MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 979: Heading Back to Astarto

Chapter 979: Heading Back to Astarto


Stepping out of the rift he'd created, Valyr soon found himself back at the room he was staying as he waved goodbye to Ryvrthe on the other side.

Closing the rift once he'd fully passed through, he then brought up his status screen to see how much time had passed since he entered the inheritance, bitterly smiling the moment he found out. "An entire day passed, just like that."

"To think that I've only been in the inheritance for a couple of hours in total," murmured the young man to himself soon after with a slight chuckle, thinking about how most of that time was spent drafting plans with Ryvrthe regarding the future.

With how long the two had been talking about the alliance and how they'd make use of it to help the human race fight against the orcs, there was no doubt in Valyr's mind that the Ryvrthe was on board with the alliance idea.

Of course, before they could establish the alliance, they first needed a base of operations, which Valyr was already working on with the inquiry he made to Julian.

Once that was done, he then needed to find a way to generate electricity to power the device that helped Ryvrthe learn the current language of Veldanyr.

Fortunately, both he and Ryvrthe already had ideas on how they were going to do that, keeping in mind the current circumstances as they formulated a plan of action that felt highly likely to succeed.

Though there were already methods to generate electricity before the more modern ages of technology, most of them were experimental at best, leading to an output that wasn't really suitable for what they had planned.

However, that all changed when the Second Industrial Revolution came around, introducing the existence of the electric dynamo.

Specifically, an electric dynamo transformed the mechanical movements of an engine, like a steam engine, into electrical energy, taking on the form of direct current.

Though electricity in the form of direct current would hamper the two later on if they planned on transmitting it over long distances, the two still felt that the energy was more than enough to meet their needs for the moment, especially since they only needed to charge the device.

'I just need to create a steam engine first before unlocking the advancements needed to create an electric dynamo,' thought the young man to himself, going through the information he had regarding various eras of technology in his mind.

Thankfully, steam engines were an invention that came before the electric dynamo, becoming one of the main reasons why the age of the First Industrial Revolution came to be.

'I'll probably only start looking into steam engines in detail once I hear back from Julian regarding my inquiry,' said the young man to himself as he sat down on a nearby chair.

'Then again, it'll probably end up with me creating a Newcomen steam engine.' Valyr shrugged his shoulders at the thought. 'But if I unlock the necessary advancements in the Second Industrial Revolution, I might be able to create a Watt steam engine.'

Pushing the thoughts of electricity generation to the side for the meantime, the young man then thought about the other things he talked with Ryvrthe, specifically the discussion they had about weapons for war.

After he found out that Valyr had the knowledge of technology up to the First Industrial Revolution, Ryvrthe immediately urged him to improve his arquebus to utilize the most advanced firing mechanism he had access to.

Having access to knowledge of the First Industrial Revolution, the most advanced firing mechanism Valyr had access to was none other than the caplock mechanism, which was the exact same mechanism that dominated Earth during its early modern days.

'At some point, most of the military on Earth switched to using electromagnetic weapons, but a considerable portion of people still have those antique weapons laying around,' thought the young man to himself as he briefly recalled his past life.

'In any case, I need to upgrade my arquebus to use the wheel-lock mechanism first, then have it use the flintlock mechanism.'

'Only after that can I attempt forging a firearm that makes use of the caplock mechanism.' Continuing to think about the caplock mechanism, Valyr soon recalled the reason why Ryvrthe urged him to make use of the mechanism as fast as possible.

'According to him, he would tinker with the caplock mechanism in his spare time back then, pushing it to its very limits even though Veldanyr at the time already had access to far more advanced weaponry,' inwardly muttered the young man to himself.

'I'm guessing he'll probably give me a blueprint I could use with the mechanism?'

As this thought came to mind, Valyr imagined that Ryvrthe had knowledge of a firearm that was more similar to what Earth had in its early modern days, but could be crafted with the technology of an even earlier age.

Though he wondered whether something like that was actually possible, it would be a lie if Valyr said he didn't hope that Ryvrthe had something like that up his sleeve, considering the great amount of knowledge the man had accumulated throughout the years.

Feeling like he'd thought about his conversation with Ryvrthe for long enough, Valyr eventually shifted his thoughts to ponder over what he should do next, wondering if he should head to the Blacksmith Guild again to complete yet another quota.

Fortunately, it was at that moment that Valyr recalled a couple of messages he'd received over a week ago, opening up the chat function to make sure he hadn't recalled wrongly. Wryly smiling as he realized he'd told them that he'd be heading to where they were in a few days, Valyr decided to message them once more, assuring them that he'd be heading to where they were within the day.

Chatting a bit more with them after that, a slight smile soon adorned Valyr's face as he made his way out of the inn.

Briefly glancing at the set of True Wyvern Armor he'd yet to repair all this time, the young man soon made his way to the Blacksmith Guild, muttering a few things to himself along the


"First, I'll head to the Blacksmith Guild to repair my armor. I might possibly inquire with Julian on the materials needed to upgrade it after that."

"Then, once I'm done with that..."

"I'll make my way to Astarto Village."

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