Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 271: 271 Before Annihilate

Chapter 271: 271 Before Annihilate

      At the meeting room of the Government House, All the Security Council meets together. And this time, Lieutenant Li Fengyang also returned to the meeting.

"General, thank you for the sacrifice and dedicate your heart that you have made to the nation."

Zhao Lingxin thanked and welcomed Lieutenant Li Fengyang. They were returning from the front line.

"This is my honorable duty," replied Lieutenant General Li Fengyang.

The Security Council applauded Lieutenant Li Fengyang as well.

This time, a battle under the scrutiny of Lieutenant Li Fengyang proved to be very effective on the battlefield.

Defense Measures of Lieutenant Li Fengyang. It can effectively block the millions of demons that have invaded. It has been applied on all battlefields to deal with the incoming demons. It can be considered an outstanding achievement of Lieutenant Li Fengyang.

With such great merit, Zhao Ling Xin gave him a military rank. To be fully general.

In addition, Zhao Lingxin also prepared to arrange the award ceremony. Along with medals of valor for officers who have outstanding accomplishments on the battlefield as well.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I would like to represent all the soldiers to Thank You on this day for supporting us so very well," said General Li Fengyang.

After talking for a while, Zhao Lingxin started the meeting.

"The Western Front is now over. Only one place left. "

Zhao Lingxin's hand pointed to the northern side of the country.

Now the Western Front can be considered safe. There was hardly a single demon left. If any demon is not in the explosion zone

They were hit by a powerful impact, knocking the body until the explosion crushed the material without any good pieces.

They were causing only a few thousand demons to be left, Remaining from the explosion that occurred.

Millions of the empire's troops on the Western Front consists of eighty infantry brigades. Five fast-moving vehicle divisions, Helicopter units, And air force support units have carpeted, raided, reclaimed the land for every square inch that the empire lost.

Hordes of demons escaped from the explosion. Definitely unable to resist the imperial army. The soldiers walked every inch for the cleanup for whatever was left.

Where all areas were deserted without people and living things, even trees and grass, have been eaten by the demon tribe. Scientists say in the same voice that if you let it go for a long time, The western area could be a desert.

They are causing the government to send experts and resources quickly. Rush into the area to restore the currently damaged region.

From this, speed is expected within seven days. The troops will travel to the original western defense line. That the empire had been defeated and lost back in the past, The government is preparing to restore this part of the territory. Installed the devil-catcher magic down to prevent permanent aggression. In the future, this will not happen again.

"Your Majesty, on the Northern Front, how are we going to deal with it?" Colonel Ma Chun asked. Looking at the map to the north, one could see a horde of tens of millions of demons.

Zhao Ling Xin smiled sly before saying,

"We still have one more hydrogen bomb for testing, aren't we?" Zhao Lingxin praised the convenience that this arose. Just drop the hydrogen bomb down. Everything will become more effortless in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Ling Xin's words said everything. Does the Security Council know in unison what it means?

"Your Majesty, I ask for your order for approval, too." General Guo Ling did not ask for further comment. Aim for the bombing immediately.

"I authorized the immediate use of the hydrogen bomb on the Northern Front."

Zhao Ling Xin made a decision. Then sign the document as evidence certifying the resulting order. The order was then sent to the Faculty of Sciences to carry out the transport of one remaining hydrogen bomb for the Air Force.

The meeting finished sooner than expected. It was the fastest meeting in history. There is no need to discuss many opinions. Just one sentence of Zhao Lingxin had already determined everything.

The Security Council unanimously resolved. Again the use of weapons of mass destruction against the hordes of demons on the northern front and has already issued an order.

      In Beijin City, Southern Protectorate State of Dajin, The capital was like a fortress-like Chang'an. It has a thirty kilometers long front. The nobles and emperor Ying Huangjian abdicated. They were carrying property along with the old nobles and the royal family. Take refuge in the capital Shenzhou. It has delegated the authority to Major General Song Zihua.

