Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 214 Envy’s Duty

"My lord," Michaela began, her voice filled with uncertainty as she struggled to find a counterargument. But ultimately, she couldn't because what Daniel had said was undeniably true. Even so, the weight of responsibility still burdened her, as she believed she hadn't fulfilled her duty adequately. Perhaps if she had been stronger...

"Michaela," Daniel interjected, redirecting her attention to him. "There are no 'what ifs.' All we can do is deal with the outcome and strive to prevent such events in the future."

He continued, addressing her concerns about responsibility. "Besides," he added, "if we're discussing responsibility, shouldn't I be the one reflecting on it the most? It was my failure to anticipate such an attack, resulting in inadequate preparation and Koyuki falling victim to Satan."

"No, my lord! How could you have possibly anticipated such an attack? No one can foresee the future!" Michaela protested. But in her defense, she inadvertently revealed the root of her own failure.

"That's precisely my point, Michaela," Daniel clarified, looking deep into her eyes. "No one can truly know the future. Even if some magic allows glimpses into the future, that future can change because someone becomes aware of it and alters their actions accordingly. What should happen may not, and what shouldn't occur might. That's how uncertain the future is." He gently grasped Michaela's hand and planted a tender kiss on the back of it.

"And," he continued, "if I were to lose you... I could never forgive myself. I'm relieved that you're safe." Daniel's words were filled with sincerity as he drew closer to Michaela, who began to feel increasingly flustered as he neared.

Suddenly, Michaela's mindscape shattered, and Daniel returned to the real world. He found himself in the room with the augmented reality equipment, gazing into Michaela's eyes. Her face had turned as red as a tomato, her embarrassment palpable.

"Why... My lord..." Michaela questioned, her voice laden with a mixture of emotions. She already knew the answer deep within her heart but still longed to hear it from her lord's lips.

"Did you truly want me to articulate it, Michaela?" Daniel inquired, his face drawing closer to hers. Her embarrassment had her blushing like a tomato.

With tenderness, Daniel kissed Michaela's delicate lips, and for a brief moment, their lips met in a passionate exchange. Then, he gently pulled away and stood up.

"Rest, Michaela. For me," Daniel urged, a warm smile on his face. He ran his fingers through her silver hair as she nodded repeatedly, her face still flushed with embarrassment.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Daniel exited the room, leaving Michaela to rest.

Outside the room where Michaela rested, Daniel retreated to a secluded spot in the medical center's hallway. He gazed through a window, his eyes fixed on the horizon of the base, and let out a long sigh.

"Sigh... I'm such a scoundrel," Daniel muttered, chastising himself for succumbing to temptation and seducing the archangel, despite already having one girlfriend and one lover. He understood that polygamy was the norm in mage society, but it still took time to adjust his mindset as he navigated this new world.

— Meanwhile - London —

The Hightower HQ stood as a sprawling complex of Victorian-era buildings, each one meticulously designed to emulate the grandeur and sophistication of the Gothic architecture reminiscent of the Notre-Dame Cathedral. The headquarters was a marvel of architectural mastery, a blend of the historical and the modern, as if it had been plucked from the pages of a Victorian novel and thrust into the present day.

At the heart of this architectural marvel was Envy's office, perched at the top of the main building. The ascent to this pinnacle of authority was a journey through time itself. A grand spiral staircase, adorned with ornate iron railings and illuminated by intricate stained glass windows, led the way. Each step seemed to resonate with history, whispering tales of centuries past.

As one reached the upper levels, the office came into view. Envy's workspace was a sanctuary of opulence and power. The room was generously spacious, with vaulted ceilings that soared to impressive heights. The walls were adorned with dark wood paneling that seemed to absorb the ambient light, creating an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue.

Massive bookshelves lined the walls, filled with leather-bound tomes and ancient scrolls. These artifacts of knowledge hinted at the depth of Envy's intellectual pursuits. A grand fireplace, carved with intricate patterns, dominated one side of the room, its flickering flames casting a warm and inviting glow.

Envy's desk was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, an imposing structure made from rich mahogany. It was cluttered with papers, documents, and the tools of a shrewd and calculating mind. A high-backed leather chair sat behind the desk, a throne of authority that seemed to exude power.

Tall windows framed by heavy velvet curtains offered a breathtaking view of the city below. The Notre-Dame-inspired spires of the Hightower HQ reached toward the heavens, a testament to the ambition and influence of the organization. The city's lights twinkled beyond the glass, a reminder that Envy's dominion extended far beyond the walls of this grand office.

