Molting the Mortal Coil

Chapter 902: Rocks

Chapter 902: Rocks

These large rocks accelerated for hundreds of feet, falling from the sky and striking with terrible force. Of course, for high level cultivators these rocks werent that big of a deal, but most of those in the Yi Yang Group were not that powerful. The majority of Cultivators were actually in the third rank. It was something of a soft plateau that most got stuck in due to the lack of resources or talent. Those with lower potential would eventually reach the third rank after a few decades of training and then reach no further. With a lifespan that could go as high as a thousand years, these Sea Forming Cultivators were the most common. The weakest cultivator in the third rank was fifty times as strong as a normal mortal, while the strongest had the strength of a hundred and twenty five men. Large rocks falling from the sky was certainly a deathtrap for normal humans but for those rank three Cultivators it was more of a distraction. Even if they were to be struck directly it would likely only stun them and cause a bruise or at worst a bone fracture.

On the other hand, their structures were not so lucky. The rain of stones striking upon the buildings quickly tore them apart, causing the remainder of the structures to collapse, trapping some of the less aware members of the Yi Yang Group in the rubble. The majority of them were quick to flee, darting out of the falling buildings or getting trapped by the lightest parts of the rubble and getting pulled out by their comrades a moment later.

The real reason for the rocks was found out a moment later when those whod freed their comrades found their chests being pierced by thick bolts. Up in the sky, thousands of Dragoons were dropping large stones collected from Storage Chests carried by Airships. At the same time, thousands of others were aiming Stumblebows and shooting holes through the distracted Cultivators that were flushed out of the cover of the buildings. The Yi Yang Group members quickly realized how foolish their masters were to skimp out on the defensive formations of this base. Since it was supposed to be hidden most of the Formation Arrays were set up to keep it hidden. Their defensive formation was only enough to reinforce the walls and gate. This wasnt an important enough location for a full sect protecting formation.

While chaos was breaking out inside the base, a silence had fallen over the crowd on the outside. The falling stones didnt target this area, but it was also far more quiet because most of the people present wore those wide brimmed hats. These hats were the same Magical Tools that Sage had run into a long time ago that controlled the mind of its wearer so they werent allowed to panic or break formation unless given the order to. Yet, it also made those who werent wearing the helmets stand out as they were visibly unsettled by the sounds of crashing rocks and screams of pain coming from their base.


There was a sudden crash of force against force. The shockwave from this impact sent dozens of the guards flying away like a bomb went off. Yue Xiaoqing screamed in terror and shed just felt her life flash in front of her eyes. The shoulder of her dress had been blasted off and a hole was punched clean through her shoulder before she was pulled out of the way by the old woman. Her arm was a mess, the old woman had dragged her away forcefully and shed suffered an injury like she was caught upon a hook and ripped off.

Where she was previously standing, the woman whod been hurling insults at her was looking down at one finger that was dripping blood down onto the ground. That girl with the childish fashion sense and utter lack of manner had suddenly transformed into a demon. She had a sadistic smile on her face and her veins suddenly started to inflate. As they did they took on a blue tone, making the petite woman seem like she spent way too much time at the gym.

Are you really Zhu Jiao? Thats impossible! You cant be this strong!

No, Im Lang Jiao, but you dont really need to know that because youre already a dead woman, Yue Xiaoqing.

Before any more words could be exchanged, Jiao disappeared. The old woman spun Xiaoqing around and then there was a loud clang. A large shield, similar to the one wielded by the guards, was in the old womans hands; it had blocked a strike from Jiao who was now standing behind Xiaoqings previous location. Jiao had a taunting look on her face, especially considering that the dirt and debris from her movement was only now settling onto the ground. Her explosive speed detonated the ground under her and sent the rocks and dirt flying into the air. She was smiling at Xiaoqing and her old woman bodyguard, just taking a moment to assess the shield the old woman was holding.

That wont buy you much time, it will shatter after just a few more strikes. Are you going to beg for your life yet, Little Moon?

As Jiao spoke, the guards who had been blasted away by her first attack had climbed back onto their feet. Well, most of them at least. The ones directly in her path had been blasted apart while the others were just thrown away by the shockwave of her passing. These recovered guards regrouped with those who were furthest from the scuffle. They had formed into two square formations and approached Jiao from both sides. She gave Xiaoqing and the old woman an annoyed look, What a nuisance. Ill be right back.

Before her words were finished ringing out in the air, her sentence was punctuated by a loud crash. She shot away from her position, pushing off her right foot and planting her left on the ground. Her foot pressed into the earth, compressing it to create a large dent in the ground as she swung her right fist at a very unlucky guards shield. This guards shield as well as the rest of his body could not resist the terrible force. The guard and all his equipment were blasted apart, which was very unfortunate for those behind him. All of that gear, bone, and flesh was turned into shrapnel and inflicted grievous injuries upon five other troops who were behind him.

The guards had little time to process this attack, but even if they could, the helmets they wore would prevent them from considering a retreat or even showing fear. Instead the rest could only brandish their weapons to try and strike back, but Jiao was just too fast for them. Following through on her punch, her right foot landed back on the ground and she pivoted upon it, turning back to face the other square formation of guards. She shot towards them and repeated her attack, punching a hole in the other shield wall.

Shes too powerful. You must use everything youve got for a hope of escape. Im going to use everything Ive got to break a hole in that barrier then you escape through it, understand?

Xiaoqing was momentarily speechless, all of her superiority and haughtiness having been driven out by staring death in the eyes. This woman had accompanied her for so many years and they were as close as family, yet now because of Jiao she was going to die? It was just too sudden for her. A tear slid down one cheek, but she gave a nod of confirmation to the old woman.

This also lined up with the time it took for the many guards to be completely dealt with. Jiao had bounced back and forth like a pinball, each of her punches going off like a claymore and gravely injuring four to six guards with each punch. Just those few seconds of conversation was enough for Jiao to not only wipe out all the guards on the ground, but also to hop onto the wall and throw all the archers off. Her legs flashed a few times, using wide sweeping kicks to bisect some of the archers at the waist and blowing others off from just the shockwaves. Once the wall was clear she hopped back down to Xiaoqing and her bodyguard.

Have you prepared your last words yet?

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