Chapter 99 CH 95: BIG OR SMALL

The car they had taken was too small for the four of them and their luggage. So they had to work around this by calling and renting an SUV.

Adam thought that he would take Viktor in the first car while Cecilia would go with Makarov and catch up with him.

But it was actually the opposite.

This was how Adam found himself alone in the small car with that giant grandpa while driving silently.

The road was open and thankfully, while there was some traffic jams, it wasn't as bad as it could be during rush hour.

Even though they were in November, the weather was quite beautiful with an ideal temperature.

"Oh… It has been a while since I visited LA or the USA in general. But I remember now why I avoided this country like the plague."

Adam was quite intrigued by the sudden topic as he had thought that they would stay silent all the way.

Since the old man had spoken, Adam obviously could not stay silent, "Why is it so?"

"Nothin', I just dislike crowded cities. Too many people. Everyone ignoring each other. Walking while looking down at their phones, not even looking up at the beautiful sky and thanking the gods for another beautiful day."

Makarov shook his head, "Ever since humans learned how to create light, they forgot how dangerous the dark is. Rather than working together, egoism and individualism are prioritized."

Adam looked at Makarov as he spoke dispassionately about this. It seemed like rather than true outrage,

"You seem tired."

"Heh…You are perspective. I like that. You need all your wits when fighting."

Makarov laughed. "Do you want to listen to the rambling of an old man? If you don't we can just listen to whatever music is popular these days."

Adam shrugged, "I don't really like modern music."


The old man grinned and ruffled Adam's hair, "You are truly a good lad. Cecilia did a good job."

Makarov's hand was big enough to nearly cover all of Adam's head.

Feeling this large hand on his head, Adam had to admit that he felt quite weird. All his life, Adam had been raised by Cecilia and sometime Shuri. Cecilia had given her all, playing a mother, father, and every role possible to make him feel at ease.

But there was no doubt that when he was younger, he sometimes wondered what it would feel like to have a man in his life. Cecilia did not seem interested in any relationship ever since she had him.

He did not know how his life would have been different if he had a father or someone playing that role. He would have certainly been different. But whether this would have been for the better or the worse was something to debate.

Makarov had this grandfather aura that made people feel at ease immediately once they spoke to him.

The two of them spoke about simple things. Mostly Makarov complained about a few things but conceded that some changes were good and necessary.

But if there was one thing that was clear it was that he did not like the current state of Hunter.

"See boy. I seem like an old stubborn man when I say this but hunters nowadays aren't good."

"Is it that bad? Like how hunters are weaker than the past?"

Makarov laughed but shook his head, "In terms of individual power. Hunters nowadays aren't inferior to even legends of the past. We have stronger weapons and better technology. At least, I believe that hunters nowadays lose to no hunter from the Age of Men."

Unlike the normal subdivision of history used by humans. The hunters divided History in four Great Eras.

The Lost Era.

The Age of Gods.

The Age of Spirits

The Age of Men.

During the Age of Men, most special monsters such a Dragons or Fairy slowly vanished from the surface of the earth.

"Adam. Even though Humans nowadays are more powerful than even some heroes from the age of Spirits, we would never be able to face the same trials."

Nowadays all hunters want to upgrade their strength by any means.

They would not hesitate to even improve their bodies by replacing their flesh with cold and hard iron.

But this thirst for power was simply for their own good and not the good of humanity as a whole.

Makarov knew that this kind of person were always the fastest one to run when shit really hit the fan.

The one who spoke the loudest would always go back and hide like the cowards they were.

"I don't make weapons for cowards."

Cowards were dastardly but at least they could help a little.

"I don't make weapons for traitors of humanity either."

Makarov liked the initiative to become closer to the supernatural world. He had been very close to the dwarves and joined their groups.

He had even discussed it with a few elves. Even though those elves had a stick so far up their arses he wondered how they could sit.

But what he hated more than anything where humans ready to sacrifice other humans in the search of greater power.

"I will be honest with ya kid. Cecilia asked me a favor for your weapon. I could just make a good one and go. But I don't do shit like that."

He was lying. Whatever happened, he would never be able to create a weapon after this.

But Adam didn't need to know that.

"I want to know you better. I want to see how you move. How you fight. How you think? What your convictions are."

Adam stayed silent, "To judge whether I am Worthy of your weapon or something?"

"Nah. To judge exactly what kind of weapon you need."

Makarov grinned, "Also to judge you a little."

He laughed out loud.

This would be his last masterpiece. He would take his time to create the most perfect weapon possible.

"So tell me, Adam."

Now there was one important thing. The very first question he needed to ask to better understand the boy.

"Do you like them big or small?"

Adam coughed and nearly hit the brakes.

"You are speaking about weapons, right?"

Makarov gave a sly grin as he drawled, "Of course. What else could I be talking about?"

Adam was speechless. It was hard to put this joking old man with the previous serious one.

He realized now that only someone with a strong personality could become Cecilia's friend.

[1]: Not trying to spark a debate. I have been raised all my life by my mom and I think she did great. Still, the fact is, even though I am not close to my father and pretty much despise him. He was kinda my model when I was young. He is successful, breath authority, and people respect him.

When I was young, I wished I could become an adult like that. At the same time, I also saw my mother working her ass off. Going from small-time worker to owning her own business and making shit tone money and being respected. In the end, a child needs a good parental figure that can inspire him to do better. Be it a father or a mother.

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