Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 286: 286 The outcome of the negotiations

Chapter 286: 286 The outcome of the negotiations

Zhao Lingxin's doomsday operation left the great masters speechless. They could not imagine that Zhao Lingxin would be too crazy for anyone in the world, even having the idea of destroying the entire civilization. Everyone felt cold to the heart after listening to the presentation of the apocalypse plan.

The image of destructive power remained engraved in everyone's mind. Including target maps was enough to keep everyone silent.

Zhao Lingxin had openly threatened everyone. The masters had never experienced such a feeling before. A normal human being threatened five great masters at the same time. This courage, Zhao Lingxin, could easily be ranked number one in history.

The video in the Government House has ceased. The lights in the room turned on as usual. But everyone had a blank expression. No one spoke, letting the silence dominate for a moment.

"You have lost your mind." Sect Master Li Houshun wanted to find a more harsh insult. But the sight of the nuclear explosion that he just watched had forbidden his actions.

"You are not afraid of how history will record your story," said Master Li Houshun.

Everyone agreed with this statement, no matter who looked at Zhao Lingxin with different eyes.

But Zhao Lingxin replied with a calm expression.

"When humanity is all gone, history no longer exists. I don't see anything I must be afraid of." This humble statement immediately closed the mouth of Li Houshun.

"Zhao Lingxin, I didn't have anything to do with you. Why are you aiming for an attack on the Immortal Sword Monastery?" Sword Master Tongyi Shangjun exclaimed as he noticed on the map that nuclear warheads were aiming for an attack worldwide. Include his own Immortal Sword Monastery had been identified as a target of attack.

The great masters have come to realize the power of nuclear warheads that, in just five minutes, could lose everything on earth forever.

The Guardian, who had been watching everything, sighed.

"Sigh." The Guardian stared at Zhao Lingxin.

"I never imagined that everything would be able to reach this point. This is far beyond my expectations." The Guardian had to admit in his heart. If what Zhao Lingxin said was true, even himself certainly couldn't stop the doomsday operation.

The Guardian had clearly in his mind today that the Zhao Lingxin in front of him had abilities and secrets that far surpassed what he had anticipatedespecially operating at the end of the world that could convince him.

At this time, Zhao Lingxin had wholly turned over to the superior side, into the highest bargaining power. Even a divine master like the Yao Huang sect who worshiped the God of Light and Life. At this time, the Sect Master didn't even dare to look into Zhao Lingxin's eyes. A resentment tricked into worshiping the God of Light Sect Master Yao Huang still had to swallow this resentment.

"All of these are you oppressing me. If it's not the last choice, I don't want to use the apocalypse either," said Zhao Lingxin. All these schemes were the last thing he would use because he did not want to be the bad guy who killed tens of billions of people.

Apocalypse Operation is a contingency plan that Zhao Lingxin and the government jointly planned for this situation, using the nuclear arsenals Zhao Lingxin had accumulated for a long time.

It was so intimidating that a God-level Martial Artist would still hiccup for a moment. Zhao Lingxin now had more cards in his hand, negotiating with the masters on an equal status.

"This time, you are the winner. Say whatever you want." The Guardian decided to take a step back, compromising Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Lingxin smiled after knowing that in this negotiation battle, he was victorious over the Martial Artists. It looks superficial, there may be just words, but the intensity of this negotiation arena is the same as the battlefield.

"Then I want to continue the lunar exploration project." Zhao Lingxin persisted. This time, no one uttered any objection, not even the Guardian himself.

"Number seven operation starts." Zhao Lingxin raised his communication device. Before entrusting the mission to the number seven, conduct an in-depth survey.

"Acknowledged." Number Seven immediately executed the order. He instructed many scientists to install the equipment to make it faster. At the same time, Zhao Lingxin was talking to the Grandmaster here.

At that time, scientists on the moon had been using radiation waves to probe beneath the ground in advance to get a three-dimensional diagram of the internal structure. There's no need to waste time exploring.

"Everyone move forward." Number seven walked out first with a three-dimensional map in hand. This caused the expedition to head straight to the center of the ancient site with great speed.

The lunar exploration program has finally started.

At this moment, Zhao Lingxin, who was on the earth, spoke with the remaining Masters.

"Since you come to this place, let's go see the history together," said Zhao Lingxin, persuading everyone to sit in the Government House. Watch live events on the moon.

All the Grandmasters had nothing to do as the lunar exploration project progressed. They want to watch the secrets that are hidden too.

Each master dispersed to find a seat to watch. Zhao Lingxin ordered to bring drinks and snacks to be served to everyone in the room.

The masters felt extremely comfortable. Watch the live broadcast while sipping soft drinks under the air-conditioning making comfort.

"The Empire is very creative. These things are more convenient than in my sect." Sword Master Dongyi Shangjun sat on a plush chair with various snacks to choose from freely.

"These nowadays young people are too comfortable," Palace Master Fengzhong murmured. He saw that Zhao Lingxin would be too comfortable. Didn't do anything, let the employees do his work, and sat comfortably.

"That's it. I think of myself in the past that was searching for the secret treasures of the Ancient Ruins. Didn't sit and watch comfortably like this." The Five Elements Sect Li Houshun felt that Zhao Lingxin was too comfortable. Incredibly wrong in their ways.

As for the Yao Huang Sect remained silent and refused to speak. He was quietly watching the broadcast alone. Guardian too, still staring at the screen unblinkingly.

Zhao Lingxin didn't respond. Let these elders gossip about him as usual. Zhao Lingxin considered himself an emperor, not a Martial Artist who had to find secret treasures by himself.

He had a lot of resources on hand. Let these resources benefit themselves. He doesn't have to get tired of going up to the moon by himself.

Back to the moon The number seven explores at high speed. The underground archaeological site on the moon is not very complicated. There are only a few rooms. Finally, the expeditionary team arrived at the center of the historic site with a coffin in the middle of the room.

Just looking at it, they knew that this would definitely be the place where the Cursed Woman was sealed. And at this moment, a terrifying noise resounded in the minds of everyone on the Yanhuang Great Continent.

"Humans of the Eastern Lands. Come and release me from bondage. and you will receive immortal life."

The survey team didn't care about the noise. They quickly installed electricity with a large number of scientific equipment in the hall.

"Your Majesty, we are waiting for the next order." Number seven calls back to the human world. To the final action, set free the cursed woman.

Everyone in the Government House heard this all over. The Guardian turned to look at Zhao Lingxin with deep eyes.

"Zhao Lingxin, you must think carefully. This is dangerous for you and the people of all great continents. Sealing the Demon Queen back again is very difficult." The Guardian gave one last warning, hoping that Zhao Lingxin would listen to himself.

The Guardian represented everyone in this speech. The remaining masters knew that they no longer could deter. Ever since Zhao Lingxin showed off nuclear weapons. They immediately understood what Zhao Lingxin wanted to convey. Conceal the meaning to keep them quiet. Now, only the Guardians dared to warn Zhao Lingxin.

"Teacher, I know your concern for the human world." Zhao Lingxin paused for a moment before his eyes shone with confidence.

"But you are too insulting to humanity. The first emperor five thousand years ago sealed the devil. I, too, can do it with the power of science. You, Martial Artists, don't underestimate us." Zhao Lingxin expressed his confidence. And strangely, such words have gained confidence in everyone.

"Number seven, proceed to awaken the Cursed Woman." Zhao Lingxin issued the final order.



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