Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1168: Handled It

Chapter 1168: Handled It

"You think I grew up in a comfort zone?" asked Raelle.        


"Didn't you?" asked Ru in return. "And I think you should ask this question to the person who made that comfort zone for you," added Ru as he looked at Mu Chenyan.    

Raelle also looked at Mu Chenyan. And Mu Chenyan who was suddenly being stared at felt a bit restless for some reason. "What did I do?"    

"A person's potential is known when they face challenges," said Ru. "You kept giving her comfort all your life. She didn't like socializing, you made a castle for her. She loved to read, you brought her the books from everywhere. She didn't like the touch of strangers, you learned everything yourself. In the end, you kept making yourself change instead of allowing Raelle to face the world as it was."    

"Was it wrong?"    

"I don't know," answered Ru. "You should be the judge of that. Think about it. Once Elder Xiang made the decision to get married, things changed slowly. She learned to compromise, she learned to love, and she learned emotions."    

Raelle thought about these words a lot more than Mu Chenyan. She did know she was slowly changing but... Was she really stepping out of her comfort zone and that was why things changed?    

"You really think I have rigid thinking?" asked Raelle once again.    

"Your beliefs are different than others," said Ru. "Nothing is wrong with that. But you should also know everyone else has their own beliefs too. We all might be called humans but we all have a different gene structure and we are our own individuality. We are all right to have our own beliefs, no? But we don't have the right to question others' beliefs."    

"I have heard that before," said Raelle. "I guess even I subconsciously forget that. I'm sorry. I'd try not to question others' beliefs."    

"There is no need for an apology," replied Ru. "This young master is very generous with adorable people like you."    

"Otherwise you're not generous?"    

"That... Depends on what mood I am in." Ru drank some more water and showed something else to Raelle on the tablet, "Now, let's look at this. This is the family tree of the D'Amico family. This is their Mafia network. I have highlighted what kind of rivalry there is in everything."    

Raelle didn't know why she was seeing all this but she still studied all the information in front of her. The more she read, the more she realized how dangerous this family was. She understood that if this kind of family really found Justin, the kid won't end well. And she didn't want his childhood to be ruined by any of this.    

"I don't think you do things without thinking," said Raelle. She already understood this much from her observation. "So, why are you showing me these?"    

"Because you caused some trouble," said Ru.    

"I did?" asked Raelle.    

"Not just you but also Ms. Mu Chenyan," answered Ru. "You sent people to look for Chi Xirui's information and so did, Ms. Mu. But did I mention that the news that Genevieve is dead is not known to her enemies?"    


"They are still looking for her," said Ru. "Not only them but also her father who recently recovered his health. So, you both stirred in already muddy water which made matter a little more serious than it was. People had already started retreating but because of you two, they started looking into this all over again. Do you realize what it means?"    

"They can find Justin if they became desperate," answered Mu Chenyan through gritted teeth as she clenched her teeth. "No. They can't do it. I won't let this happen."    

"Really? Can you do it?" asked Ru.    

"Ru, are you looking for a beating?" came Xia Zhao's voice who had been allowing this nephew of his to show-off all this while.    

"Beating?" repeated Ru. "Who is gonna beat me? You?"    

"I don't dare," said Xia Zhao. "But should I call the Patriarch?"    

"My Papa can never beat me," was Ru's response. "Yes, if you call my grandfather and my masters. Then it'd be a different story. They do dare."        


"Stop scaring people. Tell them the truth."    

"Can't you understand suspense?" asked Ru. "Fine. No need to fret so much. I removed all the traces of his existence. This is the original copy of Justin's birth certificate. I also removed all the traces of his adoption too. There will be no way for anyone to connect Justin to the D'Amico family from now on." Before Mu Chenyan could breathe a sigh of relief, Ru went on, "Except for one person."    

"Who?" asked Mu Chenyan.    

"Raphael D'Amico," answered Raelle instead of Ru. "Right?"    

"Correct! How could a daughter who loved her father so much not let him know about her son? So, yes. Raphael D'Amico knows about Justin. But he doesn't know where he is. Anyway, even if he knows, chances are he won't come to you guys. After all, he also doesn't want to add danger into his grandson's life as it happened with his daughter."    

"Thank you for doing so much," said Raelle sincerely. "You are really a good person."    

Ru pursed his lips while Xia Zhao coughed violently when he heard that. He tried to stop but he really couldn't help it at the moment and gave Ru a strange look.    

"It's not that funny, Little Uncle," commented Ru.    

"Isn't it?" asked Xia Zhao. "I never thought there'd be someone who'd give you a good person card. It still baffles me."    

"I really can't take this good person card. Because that's not who I am," said Ru. "I don't wanna be a good person. That wasn't my intention either. It's just that your family is connected to my own clan in some ways. Our history goes way back. That's why I'd take the trouble to do this much for you. After all, we are taught to protect our own. My grandfather would have wanted me to do this."    

"Still, it's a big thanks to you that I'm able to understand not only the background of Justin's mother but also what dangers are involved. I didn't think it involve so many things. So, thank you so much for your help."    

Ru shrugged nonchalantly, "No big trouble."    

"Is there anything I can do to repay this favor?" asked Raelle.    

"You don't owe me a favor," answered Ru. "I don't do favors. That's not my style." Ru stood up and stretched saying, "I think I'm done here." He took the tablet and disconnected it from his own network. He gave the tablet back to Xia Zhao, "Little Uncle, you can have it back. Thank you for lending it to me."    

"You didn't show her everything," whispered Xia Zhao in a voice that only they could hear.    

"There is no need to," was his response. "This much was enough. We shouldn't talk about unnecessary things especially when I've already handled everything."      

"You're leaving?" asked Raelle.    

"Not yet," said Ru. "I'm gonna make something for myself."    

"You didn't eat breakfast?" asked Xia Zhao.    

"Did you give it to me?"    

"Did you even need me to give it to you?"    

"You're stingy. Just accept it. Don't make excuses here." said Ru. "I have only so many interests in life. How can you deprive me of a meal?"    

"Let me make something for you," said Xia Zhao as he followed him to the kitchen.    

"No thanks. I'll do it myself. I don't think I can handle your meal this morning. I don't deserve it."    

"You're talking nonsense again," commented Xia Zhao. "It's just breakfast. There is no need to say all that."        


"I said I'll do it," said Ru. "Don't interfere."    

Raelle stood up and went to the kitchen counter as she asked, "You can cook too?"    

"There is no one in our family who can't," answered Ru. "It's the most basic thing. Wouldn't you die in the wild if you don't even know how to make a meal? What was it? Ah! Yes. There is a saying, a cook can never go hungry no matter where he is."    

"You say, I'll definitely not survive then," said Raelle.    

"True," agreed Ru.    

Raelle thought about it and then asked, "Then you teach me something simple? I heard porridge is very simple. And making eggs too."    

"No, you stay where you are. What if you got hurt in the kitchen?"      

Raelle was a bit dumbfounded by that response. It was those words again. All over again! Wasn't this person who told her to step out of her comfort zone? Now, what was this?    

"You told me to do something out of the box," reminded Raelle.    

"I did? Let's just say that cooking doesn't involve that."    

"How can you go back on your words?"    

"I never go back on my words," said Ru. "I said to think out of the box. And your comfort zone didn't involve cooking. This is not your talent. Don't make trouble. If you get a single cut, it'll make many people feel distressed. So, the kitchen isn't a place for you."    

"They say a gentleman should not step in the kitchen. But here you are," pointed out Raelle.    

"I'm not a gentleman. Not even close!"    

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