Mob Yandere

Chapter 161-1

Chapter 161-1

[Part 1/4]

The story begins with what happened half a day ago.

The spiritual vein of Mount Anma is well known to those in the mountains that it is always shrouded in mist.

The rich underground water is warmed by the blessings of spiritual veins, and it gushes out and seeps into the surrounding area. The atmosphere is hot and humid, and the air is thick with "Reiki (energy healing)". It is said that just breathing the air in this place will heal a wounds, revitalize a body, and increase a vitality. It is truly a land full of blessings.

In such a place, where the very land itself served as a throne, his presence welcomed the guests. In this land, which had been stolen by the Tengu and was once his own enshrinement, he held a dignified audience with the various beings he had placed under his control.

When he looked at the guest, it was really small. It was small, mean, and timid. Even though he was the one who visiting, he bows to the ground and unilaterally say humbled words. Sweat was dripping down his forehead, but it wasn't just due to the humidity. Upon closer inspection, he can see that the guest's clothes are also wet, as if they were soaked in water.

Those who were made to bow down by the alluring curves of his body, are now growling with animalistic desire, one after another. Many roars overlap and resonate, shaking the surroundings.

At the top, his presence silently, coldly gazes at the guests. Coldly, even colder than his own lacking warmth, he squint his eyes and gaze down from far above.

The flattering and respectful words spoken were meaningless from the start. He knows well about the nature of these people. They are liars who pretend to be sweet and sincere without a trace of it in their hearts. Their pretentious introductions had no value whatsoever.

Therefore, he silenced the growls. Understanding that the guest had caused displeasure, he immediately stopped the useless chatter of flattery. The others around did the same.

He prided himself on being generous. He forgave the rudeness by taking the most tactful action. And then he asked. What was the purpose of coming to this place? Anyway, he already had an idea.

There is pride in his existence. Indeed, his pillar is mighty. That being is among the oldest and newest of our kindred in the heavens, and his authority is truly miraculous... However, it is also the same for himself.

Though it may be a mere shadow compared to the past, his heart still prides himself on being an equal presence. Therefore, he did not allow himself to stand downwind. He couldn't. He couldn't forgive. Perhaps the subtle differences in their ultimate goals were also a reason. It is not as pure as that being.

That is why he refused the previous recommendations. His will remained unchanged even after several changes of disguise. He's only there to drive away guests and prove his position and way of being.

With such thoughts in mind, he was left speechless by the words the next guest uttered.

"Nothing" - yes, nothing. There were no desires, pleas, or even a single request. Only non-interference, that was all he asked for... It was truly a bolt from the blue.

Why? In a conversation that wasn't long or short, for the first time, he was stunned and felt a mix of confusing emotions.

He understand the scheme that this miscellaneous gathering has been planning for a long time. At the same time, he know that it requires power to accomplish it... and among the jumble of pillars scattered across the land of Fus, it was certain that he was still a special gem.

And yet, is it nothing? Not even a single word? How foolish.

Does this guest really think that his existence is as insignificant as their worthless deaths?!!

Without expressing it on his face or in his voice, but with an unintentional, he let a low sigh of anger, and a growl. It was an undeniable fear that the guest couldn't bear, as if it made him lose control. The surrounding crowd who attended... the vile laughter from Mry, who was forced to bow down in the land of Anma. It was a sneer tinged with fear. Ignoring them coldly, he further questions the guest's existence. The purpose of coming to this place.

And to know this existence. The calamity that is said to be in the hands of those dog-like beings with a hundred disguises (Nue).

Continuing despite being influenced by the factors of the Earth Mother Goddess, connecting lives despite being cursed by the Spider God, and remaining unbroken even after defeating the fragments of the Evil God... As a hindrance to him and an assassin directed at him, knowing this, the guest's existence gives him pause. And he contemplates deeply..

Even though the guest is not his kin, he is not ignorant of the deeds he has heard about. That is why he is drawn to him, whether he have achieved great feats or committed evil acts.

...He deliberately avoids mentioning the brief glimmer of mockery in the eyes of the humble guest before him. For him, cunning and deceit are instinctual. It is rather endearing compared to the previous individuals. He is truly stubborn and irredeemable creatures to the core.

There is no doubt. He is being provoked... Now, how much of this is part of a cunning plan, and how much is the scheming of the female beast before him? It doesn't matter, it is a trivial matter. Such things are ultimately insignificant.

He has a long history with these wild dogs. At first, he fed them generously and they seemed satisfied. He even gave them a chance to surrender. But if that's what they hope for, he will fulfill it. It's a gesture of gratitude.

This is just one side of his complex nature. He represent both reason and unreason. He is the symbol of despair, the embodiment of injustice. That's why he was born into this world.

So, he declares. An oracle that goes against the guest's plans. His cries echo again. The guest listens to this with a face of despair, but deep in his eyes, he is laughing.

...It's truly unbearable.

That's why this is a declaration of entertainment, and at the same time, his presence is crushing the guests. Crushing and erasing him.

...Because he did not show himself before him, and sent a "phantom," this is the appropriate consequence. He will kindly warn him. Next time, come before him in his true form and show respect. This is for the trembling guests in the mist.

...It is forbidden to test the gods. The gods are always the ones who test, who give trials, and who punish.

Satisfied with the fear of the female beast along with the guest that trembles, he crawls forward. Shaking the earth, crushing the forest. Going calmly.

...Now then. Shall we go and greet the assassin in question?

* * *

The situation was one-sided, absolute, and desperate. What was most serious was that I couldn't do anything at all.

"Damn ittttttt!!!"

Spinning, spinning, and spinning. The scenery spins rapidly and then passes by. The woman's angry voice resounds loudly. With a roar, soil, debris, and vegetation erupt, the view changes violently.

