Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 268: 268 The world must be shrouded in fear

Chapter 268: 268 The world must be shrouded in fear

In the Security Council. After Zhao Lingxin arrived. Colonel Ma Chun, Minister of Defense, was urgently reported.

"Your Majesty, please look at this." Colonel Majun shows the Black Tree of Death. Even if Zhao Lingxin, who had never known this tree before, could have predicted how bad it was.

"The Ministry of Science and the Chief of Staff have assessed it. This tree may carry pathogens and toxins to the front line. Now, Lieutenant Li Fengyang has already ordered the evacuation of the soldiers from the front line," explains Colonel Ma Chun.

Zhao Lingxin listened and felt some danger. If this matter was not handled well, it could lead to disaster for humanity, possibly even the extinction of the race. It listened to the worst assessment by the Ministry of Science that the government had to destroy the tree as soon as possible.

The Tree of the Plague was too frightening even from the screen. Zhao Lingxin was also aware of the atrocities that were full of devastating catastrophes.

"Your Majesty, in two hours, the waves of green mist will cover a radius of ten square kilometers. At that time, we might not have been able to control and block the spread," said Colonel Ma Chun, referring to the dire situation.

The conference room's screens also showed a pre-calculation of how these green haze would envelop the Empire within seven days.

If these calculations were correct, all areas of the Empire might not have any life left.

"Your Majesty, we should use THAT to clean up the surrounding area as quickly as possible." General Guo Ling urged to hasten the removal of this foreign object from the Empire's land.

And the weapon General Guo Ling refers to is the hydrogen bomb that the Empire is developing to replace the traditional nuclear bomb that is too dirty after use.

"Has the Ministry of Science assessed the damage caused by weapons?" Zhao Lingxin asked for the last time to be sure. Before approving orders

Colonel Ma Chun nodded and said:

"The Ministry of Science has confirmed that the hydrogen bombs will be clean and safe, absolutely free of radiation," Colonel Maqun ensures that it is absolutely safe and does not affect the Empire like nuclear bombs.

"Your Majesty, we have to make a decision." General Guo Ling was urging Zhao Lingxin. Which everyone is waiting for the emperor's final order

The Security Council has observed everything if left too late. The Empire will not be able to control the damage done.

Plague and toxins will kill many people. Even if the Empire had a strong health system, it was indeed unable to cope.

It was an urgent time that Zhao Lingxin had never been pressured like this before. Considering all aspects, Zhao Lingxin agreed to approve the use of weapons of mass destruction.

"OK, we use the hydrogen bomb to clean the toxins that are forming," Zhao Lingxin signed for. The hydrogen bomb, still in its experimental stage, has not yet been loaded into an army that has gone through multiple layers of security.

Therefore, when Zhao Lingxin gave an order, a hydrogen bomb was immediately put into service.

The agency is responsible for transporting hydrogen bombs from the experimental desert base. Loaded into a bomber and headed to Datang Township, the area that was occupied by demons.

Hydrogen bombs are too large and heavy and cannot be mounted as warheads in missiles. It is the Air Force's job to carry them out on command.

An hour passed

The green mist emitted by the Black Plague Tree has spread over ten kilometers. It is now covering the front line base, originally served by millions of the Empire's soldiers.

In which all the soldiers had moved back twelve kilometers

At this moment, Lieutenant Li Fengyang, who was in control of the evacuation, was informed from the capital that a hydrogen bomb would be bombarded into the demon horde.

"This is not good. They are about to drop a hydrogen bomb." Lieutenant Li Fengyang was shocked because they would be far from the bombing point. But the hydrogen bomb has a highly destructive power that is difficult to predict.

"General, we are twenty-two kilometers from the bombing point. We are now outside the radius of the explosion," the officer said.

"We cannot be careless. Now our army is moving too slowly. It might be too late." Millions of soldiers evacuated, so it was difficult for everyone to travel quickly. And now that the military has been evacuating for more than three hours, it is hard to continue.

Lieutenant General Li Fengyang was not careless about the destructive power of the hydrogen bomb. Decided to issue an order

"Not much time left. Everyone digs the trenches as deep as possible now." Lieutenant Li Fengyang decided to build a bunker to protect him from the potential explosion.


The command of Lieutenant Li Fengyang was sent down, millions of soldiers dropped their weapons, turned to dig the most bottomless hole at the general base.

Green mist covered all parts of the surrounding area. And at this moment, the western front was infiltrated by a green mist. Hundreds of flies are catching up everywhere, trying to spread the epidemic as much as possible.

Like an unfortunate thing, the green mist dried up the life force of everything, spreading germs all over the area. Still, unfortunately, this front line had no one.

The demons did not realize that all their movements had been exhausted by the Empire and completely evacuated the people, and even prepared to counterattack.

"Today, everyone will witness the greatness of the Demon Clan." Yi Baolong stood above the Black Plague Tree, staring at the green mist spreading in all four directions.

"Soon, all life on this land will die. Not one person remains."

Supreme Commander Yi Baolong was filled with joy in his heart. If he was able to successfully conquer the Eastern Land, the Great King would definitely appreciate it.

The Demon General knelt on the ground, looking at the Supreme Commander with admiration. The method of the Dragon Clan is far superior to the monsters. One action was successful.

While the millions of demons rejoice Above the sky, high among the clouds, the bomber has already carried a hydrogen bomb.

The bomber flew at an altitude of thirty thousand feet, very well avoiding any ground detection.

"Specify the coordinates, confirm the location of the bombing. I repeat, will now bombard the target," the pilot who performed the mission alerted all parties involved.

"Do it now." The Security Council and Zhao Lingxin were both eyeing the consequences of this bombing. This will be the first hydrogen bomb test that the research institute has not actually tested.

"I hope everything will go well," Zhao Lingxin stared at the bombing operation intently.

A notification was sent to Lieutenant Li Fengyang as well.

"Tell everyone to stop, hurry up and go into the trench!" Lieutenant Li Fengyang hurriedly urged every division to go into a hole with a shield to reduce the injury from the bomb's destructive power.

"Yes." Millions of soldiers have thrown away their equipment before jumping into a newly dug bunker.

Once all parties have been notified, it is time for the pilot on the mission to do their dignified duty.

The pilot installed an ignition system and then released the bombs below.

The grenade dropped by gravity, the world accelerated more and more, with the center of the explosion on the plague tree.

Below, millions of demons are kneeling in front of the hundreds of dragons standing in the sky. The aura of the Dragon Clan had pressed them against them, barely breathing.

"Commander, everything is ready." Three Green Dragons reported to Yi Baolong, the Black Plague Tree had absorbed the energy from the ground, ready to release one final ray.

"Great, this world must be shrouded in fear" Yi Baolong had not yet finished. As if time had stopped, Yi Baolong, standing above the Black Plague Tree, noticed a huge object falling from the sky and stopped right in front of him.

Yi Baolong's gaze fell on the hydrogen bomb. Which is at the height of the installation to cause an explosion. Then an ample light flashed like the sun.

This was the last memory of Yi Baolong before everything was dissolved.

And it was then that everyone had witnessed the greatness that had happened.



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