MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 963: Infusing the Void

Chapter 963: Infusing the Void

'How long has it been since I've started?'

After Valyr was certain that he had familiarized himself with every possible sensation that lingered within his Shadow Energy, the young man let out a faint sigh of relief as he decided to focus his senses outward.

To him, it felt like he'd been familiarizing himself with his Shadow Energy for days upon end, taking hours to just become intimate with a single one.

Though it was easy at first, which he felt was due to either his exposure to the Shadowsource or the darkness of the Void World, familiarizing himself with the remaining sensations gradually become harder and harder for the young man.

Slowly but surely, the sensations he had to familiarize himself with were becoming more complex in nature, taking more and more time to get the heart of the sensation itself.

Nevertheless, he still succeeded in doing so.

'I familiarized with 7 simple sensations, 49 compounded sensations, and 343 complex sensations. 399 sensations in total,' inwardly muttered the young man to himself, only for his thoughts to become slightly jumbled as there was no change in the outside world whatsoever.

Taking a brief look at Noel, who was still immersed in his attempts of purifying his mana to the next stage, Valyr soon focused his attention on the surroundings, only for him to ultimately focus his attention on Sellifer.

Having been told by her that she would watch the young man go through the entire process of transforming his Shadow Energy, the fact that Sellifer looked bored out of her mind caused the young man to think a few things out of concern.

'Have I really been familiarizing myself with sensations for days?' asked the young man to himself, reining in his thoughts after that once he noticed that the dark haze within his inner depths was starting to rumble.

Taking in a deep breath to compose himself, he then radiated a hint of his aura, prompting Sellifer's expression to change as she looked at him with slightly widened eyes. "Are you already done?"

"Just the first step," Valyr replied, separating part of his attention to keep an eye on the dark gray haze. "I still have two more steps to go after this."

"Anyways, how long has it been since I've started?"

"Not... that long." Closing her eyes for a bit, Sellifer eventually gave him the response he wanted to hear. "Around a few hours or so? Either way, the Void World is about to disappear in a few more hours, so I think it'd be in your best interest to keep at it."

"Thanks." Taking Sellifer's words to mind, Valyr let out a slight exhale of relief before refocusing his senses towards his inner self, his gaze on the vast dark gray haze in front of him

once more.

Now done with the first step, Valyr felt as if he now understood every nook and cranny that made up his Shadow Energy, getting the feeling that he could now exhibit more power with the energy just with that small change.

Yet, as his goal was to transform his shadow Energy into Void Energy, the young man proceeded onto the next step, briefly expanding his senses outward as he made contact with the blanket of darkness.

'The next step is to embrace the sensations from the darkness of the Void World,' thought the young man to himself, going over the steps Noel had told him before he began.


At the very moment his senses made contact with the darkness, Valyr felt as if a great portion of that darkness had come flooding in, ignoring the light Sellifer was generating with her fixture as they all made their way into his body.

Within seconds, he felt somewhat overwhelmed by the sensations, feeling that the quantity and quality of these sensations were on a whole other level when compared to the sensations coming from his Shadow Energy.

Though, as he'd already surrounded himself with the sensations from the blanket of darkness before, it did not take long for Valyr to regain his focus once more, slowly but surely cutting away at the deluge of sensations the darkness had given him.

'Huh.' At some point, the young man realized something about the darkness, allowing him to go through the new sensations with greater ease. 'Now that I feel it, these are just the sensations I've familiarized myself with from my Shadow Energy, but just more pronounced.'

7 simple sensations.

49 compound sensations.

343 complex sensations.

These were the sensations Valyr had become intimate with during the first step.

Thanks to his sudden realization, the young man was able to notice that the darkness carried those sensations as well, but with a couple of twists.

For one, the sensations the darkness had were more direct to the point, making Valyr as if it would only take a single wrong move for him to continue succumbing to the negative sensations making up the energy.

Aside from that, there was a sensation that the darkness had that Valyr was not familiar with.

