Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 215: Mechanical puppet, hair, bubble bath

Chapter 215: Mechanical puppet, hair, bubble bath

Having eliminated several members of the Rega family, Su'en finally rid himself of the nagging feeling of being watched.

He returned to the main road, blending into the crowd of refugees making their way back, walking unhurriedly towards Old London.

Gazing at the towering city walls, Su'en couldn't help but feel a twinge of melancholy.

Initially, when he was hunted down with nowhere to turn, he had fled the city in a sorry state to seek refuge in the wilderness.

Now, returning to this once-mysterious metropolis, its veil had been completely lifted.

The Black Tower, the mines, slavery, exile...

These were the "truths" that a small-time gangster like him could never have imagined.

Indeed, the view from the top was different...

After entering the city, Su'en didn't wander aimlessly.

He headed to the Southern Cross Society's territory and returned to Green Street.

This was where he felt most at home, a place of comfort.

Fortunately, his current face wasn't on record with the Umbrella Organization, so he could wander the streets without attracting attention.

The city was as bustling as ever, with factory steam boilers puffing white smoke and people bustling about.

The disaster at the Dawn Relic must have claimed many lives in the inner city. But for the commoners of the outer city, the big shots of the inner city were from a different world.

They continued to eat, drink, and live as if nothing had changed.

Even a major incident couldn't stop them from earning their monthly salary of two thousand Lis.

Su'en found a hotel near Green Street and settled into a routine life.

He always felt pressed for time, needing to meditate, study, craft, research, and practice...

Although he was now a second-tier practitioner, he was considered a top-tier expert in Old London. Even against third-tier opponents, he had a fighting chance.

But this level was far from sufficient in the surface world.

According to Mr. Mirror, once Qiantiao and the others advanced to the fourth tier, they would storm the tower.

Time was of the essence, and Su'en needed to quickly enhance his own strength.


Days passed in the blink of an eye.

Su'en stayed in his hotel room without leaving.

During this time, Sabina visited once, bringing a trove of top-secret information.

Princess Theresa's death had been confirmed, the inner city was in turmoil, and many had perished.

Nearly half of the Umbrella Organization's upper echelons had been wiped out.

Sabina, having made some preparations in advance, not only avoided being implicated but was also promoted due to her advancement to a third-tier professional and a rise in military rank. With the inner city official Peacock's support, she was promoted to the inner city, joining the small circle at the very top of the Umbrella Organization.

This provided Su'en with even more top-secret intelligence.

On the other hand, after the news from the relic returned, the head family of the Reiss clan changed their steady approach drastically. The family head, Carnegie Reiss, began to frantically sell off family assets and company shares, amassing a large amount of cash.

Others didn't know why, thinking that the Reiss head family's hunting team had been wiped out and was on the brink of collapse.

But Su'en knew they were preparing to leave for the outside of the tower.

The Reiss family was supported by Mr. Mirror from the start, and naturally, they would leave together this time.


On this day, in room 303 of the Musketeer Hotel.

The room was densely packed with various materials and mechanical parts, with countless threads hanging in the air.

Su'en was tinkering with a mechanical puppet equipped with a "PZ-911 Mechanical Limb," the "Iron Man Mark IV."

Without the conditions of a precise laboratory, lacking air circulation and filtration systems, the room was filled with a rust-like volatile toxic gas. Su'en, wearing a beak-shaped gas mask, was installing a mechanical arm with a miniature steam boiler.

The mechanical arm was spray-painted with the words "BH Type Steam Hammer" in white.

This was a trophy from the raid on the Duke's estate.

Even in the surface world, it was a top-tier mechanical arm.

Once equipped with this steam hammer, the mechanical puppet could deliver a punch with the force of a third-tier flesh series professional, easily penetrating armored vehicle plating.

While busy with the task at hand, Su'en's controlling spider spears also retrieved a piece of heather stem soaked in grease from a nearby flask. After weighing, cutting, and calculating the dosage, he tossed it into a crucible burning on a nearby table, returning the excess to the flask to prevent oxidation. After stirring, another spider spear adjusted the fierce flames, and the orange-yellow metallic liquid in the crucible began to boil violently...

His multitasking skills were increasingly refined, and his brain could process more tasks simultaneously.

He alone was as efficient as ten other people.

