Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 256: 256 Back to Earth

Chapter 256: 256 Back to Earth

      Zhao Lingxin established the Sky City, Tai Yang Zhou. To enable this facility to perform its space missions fully.

Zhao Lingxin delegated Tai Yang Zhou management authority to the National Space Agency. They can continue to improve all forms of scientific experiments.

Including performing military missions in the future as well.

Four astronauts and their captain were temporarily in the Sky City of Tai Yang Zhou. To adapt and take actions in advance, practice using various equipment in the city to become familiar.

As for Zhao Ling Xin and two other astronauts, Proceed to return to Earth with the space shuttle provided.

At the Dongzhou Command Center.

"The target has entered the atmosphere," space agency officials reported on the situation.

"Calculating the landing point."

"The landing coordinates forty kilometers from the coast of Dongzhou."

"In ten minutes, the object will enter the Earth."

"Arrange a fast-moving unit to pick up His Majesty immediately," said General Guo Ling.

"The Navy has already taken action, Prime Minister."

Colonel Ma Chun said.

When General Guo Ling heard this, he looked around and found that The people from the Navy had all disappeared. They left not a single person.

"Let them do some work." General Guo Ling knows how much the Navy wants to confront Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Ling Xin's space shuttle passed through the atmosphere. With flames covering the whole ship and dashing through the sky like a meteorite.

"Splash!!" the space shuttle hits the sea surface.

Zhao Ling Xin sitting inside the shuttle sensed a heavy body. As a result of gravity, he knew that he had returned to the Great Yan Huang Continent.

"Luckily, the journey went smoothly," Zhao Lingxin said in relief. Space travel is fraught with uncertain factors. Able to have an accident at any time.

The astronauts opened the door of the space shuttle. Zhao Lingxin slowly pushed his body outside. Smell the unique sea waves. Looking out, he saw that there were already many warships waiting.

Rear Admiral Meng Bai led the Navy to have prepared the 1st fleet of the Empire, dozens of ships. Specifically to pick up Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Ling Xin got on the Enterprise aircraft carrier. Beyond, many people were waiting to welcome thema senior naval officer and a member of Parliament.

"Your Majesty, welcome back to the Earth. I have prepared the 1st Fleet of the Empire. Come to protect His Majesty entirely."

Admiral Meng Bai welcomed Zhao Lingxin.

There is a fully organized fleet of aircraft carriers. And more than three battleships, A submarine hiding under the water, Keep blocking foreign matter at all times.

"Thank you very much, Commander," Zhao Lingxin said.

After that, the senior leader of the Navy. He came to talk to Zhao Lingxin for a while. Zhao Lingxin went to change clothes, cleanse the body. Put on the emperor's uniform again. Prepare to meet with members of Parliament.

More than twenty parliamentarians waited for Zhao Lingxin at the aircraft carrier's lounge. They represent the capitalists all over the country, meeting Zhao Lingxin.

When Zhao Lingxin entered the meeting room, All hurriedly said congratulations.

"Your Majesty, our space program has made great progress. We are all thankful to those who made so many sacrifices," Gu Heng said as President of the Parliament.

Gu Heng was considered a local godfather in Dongzhou District. Therefore has a good relationship with the Navy, he is able to come to the aircraft carrier to meet Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Lingxin's ascension at first remained a secret. But when everything was done, And several people were aware of this information.

      One of them is the capitalist MPs. The space program has a lot of its funding. Therefore, meeting Zhao Lingxin had one purpose. That is, sharing the benefits of the space program right now.

Zhao Lingxin saw the eyes of the capitalists. Well, know what they want. Of course, Zhao Lingxin pretended to be innocent.

"You guys came to see me; what do you want?"

The capitalists all looked at Gu Heng as the ones who spoke to the emperor.

Gu Heng coughed slightly and said,

"Your Majesty, the space program has made great progress. We, the council members, are all worried about this," Gu Heng said, stirring around the world. Before finally entering the content.

"Your Majesty, the story of the Sky City, Tai Yang Zhou We already know. We need a place to stay in that city," Gu Heng said on purpose.

Building a city in the sky was something that they had never thought of before, Not to mention cities located outside the world among the stars. In the opinion of the ordinary person, This floating city is as splendid as the paradise of the gods.

As soon as he heard the news, The capitalists wanted to get the right to live up there immediately. If they get the right to the city in the sky, No matter what on Earth will happen, The Demon Realm will annihilate the Empire. They will survive in the atmosphere anyway.

There is no need to worry about Martial Artists or demon realms. We are living in the sky, observing the fight on the Earth.

Many capitalists wanted to stay in the Sky City of Tai Yang Zhou.

Gu Heng, who had heard the news, quickly used his own ties with the Navy. He came to contact Zhao Lingxin first. This gave the capitalist DongZhou a massive advantage over other investors.

Zhao Lingxin, who listened, smiled. If this is the case, it is easier to negotiate.

"I must first tell you that the funds they support are not the land in the Sky City. But I will give you the right to be the first one to buy," Zhao Lingxin said.

Many capitalists, including Gu Heng, understood the meaning that Zhao Lingxin wanted to convey. Land on the Sky City needed them to pay for the land. If it comes to money, the capitalists won't have a problem right away.

No matter how expensive it is, The capitalists are ready to spend in order to be the first to gain access to Sky City, Tai Yang Zhou.

"Your Majesty, we are ready to buy the price that you offer."

Gu Heng said.

"This matter does not have to be in a hurry. We slowly go back to negotiations in the capital. "

Zhao Lingxin still didn't plan to sell at this time. It only pledges to the capitalists to give them peace of mind.

"I know," Gu Heng said.

"Then we will excuse first."

The capitalists who heard Zhao Lingxin's promise did not feel trapped in anything in their hearts. They retreated and gave Zhao Lingxin time to rest.

"Oh, I just arrived. There are so many tasks to be done."

Zhao Ling Xin murmured. He had just returned to the surface, and the world was already in chaos Home Affairs and Domestic Political Games, Which had to be managed to balance.

Zhao Lingxin's mission had not been exhausted yet, just this. He picked up the phone before connecting to the Chang'an Front.

"General, it's me, Zhao Lingxin." Zhao Lingxin contacted Lieutenant Li Fengyang.

"Your Majesty, what do you want?" Replied Lieutenant General Li Fengyang.

"Where did our Front Line preparation go?" Asked Zhao Lingxin.

"Everything is complete. Just wait for His Majesty to have an order. We are ready to carry out our attacks at any time," replied Lieutenant General Li Fengyang.

"It's time for us to get rid of this problem. General, you can start an attack," Zhao Lingxin ordered.

"ROGER THAT," said Lieutenant General Li Fengyang.

Zhao Lingxin decided not to let this go any further. The Empire's economy was in decline because of the demon invasion.

That evening, Zhao Lingxin decided to rest on the aircraft carrier.

When morning arrived, he returned to the shore.



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