Fortunately, the young man had already felt a hint of it the moment he'd begun to amass a considerable amount of Shadow Energy.

'The Void.' With that sensation in mind, Valyr gradually adapted and embraced the sensations that were coming from the darkness, slowly attuning himself and his own Shadow Energy to be more accepting of the nature of the Void World.

In the end, the young man felt like weeks had passed before he finally got everything under control within his inner depths, letting out a sigh of satisfaction once he noticed that the dark gray haze within the vast chasm before him had now taken on a deeper black.

'At this point, my Shadow Energy can now be considered Void Energy,' thought Valyr to himself, recalling what Noel had told him before. 'After all, it has gained the characteristics and properties of the darkness surrounding the Void World.'

'In any case, who knew that just one additional sensation would bring so much difference to Shadow Energy?'

Thinking about the new sensation he discovered while in the midst of completing the second step, Valyr soon had a wry smile on his face as he recalled the large number of additional sensations the new one gave him to familiarize.

'Because of the Void, there are now 8 simple sensations, 64 compound sensations, and 512 complex sensations. Close to 200 new sensations added, just like that.'

Letting out a faint sigh as he recounted that, the young man swiftly pushed such thoughts to the side as he decided to move on to the final step, which was imprinting his will on the

energy itself.

Continuing to gaze at the large pitch-black haze surrounding him, Valyr ignored the idea of taking a look at the outside world for the meantime, flaring his aura in its entirety before pushing said aura towards his inner depths.


In an instant, the Shadow Energy turned Void Energy reacted towards this aura, immediately utilizing the plethora of negative sensations it had to retaliate against it.


While watching his aura clash against the pseudo-Void Energy, Valyr began to feel a different kind of sensation from the latter, a sensation that was vastly different from the others that he'd familiarized himself with before it.

If he were to describe this sensation in detail, then the easiest way for the young man to describe it was 'the will of the Void World'.

Unknowingly, by embracing the darkness surrounding the Void World, encapsulating it in his Shadow Energy, his pseudo-Void Energy had become a part of the Void World as well.

Realizing this, it was there did Valyr finally realize why Noel needed him to go through the

third and final step.

That was because if he didn't...

All of his efforts in procuring Shadow Energy up to this point would all be lost, only becoming accessible if ever the Void World was around.

With that, the young man flared his aura even further, slowly but surely retaliating against the defense that the pseudo-Void Energy was putting up against him.

At times, when he felt that the pseudo-Void Energy would finally succumb to his efforts, the pseudo-Void Energy would instead double down, increasing the intensity at which they resisted his attempts of imprinting his will on it.

Fortunately, with the help of a few stat-boosting skills, the young man was finally able to pierce through the retaliation of the unyielding energy, slowly imprinting his own will on what was originally the fruit of his own efforts.

Gradually, the will of the Void World within the energy was being destroyed, instead being

replaced with the will of its original owner.



After what felt like an eternity of imprinting his will on the energy, Valyr eventually stopped

once he felt that all of the negative sensations within the energy had finally stopped

retaliating against him.

At that point, he felt that the negative sensations would work alongside him, bringing destruction and ruination to all his opponents if he desired to make it a reality. Obtaining a notification from the system in response to his Shadow Energy undergoing a successful transformation, Valyr let out a sigh of relief as he returned his senses back to where

it should be.

Taking a look at his surroundings once more, Valyr felt that the Void World was finally

beginning to disappear, prompting him to realize that they were going to return to the

Shadow Plane sometime soon.

"So, how did it go?" Seeing that the young man's senses had returned to reality, Sellifer decided to ask, sensing that part of the aura surrounding him had changed.

"I was successful," replied the young man, extending one of his hand outwards as he conjured

a wisp of his newly obtained energy in response.

Feeling the various sensations that made up the pitch-black wisp defer to his will, Valyr adorned a faint smile as he realized that he'd improved his strength once more.

At the same time, it reminded him of the step he truly planned on taking before going

through this massive detour.

Which was to infuse it and combine it into his Prime Azure Energy.

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