Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1183: They Were There

Chapter 1183: They Were There

When Shui Xian just imagined the scene of seeing another woman with his Bà, it made him more than just uncomfortable. He couldn't describe what he felt. Maybe that's why he insisted on asking Raelle about her parents. But for a moment, he overlooked the fact that Raelle had no feelings for her parents at all. So, what they do in their lives had nothing to do with her and she won't waste her time thinking about it either.        


It wasn't like him who had grown up seeing the love between his parents.      

It was a whole different story for Raelle who wasn't even familiar with the concept of having parents at home.    

"So, you want Bà to be alone forever?" asked Raelle. "You can look for a new partner, he can't?"    

Shui Xian was stumped by her questions. He didn't know what to say. He felt like he brought this upon himself. Why did he even have to bring up this topic? Now, he was the one struggling to give the right answer. In fact, what really was the right answer? Was there really a right answer out there?    

"You just don't want to give your mother's place to someone else," Raelle went on. "But how can you be so selfish? Don't you think Bà is lonely enough? Why aren't you thinking about him?"    

"You're right," said Shui Xian. "I do have selfish intentions and I know they are wrong. But there is another point too. I also know that my Bà won't look for another partner. Ever."    

"Why are you so certain?" asked Raelle.    

"You shouldn't even be asking me that, baby," said Shui Xian. "Have you seen how much my Bà loves my mom?"    

"I haven't," answered Raelle honestly. "I didn't see them together. However, I have met your mom and dad separately. And that experience tells me a lot about what kind of relationship they had. Yes, I do agree that Bà loved Mom a lot. I mean that's the man who loved that woman even when she loved another man. And when the other man was out of the picture, he still ran after her desperately. So, it isn't that difficult to know that he is really not interested in looking for another person."    

"Exactly! He loved one woman with all his heart and then that was it," said Shui Xian. "I asked my Bà recently that if mom didn't have a breakup, would he have given up and looked for someone else? He said, no. He said when he first fell for her, he had decided that it was either her or no one else. That's why I said, he might be lonely but he won't be looking for another person."    

"Then you can't compare Bà with General Xiang or Professor Song," said Raelle. "In a way, Bà is also sentimental like you. Your mom said in her letter that you're like her but I believe that you aren't that different from Bà either. He also loves with a passion too. He is also someone who listens to his heart but do you think General Xiang and Professor Song also are like that?"    

Shui Xian pursed his lips before shaking his head, "No. They are rational people who don't sway with emotions."    

"Yes," agreed Raelle. "And that's why you can't look at them and compare them to Bà. They are very different kinds of people. Either it's General Xiang or Professor Song, they had always put their work above family but Bà is different. Even if he was a workaholic, he was willing to leave his career and achievements behind for you. For his family. I can tell you, in my weird family, we make clean breaks. We don't like going on the same road which we have walked on before. That's why whether it's General Xiang or Professor Song, they have no intention of getting back together. They never even considered this possibility from the moment they filed for divorce. If there was a possibility, they wouldn't have made that decision."    

"Do you think they don't regret it?"    

"What's the point of regret, Hubby? Can it turn back time? Regret is one of the most pointless things in life. Your regret won't change anything. Your romorse might be able to help a little but regret won't help anyone. And even if people regret something in our family, I don't think they like to voice it out." She took a pause and asked, "Why are you even interested in this topic out of nowhere?"    

Shui Xian stopped the car at the signal and turned his head to face her, "After reading mom's letter, I thought of your mother. I was wondering if she is also lonely. Don't you think so? Everyone has someone beside them. Even if Uncle Xiang doesn't date anyone, he'd still have his father and his sister around him to support and love him. But that's not the case with Professor Song. She seems very lonely. To the point that I kind of feel bad for her."    

"You feel bad for her?" asked Raelle.    

Shui Xian nodded his head, "Is it wrong for me to do so?"    

"I don't think so," answered Raelle. "Maybe she is quite pitiful but who is to blame for that? She is to blame for that. She chose this loneliness herself. However, she isn't as lonely as you think she is. It might not seem like it but whether it's Wai or Weimin, they both got her back. They might have opinions about her but they won't ever stop being by her side. So, she isn't alone. She also have people who loves and cares about her in their own ways. And trust me, their love and care means to her more than anything else."    

  "You really think they love and care about her?"    

"Yes," answered Raelle. "If they wanted to give up on her, they'd have done for all these years. After all, it's not like she didn't disappoint them over the years. And yet, they both chose to stick around even if they were grumbling around her, they still were there for her."    

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