a Goblin girl dildo.

Meanwhile, Kani is going out of her mind with pleasure as I pound her pussy. Crab claws clack, and crustacean legs dig into the ground as her large body trembles. Everything crescendos at once as I hug Kani tight around the middle and thrust as deep as I can go.

“Ahhhn!!!” Kani screams as the extra girth from my mer-cock bottoming out wrings a feminine orgasm from her core.

Her spasming grip around me stimulates borrowed instincts that initiate a complicated series of muscle contractions. My climax starts by spewing Mermaid cum onto her cervix, which dilates in response. Then my prehensile tip works its way into her womb and lodges inside. The extended orgasm gives me convulsions that squeeze my internal organs like a tube of toothpaste.

I can feel my tummy tattoo rewriting as my bean-sized Mermaid daughter is pushed from my womb into a new tunnel. I feel the embryo as it’s shunted through the length of my ovipositor. It’s a slight spike of pain that only adds to the experience. The final release of expelling my precious cargo deep inside my crab girl lover is an explosive climax that leaves me spent and satisfied.

*Impregnation Successful – One Male Breeder Mark!*

Hold up. Glancing down at the new tattoo on my tummy opens my world to new possibilities. I tap the menu to confirm my theory.

*Breeder Marks – One (Male)!*

Paternal Malleability I (II - 3)

Paternal Customization (3)

Paternal Inheritance I

Paternal Seminal Control

Paternal Seminal Potency

Partner Tracker

Maternal Ovarian Control

            Maternity Ward

Maternal Fetus Protection

Maternal Inheritance I

Maternal Fast-Gestation I

Maternal Mammary Control and Potency


Okay, maybe maxing the Breeder category won’t be as simple as I thought. More importantly, I just double-dipped with Ariella’s daughter! Getting through the Maternal tree won’t take a decade plus!


I activate Maternal Ovarian Control, commanding my body to obey my will. My tummy tattoo burns as it alters to show another ovum descending into my womb. Success!

I’m glad I didn’t take Fast-Gestation. It was mostly an impulse decision, but I had a fear in the back of my mind that it’d double my daily caloric requirements while condensing the pregnancy to half as many months. I don’t want to eat Gabby out of house and home!

“Alex, I love your new wife,” Ariella says as she relentlessly slams her hips into Gabby’s pillowy ass.

The Goblin’s face between my buttocks is doing wonderful things to my sensitive areas, but I think she needs a breather.

“Ariella, it worked! Kani is now our daughter’s surrogate mother. Want to make another?” My ham-fisted pickup line works spectacularly.

The Mermaid pauses, thunderstruck with excitement at the thought. I smile, and Ariella’s expression melts with affection. She releases my thighs and slides into the water; Gabby dislodges from my ass with an audible pop, then a gasp. The little Goblin’s slack-jawed expression is a blissful vacancy.

Giving Kani’s dazed face a quick farewell kiss, I unsheathe myself from her depths. The crab girl is a sticky mess. Streaks of white on her belly and mine show she came again with her mer-cock during our session. I lovingly lick the stains from her chocolate breasts and scoop the cum pooling in her navel with a finger before sucking it clean.

Turning my attention to my wives, I pull Gabby from the Mermaid’s impaling member and set her on the grotto’s shore. Then I lay atop my Goblin wife, our breasts pressing together, nipples kissing, and spread my legs. I want to try receiving doggystyle.

“Let’s make a baby, Ariella.”

My Mermaid bride is above me in a heartbeat. I feel her teardrop tits land on my back as she mounts me. “I’m so lucky you dropped into my life.”

Her prehensile mer-cock aligns with my nether entrance.

“We’ll have to thank the one who dropped me sometime.”

“…I would’ve been skeptical before, but meeting your little green lover has changed my mind. She’s a wonderful addition to the family.”

I kiss Gabby gently on the lips and taste my ass. This has been an amazing day! I hope Gabby feels the same way, that she feels us all bonding together.

“Family…” I grin a silly grin and look over my shoulder to meet Ariella’s sapphire eyes. “I need to introduce you to my parents! I don’t know how, but I’ll make it happen!” She smiles and thrusts into my sweet channel. “Ahn!”

“To think I considered keeping you all for myself in an underwater cavern. You’d be wasted in a dark hole, Alex. I want you to be free to do all sorts of wonderful things.”

Ariella humps my rear while plundering my treasure chamber as I kiss Gabby back to consciousness. The Goblin shortstack comes to, feels my lips on hers, sees Ariella pumping behind me, and her eyes flutter closed again as she relaxes. Yes, this is the life!

“Ahem,” Kani clears her throat nearby, having composed herself after my ravishing. “M-may I have a turn with the Goblin?”

Kani is clearly asking Ariella, but my Mermaid bride refuses to pause her thrusting for even a moment to answer. She’s deferring to me!

“Her name… is Gabby… say it!” I manage to gasp between moans as each impact from Ariella’s mer-cock slamming its wide base into my sheath sends sparks shooting across my vision.