Flying low, Aka-bouchou pierces through rocks, trees, and complex terrain. Sometimes she spreads her wings and slows down, deceiving by using hiding spots, turning and changing her course, desperately struggling to escape from the hands of evil.

The enormous "death" looming from behind chased after it relentlessly. It shattered everything in its path, accompanied by a spine-chilling roar.

The jet-black snake, strangely swollen from its hind half, pursued the Tengu with unimaginable speed, like the wind. Or perhaps it was driving it forward.

"Oh no, they're catching up...!?"

"I know, damn it...!?"

In response to my call, Aka-bouchou replied with a rough voice unlike before. As she responded, she ascended to a higher altitude. Before us stood a towering mountain.


We spiraled and climbed along the surface of the mountain, aiming to attack. Despite the snake's pursuit, we had no intention of yielding to its game. With force, we collided with the mountain, shattering it into pieces. Dust billowed into the air as the rock wall crumbled, sending countless debris scattering in all directions. Despite our efforts, the jaws of the snake remained still close behind us.


The scream that the desperate female Tengu let out just before being swallowed was not a dying struggle.

Immediately after, numerous flashes with heat spread out in front of the giant snake. They were flash bombs handmade by the Tengu village, dropped one after another from under the hakama that had a slit. Made from Reitetsu (an iron that is believed to possess magical or spiritual properties), spiritual charcoal and other materials, the hidden flash bombs inside the hakama filled the snake's field of vision like chaff or flares, illuminating it completely. The slight delay in its reaction saved us from being swallowed whole by the Tengu. And...

"We'll use this!"

Immediately after, the burden that was discarded on our backs exploded, scattering black smoke with a loud noise.

Clap! The sound of hands clapping echoed...

"Huh!? What's..."

"Shh! Be quiet!"

In the next moment, we were behind some large trees. Confused, I heard a whispered warning in my ear. I was silent, almost holding my breath, as I recalled the events leading up to this. It was also because I noticed that the female Tengu was hiding.

Is this the same youkai technique as the one set up for Hina?


As I was guessing, the female Tengu who supports me in her arms slowly peeks out from behind a hiding place. She shows her face and then quickly pulls it back.

For a moment, I saw the scene too. The desolate mountain forest. The silhouette of a huge black snake in the distance. Black smoke in the sky. Searching around here and there... Apparently, that thing was oversized. It seems like that thing was a massive smoke screen.

It's a mystery how they managed to hide up until this point, but... in any case, the crisis seems to be fading away.

"It's an option to run away with our tails between our legs... but how about staying a little longer? I want to know the reason why that guy came all the way here. Monkey, I'm sure you also want to get a good look at the opponent you'll be fighting, right?"

"...I'll definitely survive."

Even though I was pretending to be strong, Aka-bouchou broke out in a sweat on her forehead and still smiled defiantly. It was a smile that was half mocking and half impressed. I felt like I was being made fun of... but it's fine now. For now.

"Hmph. Well, make the most of this opportunity. Observe that guy and try to find any clues for a strategy."

And then, the female Tengu peeked her face from behind an object once again, observing the monster's behavior.

There, filling her field of vision was a giant, bright red snake's eyeball.

"What...!? How stupid!"

Immediately after came a loud roar. Her vision spun around once again. By the time she realized it, we were rapidly ascending and she learned that the giant tree we were hiding behind had been smashed to pieces.

A black snake that tore through the earth glared at us.

"Damn it!? How did it sense us from that distance!"

With a desperate dodge of the snake's attack, the female Tengu shouted. She quickly adjusted her posture in mid-air and cursed. Tengu soared high, very high, just to create distance.

"Hiding in the clouds, blinding its sight...!"

The female Tengu spoke out her plan to me. She intended to ascend as high as possible and wander within the clouds to escape from the snake's pursuers.

...But in the snake's emotionless eyes, I saw a mocking glare.

"What's going on?!?"


A feeling of something bad about to happen filled the air. It sent shivers down my spine. The female Tengu, sensing it too, quickly turned around. She slowed down and started to descend. Then, suddenly, a bright light shot through the sky, breaking through the clouds.

"A beam? Is this some kind of joke?!"

From the snake's open jaw, a beam of heat was unleashed. Well, it was more like a laser beam. It wasn't a cute breath attack. It was a destructive ray that could make the entire cabinet resign. The sound it made was like a metallic "kyiin," and the light swept through the surroundings, clearing everything in its path. In response to our sudden descent, the light quickly aimed downward, trying to turn the female Tengu and me into ashes.

"No way!!!"

Hello everyone,

We have several works to share with you. Below are the details:

  1. A series set in a fantasy world, not isekai but a fantasy one. It's about an enchant magician who was a member of one of the strongest guilds on the continent but has been expelled. The cause? It's because he is not needed. However, after that, his enhancement that has enhanced other people's equipment in the guild, returns to him after he releases it. Do you want to know what happens next? Read on here.
  2. A project titled "Isekai Healing Mage". The MC is summoned as a hero with three others. However, upon arrival, he discovers that he is not a hero. Follow his journey as he navigates through twists and turns, leaving the palace and working at the guild. Read more about it here.
  3. Another project revolves around the MC whose heroines aspire to become his mother instead of his lover. Read this unusual story here.
  4. Our latest work also into the genre of Second Life. It's about the story of a former s*x worker who wants to avoid loneliness and find fulfillment in his second life. Experience his conflicts and resolutions as the protagonist progresses. Read it on here.
  5. Additionally, we have a worth-to-read project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and she asks him to join the war. But what does the MC say? He refuses. Is it because his pas love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past, or is he simply fed up? Discover the answers by clicking here.

We hope you enjoy reading these works!

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