Su'en timed it perfectly, pouring the freshly smelted solution from the crucible and, with a specially made rune pen dipped in the golden liquid, began inscribing runes on the mechanical puppet...

Having harvested the memory fragments of over a thousand elites at the Dawn Relic, his rune-crafting skills had reached "Master Level," and he was now adept at crafting third-tier runes.

But he remained cautious, layering the runes more and more intricately.

Once the runes were outlined, a miraculous scene unfolded under his pen. The runes glowed golden, coming to life and rotating in a special pattern.

These were no ordinary runes but a wind variant from the "Runic Alphabet" - the Super Load-Bearing Rune.

Runic Alphabet required divergent thinking. To tinker with the desired runes, one needed a plethora of experiments and brilliant inspiration.

However, as Sir Isaac said, this was the best of times.

Standing on the shoulders of giants afforded Su'en many conveniences. Those ancient alchemists compiled their research into volumes. Among the books he had brought from the Dawn Central Prison's cursed space were many finished rune blueprints. There was no need for him to delve into research; he could use them directly.


Before long, the partial rune inscription was complete, and Su'en let out a long sigh of relief.

Inscribing runes of the same tier as the Runic Alphabet was several times more difficult than ordinary runes, and the slightest mistake could ruin everything.

He looked at his work with a hint of anticipation.

With a gesture of his hand, the mechanical puppet slowly stood up. The boiler activated, and the runes on its body lit up simultaneously. The dense wind element gathered around the puppet, lifting its several hundred kilograms.

"The calculations were correct; the load-bearing rune reduced the puppet's weight by ninety percent, barely achieving agility. The energy consumption is also within an acceptable range..."

Su'en tested the mechanical puppet's movements, flexing its joints. It was fairly agile, and his brows gradually relaxed.

He meticulously recorded the data from this experiment in his notebook, then mused to himself, "The mechanical puppet hasn't been equipped with heavy armor yet. Its offensive capability is about right, but to reach combat level, it needs to be significantly heavier, and third-tier runes won't achieve the current effect. Plus, ordinary refined steel can't be inscribed with such complex runes; it must be high-grade magical materials. The cost aside, materials are a big problem..."

Thinking this, Su'en scribbled something else in his notebook.

This was, after all, an experiment.

Now, the results proved that his line of thinking was entirely correct.

With technology, runes, and some special materials, it was entirely possible to create a mechanically flexible puppet.

The shortcomings of machinery were quite apparent: clumsiness, slow reactions, low sensitivity...

But the advantages were also obvious: strength, defense, cost...

And in certain combat scenarios, they had an undeniable magical effect, such as sieges, trench warfare, mass battles, large-scale mechanical wars!

As a transmigrator, Su'en was not averse to mechanical technology because technology was constantly innovating and developing. Its potential, like alchemy, was limitless.

Alchemy plus machinery could definitely spark magic.

"If only I could get my hands on the research materials for the 'Super Mechanical Warrior.' It's a pity those are the Duke's top secrets, and even Sabina can't access them..."

Su'en muttered to himself, recognizing his shortcomings.

At that thought, another idea popped into his head: "The mechanical technology of the Luyin Empire is still behind; Mafa is the holy land for mechanical alchemists. I must visit if I get the chance."


After testing the mechanical puppet, Su'en began to tinker with his rune puppets and threads.

Having stripped the soul fragment from a fifth-tier assassin a few days ago and mastered Wind Element Cutting, Su'en had been researching and found that this ability was highly compatible with his profession.

He originally intended to transfer this cutting ability to the puppet to enhance its armor-piercing attributes. But after some experimentation, he found that applying it directly to the threads was also highly effective!

Under normal circumstances, a witch's hair, no matter how tough, couldn't withstand the condensation of wind elements beyond the second tier. It would be like throwing soft meat into a meat grinder, shredded to pieces.

But if toughness was lacking, it could be compensated with toughness runes.

Engraving runes on hair strands was a high-level skill.

Fortunately, Su'en was skilled in runes, and this experiment actually succeeded, albeit with low efficiency. With the help of eight spider spears and his hands, he could only engrave about twenty to thirty meters of hair in a whole day.

Wearing a magnifying monocle commonly used by mechanics, Su'en carefully inscribed the hair strands under the magnified view. After busying himself for most of the day, a strand of hair with a special silver glow was in his hands. Infusing it with wind elements, the hair suddenly became sharp, visibly keen to the naked eye.


