Matan’s Shooter

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

The dark fairies moved and began an evasive maneuver. Three flying bugs ran wildly through the air. It was difficult to shoot them.

When Leeha bit his lips, Biyemi looked at Leeha and smiled.


“Poison Breath.”


“-mi-nim! Quickly! Dark Fai….ries…… are coming.”

A dark fairy dived in with the intent of scratching the momentum to grab the lizard’s scales. That huge flying insect-like monster fell to the floor. It was as weak as a mosquito hit by pesticide!

‘What? What the heck?’

Skill? Magic?

What Biyemi did was simply exhale into the air.

It was not the same as the poison spit he used before. He only breathed out, but the dark fairy…….

“Ha Leeha-nim! What are you staring at!”

“Ah, yes.”

Leeha quickly pulled his index finger.

There were still two cursed ents left.

Although their strides were large, they were still slow and are unable to keep up with Leeha, Lepanto, and Biyemi.

In other words, what if there were no dark fairies?

In front of a musketeer that could reload while moving, they were easy pickings.

“Poison Spit!”

The lizard’s cheeks seemed to inflate like a balloon in a moment and spat out! The concentrated venom was shot through the wind.

It was a magic cast that he could not get used to even after seeing it a couple of times, but its lethality was enormous.

No, it felt like the range was much longer than in the past, so the damage must have been greatly increased.

‘Three shots…… does that one magic have the power of my two shots?’

The ent that only died after Leeha’s five attacks, collapsed after only three shots.

The same goes for the guy next to him.

It only took 6 minutes or so for the two cursed ents and three dark fairies to all turn gray.

“Hahaha, that was awesome! This Lizardia will definitely be a great help to our allies!”

Lepanto wiggled his sleeves loosely, but his curiosity grew bigger.

“Phew, Ha Leeha-nim you have gotten really strong, haven’t you? I thought it would take a while for the cursed ent to die. Are you around level 60 already?”

“Huh? Ah, no. How did Biyemi-nim catch the dark fairy?”

His attack power was close to level 60, maybe more, but Leeha did not tell.

“Kiki, it’s poison, poison. A venomancer deals with poison.”

Right, he clearly heard it. It was Poison Breath.

“This does not work for Human Venomancers. Poison Breath adds additional attack power for the Lizardia race and is fatal to small creatures such as fairies. The more it moves, the worse it gets. Because the poison that was spread through the air is inhaled much faster. Kiki, how can their little bodies hold up?”

“Ah! Amazing.”

“Yeah. But that’s all it is good at…… if it’s a medium-sized monster, it won’t work as much. Kiki.”

The lizard’s long fingers drew a V  shape. He also said that there was also the Lizardia’s Poison Resistance…….

‘It’s still great. Skills and information.’

I was already surprised before, but now, I am more surprised.

After hearing Biyemi’s words, Leeha tried to find out more information about it.

However, no matter how hard he searched over the internet, he couldn’t find such information.

‘But why is he telling me all these things?’

Even better and more detailed information than last time….



“What level are you?”

“Kiki, why do you keep asking? It is embarrassing.”

“It’s kind of weird. No matter how the Lizardian race gains additional attack power to Poison Breath, the fact that the dark fairies died in “one-shot”…… Although we don’t know their levels, they are monsters that spawn with the cursed ent.

If the dark fairy traveled together with the cursed ents that could withstand 5 or more of Leeha’s attacks, it was safe to assume that they were high leveled. They probably have low health and high attack power. So far, that was what Leeha could infer.

‘But no matter how low their stamina was……’

It meant that the Poison Breath has the same damage as Leeha’s shots.

Besides, if all three of them died at the same time, it meant that it was an area of effect magic.

Did it mean that Leeha’s attack and Biyemi’s magic have the same destructive power that was equivalent to level 60 or higher?

“Halihali-nim as well, killed the Golden Eagle in one shot.”


“Kiki, you just need to know that it is the same principle. Still, if you’re curious about the level…”

Instakill judgment?

“I wonder.”

“It’s not something I can’t tell you.”

Just say it! What the hell are you waiting for?

Leeha got to level 32 because he ate all the experience from the field boss, Brown Bear, and sniped Hijuit-ka. There was no way ordinary users could have such an experience.

If one caught bats and spiders as quickly as Leeha did, it might have been enough to go to the bear’s hunting ground.

‘About level 25? But how could a level  25 produce that kind of attack power?’

It was an assumption that holds true for Leeha but not for others.

Leeha’s question was answered more easily than expected.

“It’s 51. Kiki.”


Biyemi was smiling.

“Your level 51? Have you been hunting that much since we separated?”

They went their own ways at level 12. Since then, Leeha’s level had grown by 20.