In the presence of Envy, one could not help but feel the weight of history and the gravity of their decisions. It was a room where secrets were kept, alliances were forged, and the destiny of nations was shaped.

As Envy meticulously sifted through the pile of documents that cluttered her grand mahogany desk, she embodied the very essence of responsibility within the Hightower. Her role, equal to that of a foreign affairs minister, meant that the fate of not only her faction but also of the various magical beings and creatures under her jurisdiction rested on her shoulders.

The documents she reviewed covered a vast spectrum of matters concerning the Hightower and its relations with other magical beings and factions. There were treaties and agreements with the elves, detailing matters of trade and diplomacy. Others pertained to the dwarves, outlining terms of resource exchange and cooperation. And then there were the papers dedicated to the conservation of endangered magical creatures, with a particular focus on the unicorn population.

Envy's responsibility extended to ensuring the well-being and protection of these creatures, even as the world evolved around them. She was the guardian of their interests, striving to strike a balance between the magical world's traditions and the demands of a changing reality.

Amidst these crucial documents, Envy's attention flickered to a particular file, marked with a seal of utmost importance. It was the petition from Daniel Emberweave, a request that had garnered her personal attention.

She sighed softly, recognizing the complexity of the matter. The potential purchase of Sector Alpha City was a decision that required the consensus of the Grand Councilors, a process she could not expedite. While Envy held considerable sway within the Hightower, certain decisions rested in the hands of the collective leadership.

As she continued to clear her desk, Envy couldn't help but ponder the implications of this request. The acquisition of such a city would undoubtedly have far-reaching consequences, not only for the Hightower but for the entire magical world. It was a decision that would require careful consideration and deliberation.

"Harry, is Lord Golden Scale's schedule available for me to meet with him?" Envy inquired suddenly, her tone composed and businesslike as she sat in her elegantly appointed office.

"No, ma'am. As far as I'm aware, Lord Golden Scale is currently engaged in an important meeting with Lord Ashborn. The specifics of their discussion, I'm afraid, are beyond my knowledge," replied Henry Pembroke, the middle-aged butler who served her with a perfect British gentleman's demeanor. He carried a tray adorned with a set of tea and delicate cookies, placing it meticulously on Envy's grand mahogany desk.

"Thank you, Harry," Envy acknowledged with a nod of gratitude before delicately sipping her tea and savoring its exquisite flavor.

"Hmmm... I've missed your tea the most, Harry. You're as skilled at preparing it as ever," Envy praised, her expression softening with appreciation. Henry, ever the consummate butler, accepted the compliment with a respectful bow.

"It's my pleasure, ma'am."

"Let's see what the news holds today," Envy remarked, neatly arranging the documents on her desk before reaching for the TV remote. In the world of mages, they had their own broadcasting channels, separate from the mundane world. Most mages cared little for the news of the mundane world and even held it in disdain.

The news anchor's voice echoed through Envy's office as she watched the magical news channel. The headline spoke of a recent ship accident off the coast of Tessia Kingdom. Forensic mages had been called in to investigate, and their findings had sent shockwaves through the magical community.

The camera cut to footage of the wreckage, with mages in dark robes examining the remains of the ship. The anchor's voice grew more solemn as they continued, "Forensic mages have made a startling discovery. Traces of a Kraken, a mythical and ancient sea creature believed to have gone extinct during the Middle Ages, have been found at the scene."

Images of the forensic mages meticulously inspecting the evidence played on the screen, their faces etched with a mixture of fascination and trepidation. Envy's attention was fully captured by the unfolding story.

The news report delved into the mystery, emphasizing the incredulity of the situation. How could a creature thought to be extinct for centuries suddenly reappear? Experts were interviewed, and debates raged about the implications of this discovery.

Envy leaned forward, her interest piqued. The news highlighted various theories about the Kraken's survival, from secret magical sanctuaries to undiscovered regions of the ocean. The possibility of ancient spells or enchantments preserving its existence was discussed, along with the potential threats it posed to maritime activities.

As the news segment concluded, the anchor's tone became more speculative. "This discovery has opened a Pandora's box of questions. Could there be other mythical creatures lurking in the depths, waiting to be rediscovered? Only time and further research will reveal the truth behind the Kraken's return."

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