God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

Chapter 492 CH 478: HOW TO BECOME A VVVVIP?

Chapter 492 CH 478: HOW TO BECOME A VVVVIP?

Natasha and Aleksandra had been standing in the hallway for quite some time by now. They felt like they were literally on pins and needles while anxiously pondering what was going on inside the room. For reasons that alluded to them, they were unable to hear anything that was being said from the other side of the door. Most likely, it was a skill of Adam that was blocking any sounds from coming out of the other side. Hence, all they could do now was to wait and think by themselves. Not the best position to be in this situation.

Adam had been the only one who had somehow managed to go through the fences Fedora had built around herself to shut off anyone from approaching her. Though he did so in quite an absurd fashion, the fact that Fedora did not reject him showed them one thing. Perhaps, all this time, Fedora had been hoping for someone to break the door, even in a figurative way, to reach out to her and comfort her. To talk it out with her, to give her the strength that she required to get through this difficult time in her life.

Aleksandra looked toward Natasha and sighed quietly in her mind. She was starting to wonder if they had been raising the next generation in the right way or not.

Since Alexei was the obvious heir to the throne of Alpha for the Great Wolves and Natasha had the potential of becoming a natural Alpha, multiple fractures had been formed from a young age as the children were raised separately. They had done their best to keep them from killing each other and let the tragedies of olden times from repeating themselves.

Undoubtedly, they had done it for the children's good. Of that Aleksandra was sure and even if she was given the choice, she might still choose to separate the children from each other as tragedy would surely follow if they cooped up such a group of kids. This was necessary to avoid any form of indoctrination that could be imprinted by Natasha or Alexei on their other siblings. It was a subconscious phenomenon and they had next to no control over this at the time.

The obsession Elmira felt for Alexei was proof enough of how dangerous this could imprint could have been had it somehow taken root in the other children.

Even so, because of this decision of theirs, all the siblings were raised separately and had even become distant from their parents.

This created a distorted effect among the children, a chasm that couldn't be filled.

They all loved each other of course. They knew that they had to, so they did. It was mandatory. They were family, they were all werewolves, and they needed to stick together to get through this tough world.

But in reality, the ties between them were not quite as tight as she would have hoped them to be. The fiasco of this situation was more than proof enough of the depth of their bonds and Aleksandra did not think she could say that she had no responsibility in this matter.

'But it's not too late yet.'

Thanks to Adam and his intervention, the situation did not reach the absolute worst-case scenario. He was truly the savior of this family in more ways than just one.

This incident created an even bigger hole in the relationship of this family that had already been a family in name only. It might have even destroyed the few flimsy chains that tied them together. But this was not necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, it could be said to have created a great opportunity to fix and remedy the bonds that were flimsy and for show.

Only by destroying the old foundations could a new and even more sturdy relationship be built. Only by decimating the old could the new be established. That's just how the world rolled.

'I have to work hard.'

Aleksandra clenched her fists tightly. She had to work harder for the vision she sought to establish. This was the family she loved with all her being and the family that was entrusted to her by her deceased beloved.




When Aleksandra finished making her resolution… as if on cue, the new door opened ever so slightly, showing Adam's face from the gaps as he slowly stepped out of the room.

"How was it? Is she alright?"

Both Natasha and Aleksandra approached him in a hurry, causing Adam to smile in amusement.

"I feel like I am some doctor being swarmed by the family of the patient after a long and dangerous surgery. Relax."

The two women blushed after hearing her remark and couldn't help but chuck at how apt the description Adam had given was for the situation at hand.

This small joke helped to lighten the heavy atmosphere, even if a little, and it was more than enough for them to take a deep breath and gather their scattered wits.

When he noticed the change in their mentality, Adam nodded and added,

"Well, we had a fruitful conversation. Fedora is sleeping right now. I made sure she will sleep for a few hours so don't worry about her overhearing you guys."

Sleeping was perhaps the most important function in cases like these. This was also why Adam made sure to help Fedora have a beautiful dream for the period of her sleep time. Only then would she be able to wake up with a fresh smile and a new outlook on things? He knew that was something she needed more than anything else at the moment.

"Of course, even though I believe I was able to alleviate some of her guilt, this won't be enough for her in the long term. One of the main problems isn't even her guilt but the trauma plaguing her mind."

Fedora had been in the front-row seat as she watched her body cause endless bloodshed and wounds to her family. She had to witness her own body causing all those horrific things to her loved ones. And it was not a fun experience.

Even if one argued that this was not her fault and even if she indeed accepted this fact naturally, short of erasing her memories, this would still haunt her for the rest of her life.

Of course, Adam could erase her memories if she wished. But he did not want to resort to such a drastic approach unless there were no other choices left for him to take.

Overcoming Trauma strengthened the mind. But not all trauma was to be overcome. It was alright to flee sometimes if you knew that you could never win.

'Let's observe her case for a little longer then decide what to do from then on.'

He mused to himself in silence. Simultaneously, one of his other minds continued the discussion with the duo before him.

"I have a suggestion. But I do not know what you will think about it."

The two women shared a glance before Aleksandra spoke, "Go on."

"For starters, I want to make something clear here. What happened isn't just a calamity for Fedora, it's also an opportunity. A tremendous one."

A primogenitor had used Fedora's body. In the first place, Lycaon had told him clearly that Fedora's body had been the most suitable for him and he had also adapted it in a way for him to safely descend onto this realm.

"Fedora has the potential to become incredibly strong. Even more so now with the experience of what happened still fresh in her mind."

He had observed her body and the change to her Prana flow was simply incredible. In this world, being weak was a sin in itself. But while those naturally weak could be forgiven, those who did not even try to become stronger despite having the occasion to do so were simply irredeemable garbage.

"But in the current circumstance, I don't think Fedora can train with you guys."

They could only show bitter smiles in response, as they knew that he had spoken the unconditional truth. Even if they were willing, this would only exacerbate her trauma.

"This is why— I propose Fedora come live with us from tomorrow for a while and train under my mother."

Since he was going to be away for quite some time, his room would be free for Fedora to occupy. In the first place, he did not even sleep much there anymore so even after coming back he could simply use the couch instead.

"I can also put her in contact with the best therapist I know of. That person is also a very competent doctor who could help Fedora get a better understanding of all the changes that have happened to her body. At the same time, my mother can take care of her at home and also train her."

Adam's smile grew further. Cecilia already fell in love with how cute Fedora was during her last visit. As for Medusa, she would probably scream in ecstasy and joy at the idea of inspecting the body of someone who had been possessed by a Primogenitor.

Adam snickered inwardly, 'I am preparing the royal treatment for her.'

Being trained by a near-Zodiac level individual and being treated by another Zodiac level being; one of them was even a 3000-year-old deity from the mythos.

What could be more luxurious than that?

This was a VVVVIP treatment many people could never get in their entire life even if they used all the wealth in their possession.

"In fact, I believe she isn't the only one who should do this. Natasha, what do you say you train with my mom and visit the doctor I mentioned?"

Why waste time training and figuring things out alone, when you had two experienced hunters ready to help out?

'I wonder how much stronger they will become by the time I get back.'

This would be a beautiful sight indeed.

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