MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 973: The Path of Unsealing

Chapter 973: The Path of Unsealing

"Wait... really?" Listening to Sellifer's words, Valyr's eyes widened in surprise.

After all, in his mind, he expected the process of atavism to work no matter the circumstance.

Though, as he went over her words in his once more, the young man eventually realized something she'd mistaken about him.

Nevertheless, he still decided to continue the conversation in its current direction, feeling like the current topic was something he would learn a lot from.

"Why is that?" Keeping the misunderstanding Sellifer had about him in mind, Valyr went ahead and asked his question, prompting Sellifer to go on a lengthy explanation in response.

"What do you know about the path of Unsealing?"

"Are we talking about the path of Unsealing when we evolve?" asked Valyr for clarification, to which Sellifer responded with affirmation.

"Uh..." Getting confirmation, the young man rummaged through his treasure trove of

memories, eventually coming up with an answer that condensed everything he knew about it. "I don't really know a lot about it."

"But, from what I know, the path of Unsealing removes the racial shackles in one's species, allowing one to ascend to a higher version of one's original species later on."

"That's more or less correct," said Sellifer in response, her tone giving Valyr the hint that she'd continue her explanation from there. "A common example for the path of Unsealing would be the High Humans."

"Remove the first three shackles of the human race and you'd be eligible in the system's eyes to become a High Human."

"If you go further and remove six shackles, you could go one step further and become a True Human," she continued.

"And if you have great persistence and had the system's help in unsealing all nine shackles of the human race, you'd be able to become a Primordial Human."

Listening to her words, Valyr faintly nodded in agreement as her words matched up with what he knew.

Though, as Sellifer continued her explanation with her next statement, the young man was left at a loss for words.

"Many people use the human race as a reference for the path of Unsealing, but what people don't know is that the path of Unsealing in species evolution is actually a path available to every species."

"Of course, the number of shackles one would remove to reach the ultimate version of one's species differs, with weaker species need one to go through seven to nine shackles."

"On the other hand, the strongest species would only need to remove three shackles to unlock their ultimate form, with even one shackle being removed already giving them access to a far stronger form."

"A good example of those would be the dragons," said Sellifer. "They're only one shackle away from becoming True Dragons, two shackles away from becoming Elder Dragons, and three shackles away from becoming Ancient Dragons."

"What does that have to do with atavism, though?" asked Valyr in response, committing everything Sellifer had told him so far to memory. "From what I'm getting, you're just telling me that the path of Unsealing is... ah."

"Are you finally getting what I'm trying to say?" Hearing Valyr stop himself in realization, Sellifer let out a bit of laughter as she decided to fill in the remaining blanks.

"Why I'm explaining all of this to you is because... the shackles removed during the path of Unsealing is exactly the ancestral traces you attempt to awaken during atavism."

"With that being said, by ascending as a High Human through the system, you forfeit all of the remaining traces of ancestry in your body, the racial shackles stopping you from reaching your ultimate form."

"It's a shame you decided to ascend as a High Human early through the system, but I don't blame you," she continued, letting out a faint sigh. "After all, with the war on Veldanyr still going on, you'd need all the strength you'd possibly get."

"Who says I ascended as a High Human through the system?" Feeling like he'd learned enough from Sellifer's explanation, Valyr decided to tell her the truth. "Aren't there other ways to become a High Human?"

"Hmm?" Listening to Valyr's words, Sellifer became confused. "The only other way to become a High Human is to be born as one, which would indeed still leave ancestral traces for you to undergo atavism."

"However, you were born as a normal human... well, a slightly unique human due to your connection with Vaughn, but that information doesn't help in the current situation."

"Wait..." Thankfully, a bit of silence was all Sellifer needed to put two and two things together in her mind, letting out a sigh of slight exasperation once she realized what was going on. "You're telling me you became a High Human through your own efforts?"

"I'll have to thank Vaughn for giving me the method," said Valyr in response, causing Sellifer to let out a sigh in response.

"Even if all he gave you was just the method... you know, you're seriously reminding me of Vaughn a lot."

"Ever since I've taught you how to wield Azure Energy, I've always had that thought."

"In any case, since you became a High Human through your efforts, that changes a lot of things." Not wanting to explain to Valyr the reason why she had that thought, Sellifer swiftly changed the topic of the conversation back to what it was.

"As long as you follow the steps I've given you back then and survive the trial the universe throws at you, then there's a high chance for you to succeed in undergoing atavism," she told


"However, if you want to make sure that you're more or less guaranteed to undergo atavism, it would be preferable for you to go through it only once you feel like you're close to breaching through the next tier of species."

"Thankfully, there are many ways to enhance one's species up to that point, such as pills, elixirs, fruits, and other natural treasures."

"Of course, you could also rely on techniques," said Sellifer, hinting to Valyr the method he'd gotten from Vaughn. "But they generally take more time to complete if you're in a race

against time."

"Anyways, is that all you wanted to ask me?"

Hearing that question, Valyr replied back that it was indeed the only question he had to ask her, prompting them to end their conversation there.

With Sellifer telling him to be wary of the Serpent Maiden's motives after that, Valyr soon felt the foreign strand of Azure Energy attached to the rune disappear a few seconds later.

With that, he dispelled the rune he'd created, returning his attention not long after to the now cold plate of food he'd left half-eaten sometime ago.

Finishing off the remainder of his meal in a matter of minutes, the young man made his way to the bathroom to freshen himself up, changing into a set of clothes as he went over the choices he had in mind.

"I could proceed with the 3rd stage of the Records, undergo atavism... or head to the Blacksmith Guild to complete another quota."

Briefly taking a look out the window to see that the day was still young, it did not take long for

the young man to make his decision, heading out of the inn after making sure he brought

everything he needed with him.

"Time to make a trip to the Blacksmith Guild."


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