MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 77: Curse of Love

Chapter 77: Curse of Love

Real World, Navy Town.

Adam sat on the desk, watching some videos on the computer. He was catching up on some news that had happened recently.

He had forgotten about some things about him; these things happened over a decade ago.

He had also been trying to remember what was going to happen in the following month or two, but couldn't recall anything major.

At that moment, his phone vibrated.

He checked it out and saw that he had received notification-someone had sent 100,000 E- Dollars to his bank account.

The sender's name was Digby Chaucer.

"Whew..." Adam sighed out a relief, closed his phone, and browsed the internet until he found the Platinum VR Pod currently on sale. It was also in a very reputable online store.

Its price was ridiculous.

[Price: 20,000 E-Dollars]

"A worthy investment." Adam said and without any hesitation, he purchased the machine, and it would arrive in the next couple of days.

'I also have enough to pay off the rent and still have some money left.' Adam leaned on the chair and let out a contented sigh.

'I'll delay paying off the rent for a while; they would get very suspicious if I managed to get the money on the first day.'

He then cracked his knuckles and went to Mortal Online's forums-there, he found more stuff about Red Thread.

It was a dangerous place, but he wanted to visit it.

'I have now money to travel there and purchase some stuff that could come in handy.'

Adam moved under the desk, pressed the shut-off button on the computer, and then stood up. He then slid his chair under the desk and stretched his arms above his head.

At that moment, Adam started hopping, like a boxer, and started throwing jabs at the empty air in front of him. Then, he took a step forward and did a flexible high kick, almost hitting the ceiling with his foot.

His leg acted as a whip and made a loud whooshing sound as it sliced through the air.

"Ngh..." Adam looked uncomfortable and put his foot back on the floor. "My body is not that flexible either. I know what I need to improve upon."

He then dropped down to the ground, catching his body with his hands, and then started doing push-ups. It was already getting late, and he didn't sleep at all last night.

Still, he didn't feel that tired.


On the other side of the wall, Alice sat on her bed with her back against the wall. She listened to the sound of Adam doing push-ups.

"He has changed." She thought to herself and hugged her legs closer to her chest. "He is now taking care of his body, and he seems more confident now.

"Perhaps he has a crush on someone?"

She tapped her finger against her lips, deep in thought.

"It feels like he is moving further away..." Alice wondered, feeling a twinge of sadness in her heart. She couldn't shake the feeling that he was slipping away from her.

"What should I do..."


New World, the Imperium City.

In the heart the Imperium City, where cobblestone streets wind like serpents between towering edifices, the Grand Cathedral loomed like a sentinel, its spires reaching for the sky. Within the expanse of the nave, rays of moonlight filtered through the clerestory windows, illuminating rows of pews where devout worshippers bowed their heads in prayer.

The air was thick with the scent of incense, mingling with the soft strains of hymns sung by a choir hidden in the shadows of the choir lofts. The service was a beautiful display of faith and reverence.

At the heart of the Grand Cathedral stood the altar, adorned with intricate carvings and golden candlesticks, where a woman was sitting, her beautiful back facing the choir, as she prayed silently.

Her beautiful, long silver hair cascaded down her back like a shimmering waterfall. She was the embodiment of grace and purity, radiating a sense of peace and tranquility to all who beheld her.

She was the Grand Priestess, Lady Yu.

She softly opened her eyes, revealing a depth of kindness and compassion that seemed beyond her years. Her golden eyes sparkled beautifully.

As she was about to stand up and end today's ceremony, a gentle breeze swept through the altar. It stopped her in her tracks.

No one felt it—not even the devout worshippers, as they were still bowing and chanting different prayers under their breath.

"God Almighty, is it you?" Lady Yu whispered in an angelic voice.

"It's me." A voice came behind her.

Lady Yu turned around slowly, her heart pounding in her chest. She then saw a pale-faced man wearing a dark cloak and a crown of thorns on his head.

"Little God." She smiled sweetly and bowed gracefully.

"Is your Curse of Men still acting up, Little Yu?" Little God asked and sat down on the altar, crossing his legs elegantly.

"It is..." Lady Yu replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "I think it has even become worse."

"How come?" Little God asked.

"Before, when men talked to me, I felt sick and weak, as if I wanted to throw up," Lady Yu said with a sigh. "It's not because I found them displeasing. Most of them were handsome young men and seemed kind, but this Curse of Men disallows any contact with men. "Now, if I am even stared at, the Curse of Men activates. It has become so much worse." "It is a powerful curse." Little God said. "Even a god like me can't do anything about it." "Will I be like this forever?" Lady Yu asked with a sorrowful tone.

"That's uncertain," Little God said, crossing his arms. "But we have another name for the

Curse of Men."

"What is it?" Lady Yu asked curiously.

"Curse of Love," Little God said. "Those with this curse are said to be forever alone, unable to

find their love."

"I am unable to find love." Lady Yu said with a hint of sadness in her voice. "I'll be alone


"Not necessarily." Little God said and raised one finger. "It has also been said that there is one person in your entire existence who is destined to be your soulmate.

"The Curse of Love won't activate in the presence of your soulmate."

"Soulmate..." Lady Yu whispered, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes.

She rarely felt any desires, but now she couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement at the

thought of finally finding her soulmate.

"Does your Curse of Love activate when looking at me?" Little God asked curiously.

Lady Yu, ashamed, nodded her head.

"I see." Little God nodded. "I don't want you to suffer more, so I'll get going, but I came here

for another reason than just chitchat."

"What is it?" Lady Yu looked at him.

"A person with fragments of my power had appeared." Little God said. "The thing is, I don't remember giving fragments of my power to anyone. I can only do it once, and it's a power that

cannot be taken back."

"You think he stole it from you?" Lady Yu asked.

"Very unlikely," Little God said. "I just want you to keep an eye on him. You've got your own

spies, don't you?"

"I'll send them first thing in the morning." Lady Yu said with a smile.

"Good girl." Little God started floating in the air, his body slowly vanishing. "Don't be

discouraged. I have a feeling that your soulmate is closer than you think."

"Mm." Lady Yu nodded with a smile.

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