Max Level Miscellaneous Character

Chapter 31: erase the name

Chapter 31: erase the name

Rotten hands were approaching and were cut off by the wind like blades. As it decays, the body, which has become lighter due to decay, is pushed out.

Ivan gathered strong winds at one point and fired, summoned lightning and slammed it down to the ground.

Threw an ax to cut through the body and pierced a spear to destroy it. He cut their throats with his sword, widens the distance, and shoots them with flame arrows.



He burned the corpse and lit up everywhere, but it was too much to drive away the darkness of the night. Even the flame disappeared in no time, covered by the continous rush of undead.


He reached out and swung a large circle with the retrieved spear, threw a dagger and pierced it into their bodies. neck, forearms, and back. Locations were different. In the first place, the vital point of a living person was meaningless to the corpses.


Lightning from Ivans hand flows through the daggers embedded in their bodies. The lightning destroyed the command core and turned them back to just chunks of meat, but the others came and used those bodies as a stepping stone.

So if one foot went forward, he had to take three feet back. There were too many enemies. Even if each one of them was nothing, if there were so many of them, he had no choice but to be pushed away.



Occasionally, the fallen guys would explode as bombs. When Ivans body shook at the shock, they took one step closer.

Give light upon your foolish servant!


A holy light erupted from the back of Ivan. The curse that lingered, receded, and even the guys who swung their nails at Ivan disappeared into ashes.

Ivan, who had a momentary respite in the midst of the divine power swept away, shouted at Delfino.

We cant stay here! We must get out before we are completely surrounded!

Which way?

For now, over there!

Ivan pressed his lower body firmly to the ground. Then he grabbed his spear and pulled it back. Like Zeus of Greece, like Lugh Lmhfhada of the Celts, and like Odin, who is watching him from heaven.

Blessings from the storm god, and blessings from Odin.


The spear was shot with a roar of air exploding. The storm that was spinning around the spear swept away everything blocking it and opened the way.

Follow me!

I pulled out a round shield from my inventory and picked it up.

And he sprinted to the ground like lightning, and bounced off the assailants.

Shield Charge after Thunderstep.

As Ivan ran firmly in front of him, Delfino followed him. He continued reciting prayers and running.

O glory of the radiant light, the blessing of all things. Come down here to light the darkness and guide us into the light


A bright light of divine power erupted from Delfinos body, and the guys who were aiming for the rear were burned. At the same time, it energized Ivan and even healed his wounds.

Simultaneous use of blessing, healing, and exorcism. It was possible because he was a high-level exorcism priest.

As they broke through the siege, Ivan glanced around. I didnt feel good.

Damn bastards! It looks like theyre leading us.

He was running frantically, but little by little he was getting closer to the village. He was convinced that it was intentional.

I think it would be dangerous to enter the village like this. We have to force ourself to get out!

Suddenly the ground exploded. Ivan was caught up in an unexpected explosion and soared through the air.


Ivan stopped only after he bounced away and rolled a few laps on the ground. He force his body to stand up, but the strength in his legs is gone.


There was no time to respond to Delfino, who shouted in surprise. Ivan, who spit the blood from his mouth, looked ahead.

It wasnt just a simple explosion. A powerful curse was holding down his body.

Its a body that doesnt work with any curse, but its cursed like this. Seeing him lose his strength at once, it seems that the enemy has prepared a lot.


Delfino hurriedly infused the divine power into Ivans body, but this curse did not disappear easily.

Rather, it was slowly digging into his body.

It wasnt until Ivan pulled the Orb of Life from his inventory and held it to his chest, his body recovered and the dreadful curse was pushed back little by little.


The undead that were surrounding them split apart and someone walked forward.

Crunchy hair, hazy eyes, and dry, lifeless skin.

he opened his mouth

It was you. The one who stole the Orb of Life. This time, even trying to interfere with this business, you are an arrogant and unpleasant person.

His voice was shrill and cracked.

Ivan wanted to make the bastard shut his mouth, but he had to put up with it. First, the recovery of the body was a priority.

That body is also a doll made of an undead. Arent you confident? Or you cant show off your face proudly?

Not yet, you fool.

Foolish is sarcastic. It carries a lot of weight while wearing a corpse shell. Ivan wanted to break his head

Ivan spit out abusive words inside, and then looked at Delfino. Because his expression looked grave.