The completion was satisfactory, and Su'en exhaled lightly.

With a slight movement of his fingers, the hair strand floated down gently in the air.

And when it landed on the wooden table leg, without any force, it effortlessly sliced through.

Looking at the effect, Su'en's eyes narrowed slightly.

The flowing wind elements were like a high-frequency cutting machine, seemingly imperceptible but the sharpest thing Su'en had seen below the third tier.

Although the hair strand was still fragile, it had reached the pinnacle of sharpness. This special hair strand, condensed with third-tier wind laws, could easily cut through steel armor and the defenses of third-tier professionals.

Used well, it could slice through professionals below the third tier like cutting through vegetables.

With this invention, Su'en had added a new ace to his arsenal.

Su'en had no plans to go out, intending to make a few more meters of rune hair.

But unexpectedly, his communicator rang, and it was the gambling-addicted lady inviting him for a drink.

"Qiantiao has advanced to the fourth tier?"

Hearing the message from the communicator, Su'en guessed what it meant.

They hadn't seen each other since the last relic expedition.

But thinking of the many Sunstones they had acquired, she must have gone into seclusion to break through.

With that in mind, Su'en didn't continue to stay in the hotel but packed up his materials and headed out.


Kay lived in a basement not far from Su'en's hotel.

His routine was similar to Su'en's, staying in the basement and training like a madman every day.

Qiantiao had also invited him, but with his skin still blue and no face to show, he didn't join them.

So Su'en rode his motorcycle alone to Norton Street.

When Green Street's entertainment venues were destroyed, the gambling dens, taverns, and pleasure baths all moved here.

A few months had passed, and the place was even more bustling.

This was Qiantiao's territory.

Her public identity was still that of a Cross Society executive.

Parking his motorcycle by the roadside, a few punk-styled thugs squatted on the curb, eyeing Su'en, the stranger.

Su'en found it familiar; this was his old job on Green Street.

He dutifully paid the watching fee to the Cross Society's gang members and casually asked, "Hey, brother, have you seen Qiantiao?"

The mohawked leader with a lip ring was taken aback. Anyone who could ask in such a tone was clearly from the underworld, so he replied, "Qiantiao is at the Grand Lisboa Casino..."


Hearing this, Su'en couldn't help but smile wryly.

Sure enough, it was right not to go to the agreed tavern.

That gambling-addicted lady, with money in her pocket, couldn't walk past a gambling den.

He headed straight for the casino, lit with purple-red lights in the distance.

Along the way, various pimps approached him.

"Sir, want a girl? Top-class goods just sent out from the inner city, real noble ladies~"

"Brother, drink? Our Blue Moon Tavern has the best girls, the best booze."

"How about some hallucinogens? Certified alchemist's product, guaranteed quality..."


The environment was noisy, with debauchery on one side and extortion, beatings, murders, and corpses in the dark alleys nearby.

Su'en's face always bore a relaxed smile; this was the outer city, the environment he was familiar with.

After entering the gambling den and exchanging some chips, led by scantily clad ladies, he easily found Qiantiao gambling in the VIP room.

She was still in her battle kimono, showing off her intimidating tattooed arms.

"Seven! Seven! Seven! Oh, damn..."

Seeing Su'en arrive, she was still earnestly shuffling cards.

Su'en thought that after advancing to the fourth tier, Qiantiao would become aloof. After all, in Old London, a fourth-tier was considered an extraordinary expert. But in reality, she hadn't changed at all, still as carefree as ever.

Losing the game, she saw Su'en and gestured to the seat next to her, warmly calling out, "Come, here~"

Su'en walked over, and Qiantiao, as usual, wrapped her arm around his shoulder, "What should we bet on next?"

During their stay at the hunting camp's hotel, they had shared a room for a few days, and this gambling-addicted lady no longer treated him as a stranger.

Su'en saw her enjoying the gamble and didn't say much, just sat beside her and joined her.

In the end, the planned drink didn't happen, and they gambled for a few hours in the gambling den.

Qiantiao lost all her chips.

Only then did she reluctantly let Su'en pull her out of the gambling den.


When they left the gambling den, it was already midnight.

But on Norton Street, it was the busiest time.

As soon as Qiantiao stepped out, she was still lamenting the previous game, muttering, "Ah, if I had known you were coming, I should have left then. I was winning at that time."

