Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 183: Cashless, Kissless Date (4)

Chapter 183: Cashless, Kissless Date (4)

Minho was waiting for Gayoon by the car. He wore a black puffy jacket with dark blue jeans. He had stuffed everything into the back of the car including the tent and barbecue equipment. Checking his watch, he was patiently waiting for Gayoon. After a while, she came out of the house, carrying her bag.

To his slight amusement, she was also wearing matching clothes with a white beanie on her head which was far too large for her head. Gayoon felt a little shy upon seeing their matching colored clothes. It was almost Mina knew that her brother would be wearing these colors and had deliberately made her wear the same ones. Would he be embarrassed? Was it a little too much?

She stopped in front of him, feeling flabbergasted. "M-Mina made me wear these!" she squeaked. Wait. Why am I squeaking? She wondered. I'm supposed to be the dominant one here!

Gayoon was shaking so much in nervousness that the beanie fell over her eyes. She was about to pull it back up but Minho beat her to it. Her face turned red when his fingers slightly brushed against her cheeks. He did not say a word but was standing a little too close to her. His brown eyes were on her, looking at her with a strange intensity while he fixed her beanie.

"I-Is there something on my face?" she asked, wiping her face. 

"No," he shrugged and to her surprise, he gently pinched her cheeks, making her blush even more. Her heart was beating fast against her ribs and she was afraid that it might just explode. He softly brushed his fingers against her skin and at that moment, he wanted nothing more than to place a kiss on her lips. 

What were these strange feelings erupting between them? They were entangled by an invisible thread, binding them in a magical experience which neither of them had ever imagined. Their hearts beat in the same rhythm, synchronized to follow each other and yet, they could not place their fingers on this feeling. 

Gayoon's lips went dry and he was inching closer. She could not think straight and unconsciously, closed her eyes, expecting him to kiss her any moment. 

Minho slightly smiled and whispered, "We're going to be late."

His words brought her out of her reverie and she backed away in embarrassment. Minho somehow controlled a snicker and opened the door for her.

"I said that it'll be a cashless date," she frowned. "Driving there means that you're making an expense for the gas!"

Minho held up one finger. "Firstly, it's a full tank so we won't need any gas," he stated. "Secondly, it's Kanji's car so technically he's the one paying for the gas. Not me. Besides, we can't carry the barbecue equipment by hand! They're too heavy. And no, I didn't pay for them but simply got these from the office pantry."

Gayoon pouted a little. The money lover knew how to find loopholes in the rules and she wondered what other shortcut was he going to exploit.

Without another word, she got into the car while Minho climbed into the driver's seat. He revved the engine and they set off. 

"How far is the place?" Gayoon asked.

"Not far," Minho replied. "Just an hour away. It's a park my company owns and has a built in steam lake in it. I've closed off the place for tonight. Even sent the staff home so we'll have the place to ourselves. It's mine anyway so it won't cost me a thing."

Gayoon peered at him. "How many loopholes are you going to exploit?" she asked him, feeling suspicious. What was the money lover up to? Even though he maintained a poker face, she could tell he was inwardly elated by this mission. 

Minho kept his gaze on the road but Gayoon's suspicions were right. He had sat in his office for hours, pulling up every bit of skullduggery he could to find the loopholes in her rules. And to his delight, there were many. His heart was dancing in joy but he was not going to show off his happiness in front of her. After all, he still had to win her back.

After a while, he pulled up in front of the park. It was enclosed by huge walls while an automated gate let them in after Minho punched his ID into it. The system lit up, recognizing him and let them in. He drove through the gates and headed straight for the lake.

"We're here," he announced. Gayoon got out of the car and marveled at the view. They were at a secluded part of the park which was shrouded by tall fir trees which loomed over them, gently swaying in the cool winter breeze. The trees hid a large lake with an artificial waterfall which was almost fifty feet high. Steam emitted from the lake, making the air around them foggy. The air was warmer there and cozy enough for an overnight camping experience.

"Woah!" she exclaimed. "You built this?"

"Yeah," Minho replied, taking out the tent from the back. Gayoon rushed forward to help him set it up and soon, they managed to build it. She took out the comforters while Minho set up the barbecue grills.

"Can you cook?" Gayoon asked when Minho lit up the grill. 

"Uh...Yes!" he replied. "I'm a great cook!"

Or so he could hope. It was not his strongest point and his culinary skills were something he avoided to explore. He was not going to admit that to Gayoon, but if he followed the instructions on the labels, he should be fine.

Gayoon noted that he was nervous as he peered at the grill as he was about to fight some kind of enemy. 

"I can help you know," she offered but Minho shook his head. 

"I'll do it!" he insisted. "After dinner, we can go for a swim in the lake. And then watch a movie. I've brought everything."

He looked so serious while saying this that Gayoon could not help but laugh. Her musical laughter temporarily distracted him and when she stood on her toes to ruffle his hair, he could not help but smile. 

"You're doing well, money lover," she giggled, still patting his head. "Let's see how long you can last in this challenge."

Minho bent his knee and lowered himself to come to her level. He enjoyed her touch and flashed Gayoon a wide smile which almost knocked her breath away. Why did he have such dazzling teeth? She wondered in dismay.

"Do it again!" he insisted, still smiling like an idiot. Gayoon scowled at his childishness. 

"No!" she exclaimed, sticking out her tongue and pulling her hand away from his head. "Go and cook! I'm hungry!"

She turned away from him and went back towards the car to pick up the beer bottles. Minho's face fell and he pouted a little as he tore open the packet of frozen steak and put it on the grill to cook.

It was going to be a long night for him.

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