Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 181: Cashless, Kissless Date (2)

Chapter 181: Cashless, Kissless Date (2)

"A cashless and kissless date?" Kanji frowned. "The hell is that?"

He was at Minho's office, sitting on the couch. Minho was at a loss about Gayoon's mission and he had to summon the only person he could think of who was an expert in women. Unfortunately, Mina had an important surgery to perform so he had to settle for Kanji.

"Basic rules of this date are," Minho began to read out from a paper where Gayoon had written down all the conditions. "No spending cash on anything related to this date. This includes food, gas and other utilities as well."

"Wait, then how will you guys eat on this date?" Kanji asked.

"I don't know!" Minho exclaimed. He had been thinking so much about the conditions Gayoon had set that he missed out on making his early morning 20 million dollars from the stock market. He had to recoup it in the next hour and surprisingly, instead of 20 million he made 50 million dollars.

"What's the next one?"

"No kissing on the lips," Minho read. This was the rule which annoyed him. How could they not kiss on a date? It was bad enough his stupidity caused them to be apart for a month and now no kissing? Impossible!

"How did this woman come up with such conditions?" Kanji wondered out loud. "She really knows your weakness. You could've offered her to buy the whole mall."

"I did," Minho sighed. "She refused by saying it was too easy."

Eh? Easy? Kanji was wondering if the sun rose from the west that day. His best friend, the man who loved to earn money more than anything else, was saying that he was willing to spend money?

Kanji walked towards Minho's chair and to the latter's chagrin, touched his forehead.

"That the hell are you doing?" he asked angrily.

"Checking if you're sick," Kanji said in a serious tone. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

He held out three fingers in order to make sure Minho had not gone completely cuckoo. It was impossible to believe that Minho was ready to buy gifts for a woman. No way! Impossible!

"I'm fine!" Mine said in annoyance, slapping his hand away. "Believe it or not but I am willing to spend money on her!"

Kanji was still looking at him in a serious manner. There was something inevitably wrong with his best friend and he must find out!

"Tell me something Minho," he began. "How did you feel when you and Gayoon were not talking the entire month?"

"It felt as if someone ripped out my heart, crushed it and burnt it to ashes in front of me," Minho said instantly without hesitating. "I don't know why. Whenever she was in front of me and even though my stupid ego wouldn't let me talk to her, I felt miserable. I had this urge to talk to her but-"

"But you were still an idiot," Kanji agreed. "Next question! What did you feel when Gayoon hugged Ahn Jaewan?"

A scowl formed on Minho's face as the forbidden image flashed in front of his eyes.

"I felt like tearing off that pretty boy's face and throwing it into the gutter to spite him," he gritted. "And throw his bloody sanitizers into the toilet!"

Just the thought of that pretty boy angered him and seeing how close he was to Gayoon, he was writhing in jealousy.

Wait a minute. Jealousy?

Kanji sighed, shaking his head. "Minho, my friend," he patted Minho's shoulder. "You really are a virgin, aren't ya?"

There was a short pause as Minho tried to comprehend what Kanji had said while the latter beamed at his best friend who was undoubtedly falling in love. But he was unaware of the volcano which was about to erupt.


Within seconds, Kanji found himself running for his life as the book Minho threw barely missed him by inches.

"I was only trying to help!" he protested.

"Well, then be more useful!" Minho snapped, sitting back on his chair, scowling at Kanji.

"Fine!" Kanji said. "This cashless, kissless date. Clearly she doesn't want you to spend. So you gotta take her to a place where you'll be more focused on activities rather than money. Somewhere outdoors maybe. You've got plenty of properties like that. Pretty sure you can take her on a short trip to one of those!"

"And how are we gonna get there?" Minho asked.

"Trek," Kanji suggested. "Just walk there. You can choose a spot which is closer to home. Or you can just take my car. If I pay for the gas, then technically, you're not spending any money."

Minho did some quick thinking. He did have quite a few camping spots around the country and there was one particular property which was perfect for an overnight camping trip. 

"What about Jina?" he asked. "Someone needs to take care of her."

"I'll do it!" Kanji offered. "And I'll get Mina to help as well. We'll look after her. You and Gayoon can spend a romantic night, somewhere far away from all this ghostly drama."

Minho thought about it. Maybe this date was exactly what they needed in order to reevaluate their relationship. Taking his chance, Kanji decided to suggest more bolder ideas.

"And you two can also camp out all night," he said. "Imagine this. The cold weather, a warm fire to cook and just one comforter. Don't you think that'll be fun?"

To his surprise, Minho's face turned red at the image he had put in his head. It reminded Minho of the first night he spent with Gayoon and how it had taken him all his willpower not to seduce her. It was not like she made it easy for him either by clutching on to him all night. 

And the worst part about this date was that he could not even kiss her!

He inadvertently gulped while Kanji scrutinized him. This guy really is a pure virgin, he thought in dismay. I feel as if I'm tainting an innocent princess!

Suddenly Minho's face turned sour. "Ugh!" he exclaimed. 

"What happened?" Kanji frowned.

"There is one problem," Minho said in a gloomy tone. "What about the food? We can't order takeout nor buy food from elsewhere thanks to the cashless rule!"

"Well, just cook," Kanji shrugged. Minho shot him a deadpan look. It took Kanji a few seconds to realize the problem with that rule.

"Oh no!" he said, facepalming himself. "You can't cook!"

This was going to be a problem. The cashless, kissless date was going to test Minho's patience and possibly the riskiest thing he had ever done. Kanji could not help but snicker at Minho's sullen face.

The mighty ruler of the country's stock market and the richest man of the nation, Hwang Minho, was about to be defeated by one tiny detective who held his heart. 

And he did not even know it.

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