She sounded like a seasoned gambler.

Win and don't leave, lose and regret.

Listening, Su'en smiled, "Qiantiao, why did you call me out?"

"To drink."

Qiantiao thought about it, then pouted and changed her mind, "Forget it, I lost money, I'm not in the mood to drink."

After a pause, she added, "Come on, I'll treat you to a bath."


Su'en didn't mind either.

Drinking or bathing, both were fine.

With that decided, they went to get their vehicles.

Walking along, Su'en casually asked, "Qiantiao, why do you like gambling so much?"

This was something he had always been puzzled about.

Logically, high-tier professionals had much stronger willpower than ordinary people.

And for an expert like Qiantiao, winning or losing a few million shouldn't have much impact on her, nor should it be so attractive.

But she seemed to enjoy it endlessly.

Qiantiao casually replied, "Because I like it."

She countered, "Don't you find gambling pleasurable?"

Su'en looked uninterested, "Not really."

Theoretically, gambling does bring immense pleasure, with dopamine secretion during wins possibly dozens of times higher than during sex. This is also why gambling addiction is so powerful.

Her statement wasn't wrong.

But that's for ordinary people,

Not for a high-tier professional.

Qiantiao glanced at him, with a look of disdain as if he had missed out on one of life's great pleasures. She didn't dwell on the topic and asked, "Where are the car keys?"

After a pause, she added, "I just pawned my car to the gambling den..."

Qiantiao didn't consider Su'en a stranger, and she didn't feel embarrassed to say this.


Su'en's eye twitched, and he tossed the keys to her.

Qiantiao, the big sister of the underworld, wouldn't sit in the back seat. Su'en didn't mind; it wasn't the first time anyway.

Qiantiao's personality made her popular in the gang, without the airs of an executive, and the gang members were familiar with her. Seeing her with a young man in the back seat, the Cross Society's gang members teased her.

"Whoa~ Qiantiao, you've changed your taste?"

"Hahaha... It's my first time seeing a man in Qiantiao's back seat."

"Tsk tsk... Kid, good luck, we're rooting for you~"


Amidst the laughter and teasing from the big guys, Qiantiao didn't mind, flipping a friendly international gesture and cursing with a smile, "Get lost~ Watch the place properly!"


The engine roared, and the motorcycle sped off.

Su'en no longer felt uneasy as before, naturally wrapping his arms around Qiantiao's smooth waist.

"Take a spin?"


They didn't go straight to the bathhouse but took a ride around the streets and alleys of the southern city.

Since it was late at night, away from the entertainment district, there were few people in other areas.

The roar of the motorcycle seemed to be the only sound in the silent night.

The speed wasn't too fast, and Qiantiao looked content.

Sitting in the back seat, Su'en was somewhat bored and asked, "Qiantiao, have you advanced to the fourth tier?"

Qiantiao's voice, mixed with the wind, poured into his ears, "Yeah."

Her casual tone left Su'en with no follow-up.

He had thought that Qiantiao inviting him out for a drink was to celebrate her advancement.

It seemed that this gambling-addicted lady didn't care at all.

After a while of silence, the atmosphere turned slightly cold.

Qiantiao probably felt it too and suddenly brought up the previous topic, "Didn't you just ask me why I like gambling?"

Su'en perked up at her tone, "Hmm?"

After a moment of contemplation, Qiantiao finally said, "Rakshasa women are destined to be lonely stars, born for slaughter. Without finding other joys, life is very dull..."


Hearing this, Su'en finally understood.

It seemed certain talents did come with special drawbacks.

For example, cat women instinctively fear canines, fire elementals dislike water...

And this A-022-Rakshasa Woman talent, strong as it was, even had this "lonely star" stipulation?


Before long, the motorcycle pulled up in front of "A'Kun's Bathhouse."

Su'en had been here several times and knew his way around. After cleaning up, he didn't need any guidance. As Qiantiao's guest, the attendants didn't ask too many questions.

He went straight to the mixed bathing "Three Springs Pool."

During his previous visits, the pool usually had a few of Qiantiao's trusted heavyweights.

But this time, there were no other guests.

However, there was an unexpected person in the pool.

"Mrs. Filo?"

This was the person Su'en had met once before, a mysterious benefactor of the Cross Society, the legendary Mrs. Filo.

Su'en looked at her with a slightly puzzled expression.

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