Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 186: Cashless, Kissless Date (7)*

Chapter 186: Cashless, Kissless Date (7)*

Gayoon lost all her senses when Minho softly pressed on her tattoo. Despite the warmth of the water, she let out a shudder at his touch. His one arm was wrapped around her waist while the other one was fondling her breast, exploring the trace of the tattoo.

Minho drew a sharp breath at her reactions. She was not pushing away his advances, her posture beginning to relax. He gently squeezed her breast, making her hiss. She looked at him with her large, sultry eyes. Minho smirked, squeezing it a little more, causing an unfamiliar heat to rise within Gayoon. She could not understand the feeling but it made her feel good.

She used her index finger to trace his taut abs almost gulping. The kissless date was testing her patience and she leaned in closer to kiss his neck. Minho groaned when she bit into his skin, leaving a red mark on it. Before Gayoon could taste him more, she felt Minho's other hand pulling on the strings of her top.

To her shock, her bikini top came off and floated off into the water. Conscious of herself, she was about to cover her chest but Minho held her close. 

"Relax," he murmured in her ears. "Just relax. If there's anything you don't want me to do, then just say it."

Gayoon was too shy to say it out loud but she was enjoying his touches and wanted more. Her heart and body reacted to him in a way that she could not fathom. She had never felt this strongly for another man before and despite their differences, there was an undeniable connection between them which was bringing out the feelings which were dormant in both of them.

But were they ready to go further than this? 

"Are you alright?" he whispered. She nodded against his chest.

He understood her nervousness. This level of intimacy was exciting and at the same time, scary for her. Especially after the happenings of the past month, she was still in a delicate state. No matter how strong she tried to be, there was a part of her which was still hesitant about the future.

"I" Gayoon began but trailed off. Minho waited for her to collect her thoughts. Gayoon was not sure if she wanted him to stop or not. 

"I want to show you my tattoo," she finally managed to squeak. Minho snickered. Still holding her in his embrace, he slowly led her towards the stone slab and grabbed her waist to hoist her over it. Gayoon barely had the time to sit when he jumped on her, pushing her back against the cold stone.

He let out a sharp breath upon seeing her topless, lying beneath him. Gayoon blushed as he eyed her body, devouring her with his gaze alone. Her twin mounds were perked up by the heat coursing through her body while her face had turned scarlet due to their proximity. Minho stroked her cheek, unable to take his eyes off her.

His fingers traced her jaws to her neck, leaving a ticklish sensation across her skin. Gayoon closed her eyes, trying to feel the warmth of his touches, his fingers trailing her intimate parts. Minho leaned over to kiss her nape, licking it. Gayoon suppressed a moan when he found a sensitive spot, causing her hips to slightly brush against his groin. Their legs were entangled together, her ones writhing against his thighs.

Minho traced his kisses from her neck to her chest, leaving little bite marks. Gayoon's fingers were clutching his hair, her eyes closed while her instincts were on high alert to his teases. He kissed her skin all the way to her nubs, when he paused and stared at the hibiscus tattoo. 

It was a simple tattoo of a pink hibiscus with black vines emerging from it in the shape of small spirals. The tattoo was hardly bigger than his thumb but the color of it was alluring against her pale skin. He grazed his finger over it, feeling the smooth ink. 

Gayoon opened his eyes to look at him. He was marveling at the tattoo and his usually stoic face was flashing a thousand emotions. 

"Y-you didn't like it?" she stammered in a small tone. 

Minho shook his head. "No," he said. "I think it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

Hwang Minho had a way with words which was enough to drive Gayoon insane. Every word he spoke were with sincerity which would make anyone feel loved even though he did not realize that he could possess such a power. Hearing that from him overwhelmed her heart and before she could see anything more, Minho's resolve broke.

He slowly kissed the tattoo, causing jolts to coarse through her body. Gayoon whimpered a little when his mouth came onto her breast, tasting it. Her fingers ran through his hair, pulling him closer. She heaved her chest upwards to give him more access to her breast, her body unconsciously grinding against his. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, going up and down against his thigh and she felt his member hitting her private part through their remaining swimming wear.

His other hand was slowly massaging her right mound, making her moan loudly at the double assault on her. Minho licked her nub, nipping it with his teeth. Gayoon was in an erotic ecstasy, her body reacting to his whim.

Minho left her left breast and began to lick her other one. He was holding back his desires with great difficulty and even the sweet honey taste of her skin was not enough for him. His lips were latched onto her breasts, exploring them in turns. Her soft moans were only driving him more insane, and their resolve to take it slow was almost breaking. He captured her left breast again, leaving the red marks of his sweet attacks on her. 

Gayoon bit her lip to stop more moans from escaping it but was unsuccessful. The feel of his soft lips was making her insane and she wanted more. She gasped for breath, unable to bear the pleasurable torture anymore but she did not want to stop either. The warm steam was engulfing them but the heat from her body was not due to the hot air. She was desperate for more intimacy with the man who was snatching her senses from her.


His hoarse whisper made her slowly return to reality. Her eyes fluttered open and they gazed at each other for a while. Their breaths were heavy and both of them were panting. They had never been intimate in this way and now that they had stopped, Gayoon's senses were returning. 

Minho did not say anything but got off her. Gayoon realized, once again, that she was completely topless and quickly sat up to cover herself. Minho reached for his shirt, which was lying nearby, and handed it to her. She quickly wore it, covering herself.

He sat next to her and for a while, none of them said a word. Instead, he let her put her head on his shoulder while they watched the steam swirl around them. 

"Are you alright?" he finally asked. He was worried that their intimacy might have tired her out.

"I'm fine," she mumbled. She hesitated before adding, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"No reason."

Minho did not ask anymore questions but patted her head. After a while, Gayoon spoke up again.

"Let's head back to the tent," she suggested.

"You wanna watch the movie now?" he asked. He had snooped around and finally managed to get a list of movies Gayoon might like. She had enough horrors in her life so he settled for light comedic ones so that she could relax.

"No," she said. "Let's just talk. I just want to talk."

"About what?"

"Us," she simply said. Minho watched as she stood up and extended a hand to him. He smiled and took her hand, letting her lead them back to the tent.

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