Chapter 20: Eyes -1

Anthony woke up exactly 6AM, he went through his normal morning routine of bathing, dressing and admiring himself, he went to the living room and sat on a couch, he looked at his watch and went through it.

He saw the list of classes he had to take and their schedules through the week.

He takes the mana and element control, history, demonology which is study of demons and beast, Weapon class.

He brushed through the school rules which were basically simple.

A student can't kill another student no matter the reason on Academic ground, they can only challenge them and take it out on the battle arena.

Points are basically everything here, everything here cost point, be it eating, drinking, every single thing cost point, even read books in the library cost points only some basic books are free. The only free things here are the living quarters provided by the school and the classes, aside those nothing else, this was to make students work harder for everything and not make them lazy.

Anthony could understand the lazy part, with the luxury here, if he was reincarnated in a normal or poor family, he too might be tempted to laze around for a few weeks.

There was no status here, the only status here is the strength asides that nothing else, 'can't talk it out, then fight it out'. The Academy wasn't built to raise greenhorns who knew not the horrors of the world.

He also saw that although missing classes and coming late cost points, you can actually leave classes and points won't be deducted by taking a mission which grants a permit for that particular amount of day stipulated to the mission, no professor of any level can over turn this permit, only the Dean and Vice president has such power and failing any mission also cost twice as much as the reward points, this was to prevent students from taking mission to leave the Academy and skip classes without being kept in check and also to prevent some from sending themselves to death.

Those whose points falls to a particular level in the minus range would be expelled

He also read through many rules but they were all normal Academy rules, so there wasn't much to say on them.

He looked at the time and saw it was already 7:30AM and he had mana control class by 8AM, he open the map function on the watch and left his room heading for his class as he didn't want to be late on his first class.

He walked for around ten minutes and arrived at the class door which was closed with a writing on wall above the door 'S1' which simply meant the S rank class of the first year.

He simply opened the door with mana without even lifting his hands and walked into the class with his one hand in his pocket as he walked.

He looked around the class as he walked and saw everyone was already present and he was the last person.

All nineteen looked at him as he walked, some remembering their loss, some remembering they gave him free points, they all had different thoughts.

Anthony simply walked with his footsteps echoing in the room as he took a seat at the back of the class, he looked at the time which said '7:41 AM' since there was still time, he simply crossed his leg, folded his arms on his chest and closee his eyes waiting for the professor to arrive.

All professor here were strong and even the lowest were at least Grandmaster Rank, this alone spoke volumes on the strength of the Academy.

The professor were ranked on stars, from one start to four star, each extra single star was like the difference between the heavens and the world and spoke volumes of the level of strength possessed in the Academy

As Anthony was resting someone started laughing and walked up to him with a steady stride. As he arrived Infront of Anthony he stopped laughing and smiled and said

"My name is Storm Bringer, ranked sixth, and that big idiot over there is my brother is Storm Rider ranked eighth"

He stretched out his hands as soon as he finished speaking for a handshake.

Anthony opened his eyes and looked and him and smiled and said "Null Anthony, nice to meet you Storm bringer" as he shook Bringers hands

Bringer said "Everyone already knows your name there was no need for the introduction"

Anthony looked at this tall freak who stood at 6'7 at the age of 15 wondering what this boy was fed, all his muscles were simply bulky and bulging out as if even the clothes was the only things trying to hold them back.

Anthony released his hands from Bringers firm grip and said

"I've never actually met or talked to any other race before, you are the first"

Bringer replied "No big deal, but I've met a lot of human during my training and whenever I come out"

Bringer wanted to continue but Anthony said

"We have only a minute left, you should returned to your seat before the professor arrives"

Bringer looks at his watch and nodded then tuned around and returned to his seat and sat beside his brother Rider.

Rider said "Brother why did you talk to the human"

Bringer replied "He is strong and I only respect the strong"

Rider sighed at his brother's replied "Brother can you stop being all brawls for once, besides father specifically warned us about the humans that they are as cunning as the demons"

Bringer simply shook his head and didn't reply

The door opened and a man walked in, he had a blood red hair with red eyes and a handsome face, and emiited a dense aura, on his left chest was a badge with four stars on it.

The man walked with steady but powerful steps and had everyone entranced by his mere presence, the man arrived on a podium which was Infront of the class that had a table and a chair.

The man looked around, his eyes sharp as if piercing through all veils in other to see their secrets.

He scrutinized everyone head to toe, then his red eyes landed on Tiara and stayed a nanosecond longer, no other person noticed.

His gaze landed on Anthony trying to see it all and what was about him.

His skill 'The perfect one' notified him about someone trying to get information about him.

Anthony didn't plan to produce a fake information, rather he blocked the man's ability totally making it not work on him, making the man get nothing from him.

The man looked at Anthony for two second with red eyes and Anthony looked back at him with bright blue eyes, their eyes met as they stared as if sending off red and blue sparks.

They both though at the same time 'He has special eyes', other students didn't notice this as they were still in a trance from the man's aura.

The man turned his gaze away from Anthony and looked at the other students who were in a daze, 'A golden generation indeed' he thought as he finished seeing through all of them, but the corner of his eyes was still on a student who wasn't in a trance like his classmates, 'His presence will help her push herself more' he thought as he looked at Tiara

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