This concludes one of the oldest dynasties of the Great Yanhuang Continent that has been passed down for over five thousand years. Following the disappearance of the Li dynasty of Da Tang as well.

However, the former emperor Ying Huangjian did not care. Because he knew that the ling family would not be depleted, Because it was evident that Zhao Ling Xin definitely had some connection with the Ying family. After the ancient jade seal reacted to Zhao Lingxin, the form of the First Emperor came up.

It was making the former Emperor Ying Huangjian confident that Zhao Lingxin was probably one of the descendants of the First Emperor.

Causing the Zhao family and the Jing family, who will rule the land, is no longer critical. It would be enough to be Zhao Lingxin alone.

This considerably elevated the status of former emperor Ying Huangjian in the capital. Because of such rumors that he has the same bloodline as Zhao Lingxin.

Major General Song Zihua, despite having lost two battles, But was also assigned to the Northern Front at Beijin.

Beijin was able to accommodate large numbers of immigrants. And take measures like Chang'an in all respects.

But Beijin city was too far from the central area. They were making all transportation to be focused mainly on air.

In the past, Beijin City had extreme battle situations. However, it was less stressful than the Chang'an Front that had the Demon General himself acted uponcausing Major General Song Zihua and many military commissions able to take command of this front safely and steadily.

The news of the victory on the Western Front had passed here as well. Not only the commanders who heard the news but civilians and immigrants in the area are also discussing the matter with enthusiasm.

"The Western Front has won. Why does our Beijin city still have so many demons outside?" People became angry. They also wanted the demonic horde in Beijin City to disappear as well.

"I heard that the Western Front was victorious because of the so-called nuclear bomb." It has spread to Beijin as well

While the people were talking, Major General Song Zihua reported from the capital that They were preparing to drop a nuclear bomb. Major General Song Zihua immediately called a meeting of the military commission.

"According to the initial forecast, The capital city will drop a nuclear bomb at the center of the demon horde. Twenty kilometers away from our town of Beijin. "

The aide said.

"Will the explosive power affect us?" Asked Major General Song Zihua.

The chief of staff shook his head slightly.

"At such intervals, the explosive force is not powerful enough to affect us. There may be a slight impact that we already have a strong city wall to protect from the explosion."

"Then address everyone with a warning in this town," said Major General Song Zihua.

Everyone in the busy city heard the voice of the Headquarters announcement.

"We will bomb in the next six hours, All Bei Jin people and empire citizens. I wish you all to stay in the house. With the door lock and windows sealed completely, The announcement urges everyone to cease all activities immediately." The voice of the HQ's announcement ended.

Although the explosion did not affect the headquarters, the headquarters were not at ease. For their safety, they ordered everyone to find a place to hide.

All civilians and immigrants quickly entered a safe place.

Busy beijin city messed up another level. Many of them are immigrants. Without the principal residence, they do not know where to go. Fortunately, the HQ made another announcement.

"Civilians who can't find shelter, Immediately go to Dajin Palace."

Major General Song Zihua opened Da Jin's royal palace to the people who took refuge temporarily. Many immigrants quickly headed for the palace.

"Bravo, General is so kind." The state of the city soon entered silence.

For safety, about five hundred thousand soldiers on the battle line. They were ordered to dig the trenches one step further. To avoid the impact that may be more dangerous.

"Dig deeper" the commanders control the processes that take place.

In addition, the HQ has evacuated some of its soldiers. They are moving to a safe backline because the front lines are too crowded.

Fortunately, today's demons did not attack. This gave the city of Beijin a lot of time to prepare for it.

The Northern Front and Beijin City are preparing for the hydrogen bomb detonation that will happen soon.

In no time, the Air Force was carrying fifteen megatons of hydrogen bombs, which is the same level of strength dropped on the Western Front. This bomb had arrived at the field of the airbase in Beijin city.

Let's just set the countdown to arrive in four hours. The Air Force is ready to carry out this mission instantly.



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