Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1159 Ciao!

Chapter 1159  Ciao!

'Because once you start feeling like a sinner. You'll never be able to escape that feeling. I can tell you that I am unable to do it. I still consider myself the sinner of the Qian family. It never changed over the years. It's been so many years and I can't bring myself to face my sister-in-law or my own nephew. After all, I was the reason their family was destroyed.

Xian, life is unpredictable you have heard but humans are more so.

You thought I was a nice person but I can assure you, I had my moments too. None of us is a saint. How is it possible to avoid all the darkness in the world?'

Shui Xian placed a hand on his forehead as he rubbed his temples. He understood everything his mother said a lot better at this time when she was no more. After all, he also felt like a sinner. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself, he still eventually ended up feeling like he was the reason his mother was no more.

'Do you know why I liked Raelle so much? From the very first moment I saw her, I liked her. It was an instant and inexplicable liking. Honestly speaking, I can't tell you the reason why I like her so much but I just did.

If this letter is in your hands, I'm gonna assume that you really failed in love. I'm sorry for that! My poor son! You must have suffered but don't let that pain consume you. You need to move on in life and look at the brighter future ahead of you.

The things I said previously really don't matter. You must be getting together with Raelle. I shouldn't even mention the past. This is like my dream coming true.

I wrote earlier that darkness does taint us all but when I met Raelle, I realized that there were exceptions to everything. Raelle was that exception. I couldn't see anything in her eyes but at the same time, I saw all her innocence that could ensnare you. If you spent some time with her, you'd understand it.

Yes, I agree that having Raelle as a partner might feel tiring to you at first since she isn't well-versed in the ways of emotions. But she is a very interesting person. There is no impurity in her eyes. She says what she sees and what she understands. And I assure you, she understands and sees a lot more than us.

My obsession with her is also this. I want her to bring her calmness into your life. And I want you to add some emotions to her life. You both compliment each other, no matter how you look at it.

All my life, I had been against the idea of parents choosing the partner of their kids. I never thought one day I'd come to that stage too and insist on making a girl my son's wife. But to be honest, her chances of liking you are a lot lesser than your chances of liking her.

She is so perfect. How can you not like her? But the question I'm curious about is, whether she can like you? You who are so sensitive about everything and impulsive and stubborn and rebellious. All these traits aren't in her at all. So, I'm very worried right now. However, if this letter is opened then the chances are that she does like you which I can't bring myself to imagine.'

Shui Xian's face scrunched up when he read his mother's disgust for him in those words. So, she really thought he was so worthless that Raelle won't even like him? He couldn't believe that this was the same mother who used to tell him how much she loved him and how handsome he was. And now, she was questioning his charms?

He very much wanted to say that his wife was in love with him! And she loved this face of his too! That reminded him that he should pay more attention to maintaining this face and figure. What if his wife's eyes wandered off? Well, she wasn't that easily influenced but he couldn't take it for granted too. He had to put in effort too.

'But if she really does like you at the point of you reading this letter, good for you son! You really have exceeded my expectations for you. So, rest assured! I'm proud of you!'

Shui Xian rolled his eyes.

'Lastly, I'd like to say, Xian, I hope you are happy right now. Don't miss me so much. I might not be there with you but my best wishes will always be with you. Your happiness means the world to me. I hope you take care of yourself. Because only then can you take care of your father too. That man won't say anything but I know him. We shared the same pillow for so long. How can I not understand him?

Koko must be very lonely. I hope he could move on but knowing him, I'm sure he won't. Your mother wasn't that pitiful in life, son. I was also someone's first love. Where I didn't know, your father loved me for so long. So what if I didn't get my first love? At least, Koko did. He hated it when I called him Koko. But when I'm not there, I'm sure he won't mind it at all.

You better take care of him and also of your sister. Sying doesn't have the same affection for family as you always did. She loved freedom a lot more. I understand that. So, I hope you be a good elder brother and keep an eye on her. Don't let her be wronged.

Also, most importantly, you better don't hurt my Raelle. I don't mind coming as a ghost to haunt you!

Now, I should stop here. I feel like I'm giving you too many responsibilities. But I can't help it. I'm not there now. So, you have to take your position as my eldest son.

Keep smiling! Keep shining! And keep loving with all your heart and soul as you do!


Shui Xian rubbed the paper in his hand with his finger and kept looking at the last words. In the end, he didn't cry like he thought. It seems his mother didn't wish to make him that sad.

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