But Ivan was soon forced to turn his gaze away. Suddenly an evil energy appeared in the village and it was getting stronger. It seemed that it was coming from there.

Delfino, I must go to the village. I have a feeling that we cant leave that alone.

Good luck. I was thinking the same thing. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

In that short time, Delfino, who had shed all his complicated emotions and became a terribly indifferent face, took out his dagger and cut his forearm.


He said as he squirted hot blood all over the place.

Go. Ill stop this.

Is it possible?

I will make it possible. definitely.

Ivan didnt ask any more. He trusted him and started running towards the village.


A huge divine power erupted from Ivans back. In an instant, the darkness disappeared, and a bright light appeared as if it was day.

A fight was heard soon after, but Ivan never turned his head.


Ivan ran quickly and jumped over the fence surrounding the village at once and went inside. Then evil energy was felt more clearly.

As the wind blew, a fishy smell stung his nostrils. It smelled completely different from the rotten blood of the undead, the fresh blood of living life.

These bastards.

What Ivan saw in the town square was a gigantic ceremony. A terrible act of summoning evil demons to this land.

There were people who were drunk on drugs, sobbing with dazed eyes. Some were making bread, some were sewing, and some were making furniture. Among them, I could even see the soldiers who would have been guarding the lords villa.

Then they stabbed themselves in the chest with a dagger. They gave their life with insane eyes. Each time one or two people fell to the floor, spouting blood, a dark energy rose from the flame in the center. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

su su suk!

An illusion of huge eyes rose from the evil flame and looked at Ivan.

He knew this look. Because it was one of an unforgettable existence that he had met a while ago.

The leader of death.

An evil great demon that brings destruction.


At that time, everyone in the square turned their heads and looked at Ivan. Even those who have already fallen to the floor by piercing their own chests with knives.

The evil energy grew stronger and the warlocks who surrounded the dark flame reached out to Ivan.


Ivan kicked the ground and climbed up. He rode thunder and storm, narrowing the distance at once, and approached the evil flame.


The barrier blocking the front breaks like glass.

The terrible curse could not even penetrate Ivan body and was burned by lightning.


As Ivan slammed the floor, it pierced the body of one of the warlocks. The spear pierced the guys body and slammed into the ground.



Lightning struck the body of the man who had already lost his heart, and the flames licked it. In an instant, one guy turned into charcoal and dispersed, and the others put their hands into the black flame. Then black flames moved to their bodies.

What crazy thing is it?

As he was thinking about it, he could see the size of the warlocks growing explosively. It was in the process of abandoning the human body and transforming into the incarnation of the demon.


One guy who had mutated at once rolled on the ground. Then the ground cracked open, and the corpses that were left with nothing but bones began to climb up.

The black flame burned more fiercely. An evil energy swelled as if it was about to explode.


Feeling unusual, Ivan hurriedly twisted his waist and pierced the spear. Storms, flames, and lightning pierced the dark red flames along his spear.


The shock that came through even though it stabbed the flame that was obviously intangible. As Ivan clenched his teeth and increased his strength, the dark red flame finally disappeared.


Evil magic from the dark red flames spread out in all directions with a roar. The shock pushed Ivan back a few steps.


Ivan sighed. It felt as if the hot breath met the cold air and froze in an instant. Ivans strong body was to the point that the cold made him numb.

It was not a simple temperature change. It was the lump of cold spirit of the soul that was made by resentment.


A painful scream rang out, and Ivan knelt on his floor, coughing up blood. An unknown pain and sorrow, despair and anger tried to overwhelm his feelings.


Then, Lokis flame burned it. He set fire to the curses and evil spirits that invaded from all directions, and their bodies were used as firewood.

Ivans body, which had only been cold, regained his warmth, and the body that had been stiff was released. But before Ivan could do anything, something hit his side.


Ivans body flew away. The fist of corpse golem was very bitter. Lokis flame moved as soon as its hand touched Ivan, but it seemed to take a while to burn because it was so big.

As Ivan staggered, the ghosts clinged to him and pressed him down. The actual weight of the ghost was very heavy.


He moved once again by burning the ghost with Lokis flame, but all kinds of undead blocked his way. All of a sudden, even those who had died with a knife in their chest became undead and grabbed Ivan.

Enemies are coming from all directions. Amid that overwhelming sight, Ivan prayed to his own gods.

Odin, Thor, Loki, Heimdall. Whoever is watching here, you damn god.

