Chapter 102 CH 98: I AM A MORON

A few minutes after Adam sent the message, he directly received an answer from Natasha who expressed that she would come. Sae was already raring to go and asked the time and place of the meeting.

The only problem was Alberto who did not answer any of his messages. He also tried to call but his call would simply be redirected no matter what he did.

Thinking like this there was nothing Adam could do. He just hoped that whatever Alberto was doing, it wasn't a problem too big.

Once everything was good, Cecilia and Makarov decided to go walk outside a little while Adam told Viktor to start preparing himself.

The plan all things considered was pretty simple. Go out in one or two hours, meet the girls at the square, go shopping a little, perhaps watch a movie or sightsee then if everyone was still up for it, go to a club when the night comes.

It was a simple and solid program with a wide opening for any possible changes.

Currently, Adam was alone in his bathroom and wiping himself off after a lengthy hot bath when he heard his phone ringing.

Curious, he continued to wipe the water while he 'Looked' at the screen of his phone and activated it with the code.

He was surprised when he noticed that it was a message from the bank.

But what surprised him more than anything was the notification about the money,

[$5000 was just sent to your account.]

Adam tilted his head as he wondered who the fuck was trying to prank him or trick him with some fake message.

When the phone started vibrating as a call from an unknown number tried to join him, he immediately snorted.

He was sure now that it was some sort of con man trying to rip him off.

Even though this didn't happen as much nowadays, con artists would always find a way to take money from people by cheating them and acting like victims.

But since he was feeling pretty curious now, he decided to take the call after all, it might be a funny episode.


[This is Nikola. Did you receive the money?]

A calm voice came from the other side. Even though it was a littles different because of the sound of the transmitter, he directly recognized the source.

Adam immediately wiped away all trace of amusement and spoke clearly,

"I did. Though I admit I thought it was some scammer."

Adam was honestly quite surprised. For many people, even $3500 dollars was quite a lot. [1]

The average person spent around that amount of money to live for a month. It wouldn't be a super extravagant life but it would still be one with a roof above your head.

Now he had made nearly double of that and all of this– in one night? Or rather more like a few hours of simply discussing with a few women.

He wanted to ask if the results were accurate but in the end he simply sighed.

"Thanks for sending it. I will talk to Yui."

He could feel the way the breath of the Nikola hitched. It seemed like she truly wanted to remonstrate him.

Perhaps hating how he lightly called her boss, Yui.

But in the end, there was nothing she could do.

[Prepare yourself. We should open again Normal next week. Though don't expect revenue like this one everyday if you don't work hard.]

In the end, it was impossible for Yui to entirely take care of this business. She had many different things she needed to do or try.

Nikola was the representative and as such, the results of the Bar would directly reflect on her.

She wished she could tell Adam to get lost. As having someone so inexperienced was a pain. But she respected Yui's opinion and would do nothing as long as Adam worked.

When Adam heard about the new of the approaching opening, he was quite excited.

He now had other ways to make money. He was sure that working as a hunter would be more lucrative.

But working as a Host now was both a quick way for him to make money but also a way to increase his influence.

If he could get to become closer with a few influential women, it could help make many things easier in his life.

Even beyond that,

'Bridget Bishop.'

Adam did not forget Lilith's advice. For now he was not particularly interested in meeting that Witch.

But in the future, when he could better protect himself or become able to flee faster in front of danger, he would seek her out.

He wondered if she could teach him Magic. He wished to know what was the main differences between magic and the power in his domain.

After a good shower, Adam came down to see that Viktor was already ready.

"Sorry man, my shower took a little too long."

"Don't worry."

Viktor shook his head to which Adam grinned, "Truly a man of few words. Anyway, let's go. We rented the car for 24h it would be a shame to not use it."

Viktor wasn't the only one in dire need of clothes.

In the past, he had never cared about how he looked. So clothes didn't matter.

But now this changed and he realized that outside of the suits Yui, then Aleksandra gave to him, he had no other particularly decent clothes.

"Ohh. So Adam finally gonna dress up? I remember I had to fight tooth and nail to bring you to department store for clothes."

Adam groaned and ignored Cecilia who grinning at him while munching on an apple.

He looked at the apple blankly before uttering a curse.

"I am a goddamn moron."

Cecilia tilted her head, "Why the sudden self, realization?"

She joked a little, but when she saw his expression, the smile faded from her face.

Cecilia was someone who could always differentiate between the appropriate moment for joking and the one for being serious.

She had the distinct impression that she had to be serious this time.

Adam hesitated a little then sighed, "Later. Let's speak about that when I come back. It's good new…At least I believe it is."

Adam finally remembered about the map Eve gave him.

Because of his death as soon as he returned, following Cecilia to the airport as soon as he woke up, his brain must have been quite shambled.

It was only after seeing the apple that he remembered the Map in his mind engraved with the design of a golden apple.

This also helped him realize that just because he had a perfect memory did not actually mean that he had all his memories constantly floating in his mind.

Adam gave a look at Cecilia. Before looking at Viktor.

He had obtained a nap that would indicate a plate in northern Europe most likely, or as close as to where the Vikings must have initially lived.

Just one day before two actual north Europeans who had deep links with the dwarves spoken in Nordic myth and who were indebted to his mother came to their house.


Adam did not think so.

[1]: I don't know exactly the average in USA. In France with 2000 euros you can have quite the alright life. I searched on Google and they said $3100 is enough for one man. I added a little since now it's 2030 in my story and voilà.

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