“A-Alright,” Kani seems a bit surprised at my demand. “May I f-fuck Gabby?”

I turn my head to Ariella and say, “Let’s do another four-way.”

My Mermaid bride grabs us in her arms and pulls us into the water with a splash of her tail without withdrawing from my sheath. Her mer-cock’s natural lubrication is waterproof, making underwater sex a delightful prospect. Ariella struggles to keep our heads above the surface at first, but Kani helps with that.

The crab girl is large enough to stand with her human torso’s head and shoulders above water. Kani grabs Gabby and aligns her mer-cock with the Goblin’s love tunnel from behind while I continue to kiss the shortstack in a tight embrace.

With me thus anchored, Ariella is able to grip my waist for leverage and use her powerful tail to deliver a satisfying pussy pounding. The four of us hold each other and find a rhythm that suits us. Kani and Ariella time their thrusts to push Gabby and me together again and again.

The water splashes and churns as we make waves in our erotic thrashing.

“Alex, I can’t get over how amazing your human pussy feels!” Ariella gets so cute when she’s close.

“This Goblin pussy is great too,” Kani adds, taking liberties with saying Gabby’s name directly after receiving permission to fuck said Goblin.

The Mermaid pants in my ear as she humps me. “Please, Alex, can I?” she pleads with sweet desperation.

I know what she’s asking, and I already gave her permission. She’s such a needy, adorable bottom! “Cum for me, Ariella.”

Like she was waiting for me, the Mermaid thrusts deep and hard, then shudders as she cums on my cervix.


Kani isn’t far behind. “I’m cumming!”

The two Mermaids grip us tight as they both unload. Gabby goes rigid in my arms and whines as she orgasms. My pleasure plateaus, then spikes as Ariella’s tip enters my uterus, then rockets again as the ovipositor inside me swells to deposit another bean-sized egg in my womb.


The sensation of fulfillment is incredible. It’s so much better with the girl I love than some random townie monster or a Wolf Lord. I smile as the egg senses my ovum, hatches, and swallows it without competition.

*You’ve Conceived a Mermaid! – One Female Breeder Mark!

“We did it,” I tell my first wife as we bask in the afterglow. I cradle Gabby as she nuzzles her face into my neck. Ariella hugs me from behind and kisses Gabby’s green forehead. I’m so happy she feels the way I do about the three of us!

Kani holds us and keeps us from drifting. She’s nice to have around and has proved herself a pleasant sexual partner, but I don’t know if she’s wife material. I’ll make sure she takes good care of our daughter, though.

“Ariella~” I meet her sapphire eyes and give a sultry wink. “Ready?”

“Y-yes, Alex. L-let’s do it!”

She’s cute when she’s nervous too! The Mermaid swims me to shore, quivering with excitement.

“Ariella, can we try something, first?” I say as I fondle her fantastic breasts.

“Anything, my pearl.”

A thrill runs through me after hearing the pet name. “You say the sweetest things.”

I use my male Breeder mark from impregnating Kani.

*Selected Paternal Seminal Control!*


*Choose one*



Spawn Attributes


*Volume Selected!*

Step one to not get sucked dry by Gabby tonight complete!

“Can you do for me what you did for Kani, earlier?” I ask.

The smile I get is 100% predatory. “Of course~”

I shiver looking at those sharp teeth. Then I hop onto the dry rocks and sit, legs spread, with my feet dangling in the water, mer-cock on full display.

Ariella eagerly swims between my legs and lowers her face to my pubic mound. Mouth wide, tongue lolling, she licks me from base to tip. My hips twitch. Then she slurps my tapered length into her mouth and throat to the root. My hips buck, and I fight for self-control.

Her sapphire eyes bore into mine as she swallows around my length. My prehensile tip explores her throat, rolling and twisting inside her like a tentacle. The convulsing muscles of her tongue, mouth, and gullet massage me relentlessly.

There’s no resisting the mounting pleasure until I’m cumming in her throat. And cumming. And cumming. Cream shoots from Ariella’s nose, and she pulls my tip from her mouth as it shoots rope after rope onto her face, neck, and breasts.

“Sorry,” I apologize as she coughs. “I didn’t properly control the amount.”

My body now produces several times the amount of semen the average human male’s testicles can store each time I cum. I can restrict myself to a more reasonable amount, or double and double it again. I’m not sure what my limit is at this point.

Ariella laughs. “Your magic gets stranger by the day! And your taste is still deliciously human.”

“That’s what Gabby said, earlier.”

“Did you get a mark for tonight?” the Goblin in question accuses, having swam to shore.


“You’re the best wife a Gobbo could ask for!”

The Goblin shortstack jumps on me for a hug, then proceeds to lick my cum from where it splattered all over Ariella. Even Kani is there to guzzle every drop she can find before the green-skinned girl gobbles them up. Ariella gives a ticklish laugh like tinkling crystals as two girls kiss and lick her sensitive skin.

