Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 311: 311 To the Demon Realm

Chapter 311: 311 To the Demon Realm

      At the western border, At this place, the army of the west of nearly two million imperial men was stationed in this place.

With General Li Fengyang commanding the army.

Next is the Demon's border. In the past, after the Empire's victory, a group of hundreds of millions of demons counterattacked. It was the Empire's unilateral one-sided killing.

It is initially estimated that approximately 120-150 million demons have died in battles with the Empire's with two hydrogen bombs and the continuous bombing, Including killing fields equipped with machine guns along the battle line.

At this moment, the demonic frontier was almost unmovable. But, it wasn't long before a few demons escaped across the border. And will be killed quickly.

All of this made the western border attached to the Demon's border. It looked very tiring. The soldiers had almost nothing but daily training.

Until now, the military commission had the idea of discharging some of the active-duty soldiers. Return to their own motherland.

The process of laying off soldiers is about to begin soon. It was a sign that the Demon's threat crisis had ended. They were causing some soldiers to relax without tension, like when they entered the battlefield for the first time.

And now that the backline was not far away, Hundreds of trucks were moving towards the western border defenses line.

The soldiers standing guard suddenly noticed.

"Report this to the HQ immediately." The soldier used binoculars to reach the convoy of hundreds of cargo trucks.

"Hmm, why is there a cat sitting there too?" But then, the soldier noticed an anomaly.

A gray cat stood strangely on two legs at the first cargo truck, holding a cane in his hand. As if an elderly senior cat.

The soldiers promptly reported the anomaly to the HQ.

General Li Fengyang was aware of the matter. He knew that the Demon Realm Intervention operation had begun. The Empire was preparing to invade the Demon Realm.

To press the Demon to accept the power of the Empire, Abolish resistance to war against them.

General Li Fengyang traveled back and forth to the capital a lot. So then he got acquainted with the senior cat. The elder of the White Tiger Clan, Tao Sun Guixian, was very well known with General Li Fengyang.

Tao Sun Guixian, the elder of the White Tiger Tribe, felt very good. The imperial government and Zhao Lingxin decided to provide humanitarian assistance to their demon tribes to escape the crisis they were facing.

Tao Sun Guixian sat in the cool breeze on the roof of the truck. When he saw a large amount of help from the Empire loaded with hundreds of cars, He was delighted that this expedition to the Empire was a success.

Of course, these humanitarian aid items.

For Zhao Lingxin, it was only a little like pocket change.

General Li Fengyang heard that there was a strange gray cat on the roof of the truck. He immediately smiled.

"Don't worry, that is, our acquaintances, and they are harmless," said General Li Fengyang.

Now, General Li Fengyang has received orders from the government. In asking for cooperation in the intervention of the Demon Realm, they also required military assistance from the Western Army.

      "Allow the convoy to pass into the Demon Realm," General Li Fengyang commanded. The door of the defensive barracks opened. Welcome the procession of visitors from the rear.

Great rivers separated the borders of demons and empires. It is a natural barrier. Military engineers quickly began to build a temporary bridge across the river.

When the convoy of trucks entered the barracks, a person came to see General Li Fengyang in the headquarters.

"Minister, this time, will you go on a mission by yourself?"

General Li Fengyang said in surprise because he did not know that the leader of this mission would be the foreign minister. Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei.

"That's right, Commander. This contact with the Demon Realm required an expert to intervene in the Demon Realm's internal affairs.

Therefore, it would be most suitable to go and do it by myself." Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei greeted.

"Minister, I am afraid of your safety."

General Li Fengyang said worriedly. This will be the first time a person of a high level in the Empire will go on a mission on their own. He is also a ministerial person.

"Commander, you are too worried about me. Have you forgotten that I was here before you?" said Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei.

General Li Fengyang immediately understood the meaning. On this matter, he didn't need to worry about Colonel Li Wei any longer. Because Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei was the first soldier Zhao Lingxin summoned to this world. Proficient in combat and use of weapons.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the safety of others.

"But don't be too careless. In the Demon Realm, we still don't know the true situation. You are now the country's minister. You should pay more attention to this matter."

General Li Fengyang said.

"Thank you, Minister, for your concern." Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei thanked.

"Give the three tank battalions, armored vehicles, and five infantry battalions. Follow Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei's convoy." General Li Fengyang quickly allocated troops to escort the convoy to Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei.

"If there is an emergency, you can contact me at any time. The Western Army is ready to help," said General Li Fengyang.

"Thank you very much, Commander. Now, I must excuse myself." Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei walked out.

      The convoy is now ready to arbitrate in the Demon's Realm. And the troops that General Li Fengyang had allocated were about five thousand people. So it guarantees safety as well.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei's expedition group had fully headed into the Demon Realm. When crossing the river between the borders, you will notice the change clearly.

The Demon Realm no longer appeared in the sun. Instead, black mist clouds in the sky have covered all parts and areas until the sun can't shine down on the land.

It filled this place with the skeletal remains of tens of millions of demons. Who was killed by the imperial army with machine guns.

The pile of bones that were piled up with tens of millions of them; as a result, they filled the surrounding area with a genuinely terrifying name demon realm.

No matter which direction he looked, he could only see the white streak of skeletons lined up. He can't see anything else.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei looked at the surrounding area. Even a military man like him was a little nervous.

"The Demon Realm is worse than I thought," Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei said.

Old Cat, Tao Sun Guixian jumped off the truck's roof into Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei's vehicle.

"What you see now is much better. However, when you go deep into the demon realm, The shape inside is almost impossible to see," Tao Sun Guixian explained.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei stared forward before giving orders to the expeditionary team.

"All men, depart." So the expedition team immediately headed for the depths of the Demon Realm.

The expedition did not get lost in this land. Just before the black mist envelopes, The Empire had already prepared a map of the Demon Realm. Moreover, they now had an expert like Tao Sun Guixian to guide them.

They were causing the group to explore this large group of tens of thousands of people. Travel quickly without getting lost. They were heading towards the White Tiger Tribe location, almost a thousand kilometers away.

The deeper the expedition came, the deeper it became terror. The more they were shocked. The Demon Realm was no different from any kind of Hell.

A situation in which the sun cannot shine, causing every area to be filled with darkness. Fortunately, the expedition had electricity to shine through the night. And now they already find out that the Demon Land has become a wasteland.

The surrounding area doesn't even have any trees. Most of the plants have died from a lack of sunlight. Not even a living thing exists.

According to the expedition, they met a demon with red eyes. Attack the expedition team. This group of demons could not escape the attack of more than five thousand veterans. However, the troops sent by General Li Fengyang could withstand this minor attack with ease.

The expedition team traveled three hundred kilometers a day. Due to poor visibility and road-free traffic making the journey progress only three hundred kilometers per day.

Three days later, the expedition arrived at the field of the White Tiger Tribe. One of the four great tribes of the Demon Realm.



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