Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1238 Clap! Clap! Clap!

Chapter 1238  Clap! Clap! Clap!

Raelle actually didn't want to do this. Why else did she push this matter to Cloe? Even when Cloe was hired back then, Raelle wasn't involved in the process at all!

"Do I need you if I have to do this myself?" asked Raelle. "Are you forgetting who hired you back then? Was I involved?"

Cloe shook her head, "No. I was hired by Mu Chenyan. Then why don't you ask her again?"

"Back then she was the person who knew what I was looking for in my assistant and now, you're more familiar than her regarding my requirements. Don't act like you know nothing."

Cloe pursed her lips and nodded, "I know everything and I'm doing everything your way. I'm not even going the systematic way only because I know I won't be able to screen out the suitable person for you in that way."

"Then why do you want me to keep an eye on them?"

"You have better eyes than me," said Cloe.

"Thanks for the compliment but it's troublesome!"

"Oh my gosh! I feel like I haven't heard that word in a very long time."

"What word?"

"Troublesome!" replied Cloe. "You know, before your marriage. That was the word I heard the most from you. It was overused that I often wanted to smash something on your head for repeating it over and over again."

"Tsk. Tsk. You got courageous now, eh? Want to smash my head?"

Cloe bit her tongue, "Oops. That was a slip of the tongue."

"That's more like truth slipping out," said Raelle. "Anyway, just because I don't say it doesn't mean I'm easygoing now. It's still troublesome. Do your job. Don't drag me into it. Also, teach them how to follow instructions. I don't like wordy people. It took you ten years to become this wordy with me."

"That's true," agreed Cloe. "So, does any of them catch your eye?"

"Did you select a fresh graduate?" asked Raelle.

"You're talking about Huo Xizhou?" asked Cloe. "Actually, he isn't really a fresh graduate. He did an internship with us and seeing his ability, his team leader gave him a permanent position. So, he has been with us for a while and made quite some impression. Why else do you think I'll select him? You don't think he is too young, do you?"

Raelle gave her a look, "When you're hired, you're about the same age too and I was even younger than you. Do you think I'll have a problem with his age? I'm just asking."

"That's true. You won't underestimate him just because of his age." Thinking about something, she asked, "By the way, what's this all about?" She took out her phone to show her the mail that she got from Raelle last night. "What the hell is even this? What do you mean I have to go through a formal process to be selected as a bridesmaid?"

Raelle looked at it carelessly, "It's exactly what it sounds like."

"No, what do you mean? I have to submit an application? Why? How can you do this to me? My bridesmaid position was fixed! I worked ten years for it! You can't take it away like this."

"I didn't say I won't give it to you. I just meant you have to follow a lengthy process now."

"But why?"

"Go and ask Major for that. Why did she piss me off? If she hadn't insisted on becoming my bridesmaid would I think of this just for the sake of being fair? No! So, whose fault it is? Not mine for sure!"

Cloe breathed out, "You're saying, I was put through this just for the sake of being fair? Just for that? I have to suffer?"

"You all are making this bride suffer! Can't I do something to reciprocate? How will it be balanced?"

Cloe gaped at her in disbelief, "You have got to be kidding with me right now."

"I don't kid around," said Raelle.

Cloe stared at her in silence before saying, "So, I have to write an application now?"

"You agreed so readily?" asked Raelle.

"What else can I do? I'm just a pitiful soul oppressed by your tyranny. How can I go against you? Wouldn't it be like throwing eggs at a rock? It's self-defeating. So, it's better for me to be self-conscience enough to bow under the eaves."

"Damn! You have learned to play now, eh?"

Cloe smiled at her, "On a serious note, since you are going through the trouble of going with me to choose my ring. I'm also willing to go through the trouble of this whole process. Anyway, writing an application isn't difficult. Besides, my spot is fixed."

"I can change it anytime."

Cloe wanted to roll her eyes but held back, "I know you are very capable. However, I still have faith in my selection." She didn't think it was difficult to do this at all. She'd just take it as a challenge. Besides, she had to think about how to mess with Wai right now who brought this upon her and didn't let Cloe escape too. "Oh, your husband won't come today, right?"

"Why are you asking?"

"We have to go shopping. Ring shopping. Remember?"

"Oh, we're going today?"

"Or? Do you have time? Looking at that list of things you have to go through, I suddenly understand why you wanted to just get the marriage certificate before. It was so simple and so easy. Maybe I should do the same!"

"Ha! As if I'll let you escape! If I have to suffer, I won't let anyone of you escape!"

"When did you get so petty, Chief?"

"I don't know. But I have recently realized how fun it is to watch the whole world burn!"

"Evil! Pure evil!" Cloe shuddered. "I'm gonna leave you here now. Take care of yourself. Don't burn the office down." She turned to leave and stopped to say, "We have a meeting in half an hour."

"Got it!"

Raelle again opened the mail she received from Mu Chenyan and looked through it.

She had no part to play in catering, videography, floral arrangements, and entertainment, etc. She only had to meet the photographer for now.

Wedding attire... Thank goodness for Yue Yue! She didn't have to go Flower girls and ring bearers?

Why ask her? How would she know who'd do that? Nope! She won't choose this one.

Wedding attire... Thank goodness for Yue Yue! She didn't have to go and try out so many gowns. But when she looked at the fact that she still had to try different gowns for different themes for the wedding photos, her mood was dampened. Why do this to her?

Bridal shower and bachelorette party?

Hell no!

She picked her phone and opened the wedding group created by Mu Chenyan and typed, "No bridal shower and bachelorette party! No way! Scratch that!"

Before Mu Chenyan could respond, Hyson's response came first, "What? Who cares about your mood? We are having a bridal shower and bachelorette party! Don't listen to her Yanyan."

Raelle: Why are you even in this group?

Yanyan: I added him.

Raelle: Why?

Hyson: Why not? I told you, even if it's your wedding, we won't follow your wishes everywhere!

Raelle: Forget it! I won't have those two.

Yanyan: Baby, hear me out first.

Raelle: I'm technically not a bachelor!

Hyson: So what? It's a process. You gotta go through the process. Can you skip steps in your project plans? That's like cutting corners and that's unethical practice. Are you becoming unethical now?

Mu Chenyan was quite impressed when she saw this response from Hyson.

Xian: *Clap! Clap! Clap* emojis

Raelle: Who are you clapping for?

Xian: I'm cheering for you, darling. Don't let his words get to you!

Raelle didn't want to pay attention to this. She still insisted she won't have this bachelorette party. Bridal shower. Okay. Bachelorette party? No!

Hyson: Okay. We'll listen to you.

Raelle was quite suspicious seeing him backing down so easily. She really didn't think he'd back down. That wasn't like what Hyson would do. He was a very persistent person. Even more stubborn than her. In fact, he was trickier too.

On the other side, even Mu Chenyan was suspicious so she texted Hyson separately, "What are you up to, godson?"

"Leave it to me, godmother!"

Mu Chenyan's lips curled up, "Okay! Godmother has faith in you. And I'll support all your evil plans too."

"Even if they make Raelle blow up?"


"I got the best godmother in the world!"

Mu Chenyan chuckled seeing his response and shook his head. Of course, she'd support him. She had to have faith in her godson who was really capable to tackling Raelle. So, she leisurely forgot about it.

Even if bachelorette party was up to the maid of honor, she knew if it was possible, this position would have gone to Hyson. So, she'd leave this bachelorette party to him. As for the bridal shower, that was easy to handle. They weren't gonna make it a big scene anyway so it was easier to handle Raelle and coax her into this.

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