But Biyemi was faster than him? And close to 20 levels?

“I did not do any quest and focused on leveling. Kiki.”

“No way! No, that’s absurd. Isn’t that faster than the tankers, when Middle Earth opened… Is it possible to be that fast?”

“That’s right, it’s possible. If you know where to hunt. How to hunt. Knowing this two things was enough. Kiki.”

Leeha was more perplexed with Biyemi’s dignified attitude.

Even if one knows where and how to hunt, different people will get different results even if the same amount of time was spent on it.

One needs to combine their skills with the most efficient hunting ground.

‘That’s already a hint. It meant that Biyemi did not hunt in a generally known hunting ground.’

A place where no people, a lot of experience, and there are monsters that are weak to poison.

It should be taken that way.

‘That’s good information! There is too much information I don’t know.’

Leeha could not understand Biyemi’s intention. But his strength was real. The quest was not easy, but if he was with Biyemi……?

‘I could complete the quest and level up at the same time.’

Leeha smiled.

“Lepanto-nim? Which way should we go?”

“Hahaha, good! This way! This way!”

Lepanto ran excitedly. To the place where cursed ent and dark fairies were located.

“Biyemi-nim, please!”

“Yes! Ha Leeha-nim as well, please aim for the ent!”

Leeha would be able to eat delicious experiences for a while.

[You leveled up.]

“Kiki, congratulations!”

“Phew, I’m sure your experience points is going up as well.”

He reached level 33. One  could tell just by looking at the rate at which his experience points increase. That this was not a place for level 30-40 users.

Biyemi and Ha Leeha, who were having easy time in such a place, was close to a cheat.


“How are you, Lepanto-nim?”

Lepanto was squatting beside the fallen ent’s corpse, fiddling with the ground.

Assuming that he could feel where his rapier is…….

It had been already 2 hours since they wandered around the Marching Plains. Of course, they were delayed because they hunted monsters.



There was no laughter in Lepanto’s voice. Leeha immediately noticed that his mood had changed.

“This is where my colleagues were. The deployed soldiers belonged to the 7th heave armored infantry division of the 3rd army……”

Lepanto’s touch was delicate as he swept and touched the barren land of the wasteland.

It’s as if this place is the grave of his colleagues.

“While they put up the barriers, we charged. 76th Assault Regiment of the 3rd Army. In front of that, kuheuk.”


“Kiki, isn’t this dangerous? The NPC’s attitude suddenly changed?”

As Lepanto collapsed, clutching his head, Biyemi who was quietly listening next to him, blew a whistle.

This was a completely different attitude to Leeha who was worried about Lepanto.


“Haa.. more ahead.. you’ll be more ahead. I feel it.”

Lepanto groaned and stood up.

Something definitely changed.

“Are your memories coming back? No, rather, seeing the wreckage of the battlefield, will I be able to shake off the hallucination of PTSD?”

‘The NPC who still thought it was the middle of the second Human-Demon War is accepting that the war is over.’

Lepanto moved forward slowly.

Leeha moved cautiously while supporting him, and Biyemi walked indifferently from a distance.

In fact, Biyemi was more interested in looking around.

“Oh? Halihali-nim? I don’t think we should go there…… there’s undead over there. My magic hardly works on them.”


“Skeletons. Zombies are fine, but I can’t poison bones. I think it would be better not to go.”

Biyemi shook his head and looked ahead.

The land began to change from a wasteland to a darker color. The deepest place in the Marching Plains. A large-scale battlefield in the second Human-Demon War.

But Lepanto headed towards it, and Leeha couldn’t get away from him.

“But the quest……”

“Kiki, right? We can’t help it. If it’s dangerous, let’s run away immediately.”

The party moved forward slowly the same as Lepanto’s steps. Leeha felt intuitive.

The search for the rapier is almost over.

About twenty minutes after entering the center of the Marchich Plain where undead appeared, Lepanto, who was walking silently, pointed.

“See…… Squire, I can see my sword.”

“You can see it? Where? Where?”

But his eyes did not catch anything. Only barren land.

“Here…… Here. On the day of the victory, I saw two people leaving the camp here……”

“Are you two leaving?”

“With the support of those two, the 76th Assault regiment was able to come this far. All I had to do was watch them leave.”

He could tell without mentioning it.

Do you remember the day that ‘Mister Brown and Miss Elizabeth’ left?

He couldn’t see Lepanto’s eyes because of his bangs, but the way he recalled the past seems to be in ‘that day’.

“It looks like some kind of story quest.”

“Ah, yes. It’s a musketeer quest.”

Biyemi looked at Lepanto with an uninterested attitude.

A person who knew all kinds of information doesn’t know the keywords about the second Human-Demon War.

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