Chapter 25: Anthony Vs Bryan

Bryan moved immediately the signal was given, slashing at Anthony's neck.

Anthony parried the attack with one hand and the other behind his back, Bryan moved again cleaving at his chest, Anthony once again parried like it was child's play, but this time he counter attacked and thrust at Bryan's heart.

Bryan turned by sidestepping using the momentum to cut vertically at Anthony's hand, which he blocked.

Anthony smiled at Bryan and they both immediately increased their speed and strength


The katana and sabre collided leaving explosion as they moved with pure physical strength, countering each other with new moves

Ravines were created as they moved, dust rose as they clashed, the entire arena was destroyed but it didn't stop them

Air seemed to be split apart with each attack, the already destroyed arena seemed to disintegrate under their sheer force.

They only left streaks of light as they moved at speeds that broke the sound barrier, they were too fast to even leave after images.

Anthony appeared behind Bryan and slashed hundred times in a second with speed that many students won't even match even if they enhance their body with mana, Bryan refusing to give up increased his speed and parried all attacks and countered by slashing at his waist.

Anthony simply jumped and landed on the tip of Bryan's sabre like he was weightless.

Bryan looked at him with a frown wondering how he did that without any movement technique but he didn't delay his actions

He withdrew his sabre to bring down Anthony, but before he could, Anthony already back flipped and landed a distance away.

He looked at Bryan who was sweating but had a steady breath and said

"I've matched you for five minutes now, if this is your best then you better end it here, I would be taking it up a notch from here, you might lose a limb or two"

"Don't look down on me human" Bryan replied while taking caution to what Anthony said

"Since I arrived at this Academy I have been called Human countless times like it is my name, although I'm proud to be human but that's not my name, but i guess at the end of the day, only power will imprint my name in your mind and soul"

Anthony blurred and appeared Infront of Bryan and swung his sword with pure force

Bryan reacted late but he still blocked but he was sent flying like a cannonball, tumbling on the ground, then he turned around and balanced himself skidding on the ground as he regained balance, he looked at Anthony

But the Anthony he saw was only an after image

The real Anthony already swung his katana a hundred times at Bryan creating hundred cuts on Bryan's body but his dragon body helped reduced damage but that didn't reduce the pain he felt.

Bryan immediately tried to counter by thrusting at Anthony's left eye, but Anthony ducked and slammed the sword hilt on Bryan's gut as he coughed blood and he was sent flying breaking wind barrier as he was sent flying backwards

The crowd watching could barely even follow their movements, only a selected few could barely see their movements with such speed

"Is this guy still human"

"Was he brought from a lab as a trump card"

"When did such a monster appear in the human race"

"Isn't the human race too fierce this time"

"Yeah they even have up to six people in the top twenty this time around"

Bryan stood up, he was dizzy, he has lost a lot of blood, his bones fractured with ribs broken from the intensity of Anthony's successive attacks but he refused to give up

Anthony just stood there looking and Bryan

'The Dragon's vitality is truly absurd, a human would be out cold by now if not dead' he thought as he shook his head

Then he took a step and appeared beside Bryan and cut off his right hand, then kicked him again on the chest with greater force this time and Bryan lost consciousness while he bled heavily.

Klaus who was viewing all of this from above only shook his head then he appeared in front of Bryan and told one of the students to take him to the healers clinic

He turned to Anthony and said

"What's your name student"

"Null Anthony" Anthony replied while looking at Klaus as he wondered how far Klaus has really gone while mastering all weapons.

"Ohhh.... So you are that monster's son" he replied while touching his chin

"Well, you don't need my class anymore, from the display I could tell you were holding back, your foundation is already solid, even I wasn't as good with any weapon when I was your age, even your father wasn't this good" he said with a deadly smile

"As the first to graduate, with such ridiculous display I would award you points, the Dean gave me three hundred thousand points to share as I see fit within the span of two years, how about I give you two hundred thousand"

The rest were shocked as he said he was giving over two hundred thousand points, this was giving everything to Anthony, this was impossible, they would only be left with scraps, but they couldn't complain as they are not brainless idiots.

Klaus knew why he gave away such points, for him who was a genius in his own class with mastery over all weapon, where even people who call themselves masters of a particular weapon dare not call themselves masters in his presence, people hardly impress him.

Which is the reason the Dean only gave him only three hundred thousand points because the Dean knew that Klaus won't even give anyone points at all or would give the bare minimum that anyone could get from a mission, but if Klaus sees someone that impressed him, he would give away all points immediately.

If not for these facts, the Dean would have given more points to Klaus to give as a reward in class.

Which is why the Dean gave such small points to a class holding such number of students for a duration of two years.

"Thank you instructor Klaus" Anthony replied

Klaus nodded and said "Off you go".

Anthony left as everyone stared at him as he left the place without hesitation.

Tiara looked at him with a stern face, she clenched her fish until her nails punctured her palm and she bled which healed back immediately due to traits of a vampire

(All vampires have great physical strength and regeneration, the higher the purity of their bloodline and higher their mana rank the faster their regeneration and higher their strength, that is why people aim for their head or heart, as any other injury would simply regenerate with enough time depending on the severity of the injury and the regeneration doesn't cost mana it's part of their innate trait)

She was in turmoil cause she knew that if she faced Anthony, she would lose, she thought she already saw the gap she needs to close during the third round of the exam but it seems he was holding back and the instructor also said he was holding back even till now.

Even though she has a good foundation in her sword training, she could also tell Bryan has just as good of a foundation as her but the Physique of a dragon was no joke as the physical differences could make her lose

Though her physical strength could match some dragon but not people like Bryan who were at the higher rank in the dragon clan

But she didn't believe she would lose against Bryan in an all out battle

'I have a lot of weakness right now, I have to increase my training again, I hope i can cover all these during the training with master' Tiara thought as she steeled her resolve to never be left behind again

This spar has truly shown her a lot, right now the only thing needed was to get to work as soon as possible.

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