Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 87 Enemy

Seeing Lothur's sleepy body lying on her bed while hugging her pillows, Viktoria felt anger at finding this man in her room.

To make matters worse, he was defiling her sheets and pillows, naked, while having his 'tool' erect, pointing proudly to the sky.

Seeing that thing quite different from when she had seen Lothur naked after a shower days ago, she could not help but focus her attention on it, shocked. 'How does he keep that in his pants?'

'That's bigger than my forearm!'

'What an animal!'

But at the sight of that pulsing thing, Viktoria no longer restrained herself, shouting angrily at him.

"Lothur! Lothur!"

"What are you doing in my bed?"

"Wake up! I swear I'll cut this thing off if you don't give me a good justification!"

As he felt a chill going through his entire body, Lothur opened his eyes. He did not give a damn about the difference in brightness and looked at the woman next to him.

"Viktoria..." He said in an uncertain tone, remembering some things that had happened the night before.

He smiled and then ran one of his hands up to Viktoria's left arm, pulling her onto that bed, "Come give your husband a good morning kiss."

He promptly moved to stand over her, going for her cherry lips.

Sensing this sudden change, Viktoria almost failed to react in time when Lothur and his erect thing almost touched her.

"Lothur Ritter!"

"You must be completely insane to do such a thing!" She raged, slapping him in the middle of his chest, sending him high into the air without mercy.

,m "Ouch!" He cried out in pain as he felt his back hit the ceiling hard and then fall faster than he had come up, reaching the hard floor, not Viktoria's comfortable bed.

As he felt this bad start to the morning, the system messages finally showed him the reality.

[Resistance to Iron-grade poisons.]

[Progress: 15%.]


[Name: Lothur Ritter]

[Physique: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger]

[Bloodline: ****]

[Cultivation: level 4]

[STR: 7.6] [CON: 9.0] [DEX: 6.5] [AGI: 8.5]

[INT: 30] [PER: 12.5] [WIL: 45.5]


'Oh?' As he felt his cheek stick to the icy marble floor of Viktoria's room, Lothur opened his mouth in surprise, realizing something was wrong.

'My status has improved without training... My resistance to poisons... That... Was I poisoned? When?'

But as he was thinking about these things, he saw that ice-hearted woman walking slowly toward him, with what looked like a belt in her fairy hands.

"You will pay me, Lothur!"

"No one will be able to save you today!" She slowly said this but in a tone that would make anyone's soul tremble with fear.

At the moment, Viktoria looked like a demon about to devour its prey, full of killing intent, seemingly unable to forgive Lothur.

"Hey, hey, baby! What are you doing? Have you forgotten about last night?" Lothur quickly stood up, moving away from that woman while making calm gestures.

"You gave me a great dinner last night, and we even talked about our relationship..."


"What are you talking about, scumbag? Are you trying to make an excuse for your actions? What night last night? Only in your dreams, I was with you last night!" She said this full of hatred, moving faster and faster towards her idiot husband.

"What? Viktoria, how can you lie like that? We had a nice evening. We even kissed! Don't tell me you don't remember?"

"I know I may have forced myself against you at first, but I felt your enthusiasm as you kissed me! You enjoyed it!" He said this, sometimes looking back for a way out.


"I don't know what kind of fantasy you have with me, but it will end today!" She ran at him, filled with the urge to beat him until nothing was left.

"No! Why are you doing this? Hmm?" He realized that he could have only been poisoned there, as he had not done or consumed anything out of the ordinary the day before, aside from the event with 'Viktoria.'

"Did you poison me? Did you do all this to act this way now?" He asked angrily, feeling terrible for waking up in such a situation.

Viktoria was one of the few people he thought would not purposely hurt him. But thinking about that possibility made him feel bad, his heart slowly filling with anger.

"I poisoned you? I wasn't even in Peters City yesterday. How could I have poisoned you?" She ignored that man's protests and finally pressed him against a wall, preparing to teach him an important lesson.

But as she got closer to his body, she smelled a woman's scent that was similar to hers, which could not have happened just because he slept in her bed.

'Hmmm? What is that?' She dropped the item in her hand, but her following action, grabbing Lothur's neck, startled this man more than his previous vision.

'This smell? That's my pheromone! Even though it's a little faint and mixed with other fragrances, that is undeniably my scent!' Her eyes sharpened, with her finally feeling that Lothur's 'dream' had not been as imaginary as she had thought.

"What?" She finally noticed faint traces of a substance on Lothur's body, commonly found on people recently recovered from poisonings.

Viktoria was not a doctor, but considering her extraordinary talent and genius status, she could identify several problems and substances with a brief analysis of her target. As such, she did not let such a thing go unnoticed!

She could not identify what poison could have stimulated the production of such a substance in Lothur's body. Still, she did not doubt that he had been poisoned.

'Someone tried to kill him while disguised as me?' She understood the situation, feeling doubly worse now since she had misjudged Lothur and had her residence invaded by enemies.

Viktoria then closed her eyes and let go of Lothur. "I'm sorry, it seems you were telling the truth."

Lothur's eyebrows frowned as he found this all strange. 'Bipolar?'

But soon, he understood the situation. "It seems you were with someone who impersonated me the night before. Your memories are of that person, not me, since I was out of the city yesterday."

"You can ask Anna about that since I talked to her about such a thing..."

"What? But she had a face just like yours! Even the ways of acting and speaking were similar! How can that be?"

Viktoria looked at him, trying to ignore the thing between his legs that had now calmed down. She then said. "Do you think I would try to poison you? Why would I do that? Besides, why would I bring you into my room and still leave you in my bed?"

"Someone tried to kill you by impersonating me, Lothur!"

"That..." He finally realized the truth, beginning to feel fearful since he had been easily fooled by such an enemy the night before.

'How lucky I had my resistance to poisons and the advantage of being a cultivator!' He swallowed his saliva in fear, feeling that he could have died in that experience.

'In any case, I can no longer be careless! I have to use the system to ensure the identity of everyone I interact with from now on!' He pondered this fact.

He could tell people's identities even without seeing their faces as long as he knew the other part!

Last night he had only not used such a thing on 'Viktoria' because he already knew he could not see her status. And since he had no reason to suspect her, nor that there were such perfect ways to impersonate someone, he had made that mistake.

He looked at Viktoria seriously, no longer as fearful as before, understanding that this woman was on his side, despite all the problems. "Viktoria, how could this have happened? How could a woman disguise herself as you so perfectly?"

"About that..."

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