Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1226 She Does That

Chapter 1226  She Does That

If it wasn't for Xia Songbei's friendship with Father Mu and Mother Mu, Xia Zhao would have had no chance to meet Mu Chenyan. Then how'd he come across this woman who had been an unforgettable existence in his life?

And this is why even if he was usually impatient around his father, he didn't say a word when to rush Mu Chenyan. He just chose to stay silently beside her.

"If you say that you've aged, then I'd also start feeling old," said Mu Chenyan.

Xia Songbei chuckled, "You'd be forever young."

"No one can be forever young," replied Mu Chenyan.

Xia Songbei looked at his son before asking Mu Chenyan, "If he dares to hurt you, you let me know."

"Do you think that's a good idea?" asked Mu Chenyan. Because even she knew Xia Songbei couldn't control Xia Zhao in any way possible.

Xia Songbei shook his head, "I might not have any control over him. But I can find people who do have control over him." He paused before adding, "In fact, the person with the biggest control over him is you."

"Am I?" asked Mu Chenyan as she gave Xia Zhao an inquisitive look.

"As if you don't know that," responded Xia Zhao.

"I don't," she replied.

"I'd have believed it more if your lips weren't curled up like that and your eyes weren't sparkling like diamonds."

Xia Songbei looked at them with gentleness and relief. He might not be close to his elder son but he was always concerned about him. So, seeing that Xia Zhao finally had a partner and it was none other than, Mu Chenyan, he had to be the happiest person around right now.

"When are you taking her to meet your grandparents?" asked Xia Songbei to his son.

Xia Zhao took a moment before answering, "Whenever she is ready."

Xia Songbei nodded his head, "They'd be very happy to meet her."

"I know."

Xia Songbei was putting his lighter in his pocket when Mu Chenyan asked, "Uncle, when did you start smoking?"

Xia Songbei looked down at the lighter and said, "Not too long ago."

"And why are you smoking?"

"People need a reason to smoke?"

"Yes. Most people do it under stress. Especially, at your age. You can't possibly be trying out smoking just to look cool at this age, right?"

Xia Songbei smiled at her words, "I can't look cool at this age, anyway."

"I don't agree with that comment," said Mu Chenyan. "But you should really refrain from indulging in it. It's not good for your health. For a long and healthy life, one should have a healthy lifestyle. I think you should know it since your parents are already considered long-lived people. You can ask them. They definitely lived a very healthy lifestyle to come so far."

"I can't argue with that," said Xia Songbei. "I'll listen to you."

"Really? That easily?" asked Mu Chenyan in surprise.

"Who asked you to be my future elder daughter-in-law?" asked Xia Songbei. "I have to give you some face, no?"

"Well, thank you. I guess."

"Pleasure is all mine," said Xia Songbei. "You let your Elder Xiang know that I'd be coming to see him soon. Now, I'll take my leave and won't disturb your private time." He turned to leave but stopped after a couple of steps to say, "By the way, it's gonna rain in a while. You shouldn't stay out for long. It's easier to get sick if you get drenched in rain in this season."

"Okay, Uncle Song!" Mu Chenyan sighed as she watched him leave and commented, "Your father is still as sweet as ever."

Xia Zhao could almost read what she didn't voice out. "And that's why you are still unable to believe how a person like him cheated on his fiancé. Right?"

Mu Chenyan bit her lips before saying, "Yeah. I am still not able to believe it."

"Maybe that's why you shouldn't judge a book by its cover."

"Oh, come on! I've known him for years. I really can't connect to a cheating man. I just can't."

"Forget it. Why are we even discussing it?"

"Because that's your father."

Xia Zhao sighed, "He is my father but we aren't that close."

"But he is my Uncle Song who has loved me a lot growing up. He never broke the promises that he made to him. And he always came to see me when he said he will. How am I supposed to even assume that he is the bad guy?" Mu Chenyan was quite emotionally excited when she said it. After all, Xia Songbei had been a big part of her life growing up.

"I didn't say he is a bad guy. But he made some bad choices in life. You and I don't get to judge his choices but that won't change what he has done."

Mu Chenyan didn't want to continue discussing this matter so she dropped it. "When we ran into your brother earlier, I didn't think we'd run into your father too. God forbid if we ran into your mother next, I might commit a crime."

Xia Zhao pursed his lips.

"Don't mind but I can't handle her."

"No one is asking you to."

"Do you think she still hates me like she did back in the day?" asked Mu Chenyan.

"Does it even matter? You don't have to concern yourself with her," said Xia Zhao. He rubbed her head, "Let's go inside. It's raining." He pulled her inside and as soon as they got under the eaves, the rain started pouring down.

"The weather is more unpredictable than my Elle in this season," commented Mu Chenyan.

Xia Zhao rubbed her head, "No matter how unpredictable she is, she is still your life. You talk as if you're very annoyed and tired but at the end of the day, you'll never get tired of her."

"But I am tired this time," said Mu Chenyan. "She asked me if I'm pregnant? Who does that?"

"Raelle Xiang. She does that," was Xia Zhao's response.

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