Give me power to strike and kill those punks.

Heh heh heh heh!

A magnificent laughter was heard somewhere. And he felt that heavenly gods were looking at him.


An explosive power springs from within. He wrapped lightning in his right hand, sparked fire in his left, and held the storm in his legs.


The undead surrounding Ivan disappeared at once. It was shredded by the wind like a blade, scorched by lightning, and burned with flames.

The whole corpse golem is burned and disappears, and evil spirits are scattered. The hole that kept spitting out the corpses closed and the surroundings became quiet for a moment.

It was a chance to attack the mutated warlocks and demon incarnation, but Ivan couldnt take off the ground and grabbed his chest. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)


The pain felt as if his limbs were being ripped apart. Too much power poured into his body and it felt like it was going to explode.

If he hadnt expelled all the vitality contained in the life ball, it wouldnt be strange if his body exploded earlier.

The gods didnt care about Ivans physical condition.

They just hand over the power he asked for.

There was no interest in the fact that Ivan was being crushed by that powerful force.

If he was their warriors, of course he would have to overcome such an ordeal. You mean he called their names without being able to afford it? That intention was evident.


Ivan clenched his teeth and forcibly disconnected from the god. After pushing away those powerful forces, breathing returned.

It was truly a dangerous moment. Then they appeared in light.

The Elite of Denomination that destroys the enemies of the temple and faith.

The Knights Templar glared at the enemy in silver armor and divine light. They quickly cleared their surroundings and approached Ivan.

As they got closer, I could tell they were breathing heavily. It looks like they were running really fast.

Ivan Esirsson, we will help you.

How about outside? There was Delfino, a priest left.

It is already cleared up. Now we just have to deal with those guys.


When dozens of the Knights Templars raised their swords at the same time, a bright light came down from the sky. That divine power pierced the power of the demon and suppressed them.

You look unwell. Would you like to rest? Well take care of the rest.

Ive came all the way here, so I cant do that. I will be with you until the end.

Ivan stretched his back again and stepped forward. He couldnt show weakness. He didnt want to look weak, at least to the gods who would be watching him from heaven. He grabbed his spear again and stood proudly in front of him.

In the meantime, the incarnations of the demon were being pushed aside despite the intimidation that they had when they first appeared. The evil energy continued to decrease, and the force of violence ceased.

After all, there are no veterans like the Knights Templar when it comes to slaying the evil ones.

Each time the divine power explodes, their bodies fall apart. Then, if they thought they would rebel violently, the Knights Templar quickly changed positions to deal with it.

An amazing pass. Even compared them to the elves Ivan had seen a while ago, it didnt seem like it would fall too far.

Considering the fact that elves can share ideas with each other, the appearance of the Knights Templar was simply surprising.

All of this must have been the result of hard training.



Ivan cut off the arm of one of the demons incarnations and looked at the Knights Templar.

Each one of them was not difficult to deal with. But what if there are two, three, five, ten? Its the type he never wanted to deal with.


Strength enters the hand holding his spear. Ivan put a spear into the incarnation of the demon as if he was venting his anger.


Even the last demonic incarnation was decapitated and rolled down the floor. With that, the battle completely ended.

No one died and all the enemies were dealt with, so it could be called a great victory, but no one said that.

Because the surrounding sights were too miserable.

An entire village was in ruins and there were no survivors.

Damn it, Im going to die, Im exhausted.

Ivan spit his swear words inwardly and walked out. The staggering steps soon stabilized. Because life orb was still energizing him.

A field full of ash left behind by the undead burned in sacred flames. Delfino was there alone.

His hair was white, and his taut skin lost elasticity and wrinkled.

He wasnt hurt, but could it be said that he was okay? The price he paid was never small.

It seems that the inside is also in order. How was the ritual? Ive seen evil energy spread.

Well, I put a spear in the middle to interfere with it, but I dont know if it actually stopped it. For that, the energy they released at the end was too ominous.

Is that so? Thank you for your hardwork.

What about that guy? The guy who looks like the main body wasnt inside, did he run away?

Yes. I couldnt catch it. The body he used as a doll has been restored.

As Delfino said that, there was an old necklace in his hand. A necklace very similar to the one hanging from Delfinos neck, but much older and has more scratches.

He said calmly, carrying it in his arms.

One less missing person. (TN: he meant it was Maxiuss, his senior)

He wasnt sad.

Yes, this was also common.

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