Then I take Ariella’s face in my hands and tenderly kiss her. “Lie down for me.”

She obeys without hesitation, pulling herself onto land to give me better access. The gossamer fins beneath her remind me of a frilly wedding dress. I mount my bride, aligning my prehensile mer-cock’s tip with the hole beneath her everted member. Not the no-no hole beneath.

The Mermaid gives me bedroom eyes as I slide home. Even after a dip in ocean water, the cool of her soft body around my hot-blooded shaft is an incredible shock.

Fuck!” I say.

She giggles as I lower my breasts onto hers and kiss her neck. Her mer-cock writhes between us as I roll my hips again and again. There’s no rush. We take our time here, making love in the grotto.

Gabby lays beside me, legs spread in an invitation that Kani doesn’t miss. The pent-up crab girl and greedy Goblin are just as eager for another round as we are. I’m sure Kani’s prehensile tip is a lifesaver for the girl without arms as she thrusts into my shortstack wife.

My hand reaches out to find Gabby’s. We hold hands as we fuck our respective Seafolk.

Ariella moans and squirms beneath me as my thrusts and questing tip find hidden erogenous zones deep in her secret cove. After a long session of build-up, Kani and I begin thrusting with more urgency.

“Ah-ah-ah-ahn!” Ariella’s musical voice sings with each carnal slam. “Alex, is it time?”

“Yes,” I hiss between my teeth as I near the tipping point.

“I-I… don’t know… if I’m ready for this…”

I lean in and kiss her before pulling away to show a confident smile. “You’ll be a great mother.”

Then I pound her Mermaid pussy with everything I have.


I plunge deep, my tip finding her cervix as my first spurt of Mermaid cum dilates her inner entrance. I surge into Ariella’s own grotto and squeeze our second daughter through the length of my ovipositor until the embryo surges out in a final release.

“I love you, Ariella!”

*Impregnation Successful – One Male Breeder Mark!*

Ariella’s mer-cock sprays cum all over our bellies and tits as she violently orgasms with me. We lie there, embracing as we watch the show next to us.

Kani is huge, with her crab body delicately hovering over the comparatively tiny and fragile Goblin while her humanoid torso relentlessly humps the green shortstack. Gabby latches onto the crab girl’s breast like a remora while being plowed into the ground.

I unsheath myself from my lover and have an idea. I flip around with my waist above Ariella’s head and begin licking the caviar cream from her belly. She, in turn, mirrors me. Soon I reach her teardrop tits, and my mouth suckles a nipple. When she matches me, we complete the circle of a glorious tits sixty-nine.

Then Kani screams, and Gabby moans as the crab girl stuffs the Goblin with more cum.

I spend another few minutes with my face in Ariella’s breasts while she teases my nipples, and the two next to us gradually decouple.

Lifting my lips from her tits with a pop, I wonder, “Does the ovipositor know when not to work?”

Ariella sits up next to me and responds, “One time, I tried to lay my egg in a Mermaid, and it didn’t feel right. I just knew she was already pregnant.”

Maybe the sensitive tip can detect hormones? Or it’s magic, whatever.

“So, you two aren’t going to start passing my daughters around, stick Gabby with all three of my ‘spawn,’ or lay an egg in the wrong hole?”

“That’s terrible!” Ariella looks affronted, and I give her a quick kiss in apology. Mollified, she continues, “Our instincts are strong against those things, and I won’t produce another egg once my body senses our daughter inside me.”

No more using Ariella to cheat the system, then. “Once the embryo is attached to the uterine wall, no more ‘hot potato.’” She nods with a suppressed smile at my crude metaphor.

“Ready to leave, Gabby?” I ask as I approach the two in the post-coital glow. I sit, grab the Goblin by the waist, and pull her crotch to my face. Then I lick and suck the caviar cream from the pink tunnel in her green skin.

“Ah-Alex!” Gabby cries my name as she arches her spine and pushes herself harder into my mouth and probing tongue. “Please, another round?”

“You just got here!” Kani objects.

“Yes, it’s hours before dark!” Ariella adds.

I nod, seeing their reasoning. “Well, I had a lot of sex earlier on top of this, so I’m ready for a break. This greedy Goblin, though, needs a lot more dicking. Let’s try a new position.”

I sit Gabby on the edge of the water as the Seafolk gather around us. I maneuver Ariella face to face with Gabby while Kani lowers her torso into range of the Goblin’s mouth. In seconds, the two are occupying the shortstack’s oral and nether holes with vigor.

Step two to not get sucked dry by Gabby tonight complete! The little Goblin will be too tuckered-out by the Seafolk to test my stamina later.

If my wives and girls want to have fun together, that’s fine. They’re all pregnant with my offspring! Being a Tamer is the best! Being a Breeder is the best! This is my calling in life.

“I’m stepping outside to grab some sun.” None of them are listening.

Good, this will be dangerous, and I don’t want them stopping me.

Picking up a discarded Fishman spear, I subtly exit the grotto with a mission in mind, and marks to spend.

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