MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 198 Custom Order



[(+10) Glacial Edge] (Level 35)

Rarity: Uncommon+

Attack: 127 - 211

Additional Attributes:

> STR +3

> AGI +3

> DEX +5

Wanting to emulate the energy of a different weapon, the blacksmith that crafted this blade took inspiration from a legendary blade they had seen in the past, utilizing their proficiency in forging as a true prodigy to the utmost limits, even though the materials used in forging are only slightly uncommon.

Nevertheless, it is a peerless blade in its own right, emanating a faint ghastly chill that could instill fear into those that it clashes against, containing power to behead foes with one strike. Untapped potential still exists within it, only waiting to be unearthed once the necessary requirements have been found.

<Innate Skill: Frigid Bloom - Allows the user to slash out at every enemy within a two meter radius, dealing damage equivalent to 75% of the user's Attack stat. Has an extremely small chance to freeze targeted enemies. Cooldown: 1 minute. Cost: 150 MP.>

Remarks: You've forged something pretty decent. Too bad you can't use it.


Reading through its description, Valyr noticed that the flavor text of the blade contained a small part in it where it mentioned that he had taken inspiration from a blade in his past memories. With this in mind, he could not help but wonder what kind of flavor text the system would come up with if he forged a piece of equipment that exactly mimicked the equipment he had in mind during that time.

Nevertheless, he discarded those thoughts as swiftly as they came, instead focusing on the fact that the blade he had crafted was surprisingly of Uncommon+ rarity.

​ Then again, after mulling over it for a bit, he eventually thought that it made sense, considering that the blueprint he made told him that the lowest rarity the blade could reach was Uncommon grade as long as he followed its instructions to the letter.

Of course, Valyr had no intention of purposefully sabotaging the forging process, instead amending part of it with the knowhow he had gained from his past life. Adding in the hyperfocus ability given to him by [Gambler's Discerning Eyes], it was more or less a given for him to craft a version of the weapon with a plus modifier to its rarity, with the amendments he had made only increasing that likelihood even further.

"This blade I forged has definitely gone past my initial expectations." With a grin adorning his face, he gave Glacial Edge to Arcenne before lightly chuckling. Noticing the slight confusion that appeared on her face after hearing her words, he added. "You'll see what I mean once you identify it."

Though slightly skeptical of his claims, Arcenne lightly nodded and used [Analysis] on Glacial Edge, her expression unsurprisingly aghast once she finished reading through its description. With widened eyes, she looked at Valyr, then back at the blade she held, feeling a hint of difficulty in believing that Valyr had forged the weapon she was currently holding.

"You… you actually forged this?" Great disbelief filled the entirety of Arcenne's body, while the expression on her face had changed to that of excitement.

From what she knew, a Rank 1 blacksmith would only be able to craft Common grade equipment, perhaps Common+ grade if they were lucky. With that in mind, she expected Valyr to be able to consistently craft Common+ grade equipment since he was an Elite Member, perhaps even Uncommon grade through pure luck.

However, Glacial Edge was an Uncommon+ grade weapon!

With this newfound knowledge, multiple thoughts spurred within Arcenne's mind regarding what she could have Valyr craft for her, thanking the heavens that she had helped the man out.

Nevertheless, she knew that the weapon Valyr had forged for her was far too valuable to be even considered a gift anymore. Being brought up with the knowledge that nothing in the world came for free, she retrieved her money pouch and offered to give Valyr a platinum coin.

Just as Valyr had a confident and relaxed smile on his face in response to Arcenne's earlier question, that smile instantly disappeared when he noticed her giving him a platinum coin. It did not take long for him to put two and two together, causing him to wave his hands back and forth in refusal as he looked at her with a slight frown. "Since I said it's a gift for helping me out in getting everything I needed to start a business, there's no need to pay for it."

"But this blade is far too valuable to even be considered a gift at this point," said Arcenne in response as she shook her head. "I insist, Valyr. I would be a fool to not pay for a weapon like this."

"And I insist that you keep it as a gift. The payment for the blade has been all the effort you've put into helping me get the requirements needed for this smithy," said Valyr in response to Arcenne's words, his expression telling the latter that he would refuse the platinum coin no matter what.

Hearing that, Arcenne let out a low sigh before eventually nodding, stowing the platinum coin back into the money pouch she brought out. Nevertheless, she felt a great amount of guilt at the fact that she had obtained such a valuable weapon for free, with the blade's rarity even being a smidgen better than her Frigid Thorn.

With that, she pondered over what she could do in order to show Valyr her thanks for crafting the weapon. Thankfully, it did not take long for a perfect idea to surface in her mind, inwardly smiling as she thought about it a bit more.

While thanking Valyr for the blade and asking him if he could make a sheath for her to put the blade in, Arcenne posed a request to him, causing the former's eyebrow to raise in curiosity.

"Are you only capable of forging weapons?"

"I can also forge armor. Why do you ask?" As he responded to her question, Valyr had a feeling that Arcenne still wanted to pay him back for Glacial Edge, which prompted her to ask him the question he responded to. However, unlike before, where he adamantly stood his ground, he decided to accept.

"Is it possible for you to forge a set of light armor for me?"

"I suppose so. However, I don't really have a blueprint for a set of light armor as of yet. Either you could supply me a blueprint for a set of light armor you want, or you could wait for a while as I head to the Blacksmith Guild and get a blueprint there."

"How much time would it take for you to obtain a blueprint from the Blacksmith Guild?" Arcenne looked at him with a hint of curiosity.

"Probably a week at most." Valyr shrugged his shoulders, recalling that he had no contribution points he could spend in the Blacksmith Guild whatsoever.

"I'll just source a blueprint for you instead," Arcenne said in response, prompting Valyr to ask her if there were any modifications he had to make to the light armor when the time to forge it came. After talking about the specific modifications he would make to the light armor for a bit more, Arcenne eventually left Valyr on his own in the building, thanking him once more for Glacial Edge as a sheathed blade could be seen around her waist as she walked away.

Watching Arcenne's fading silhouette for a short while, Valyr then returned his attention to the interior of the building, taking in a deep breath before letting out a long sigh. With a bitter smile, he scratched his head as he made his way back to the anvil.

"I should really start cleaning the building in preparation for the smithy's official opening."

"But first…"

"I should upgrade my spear."

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