Masters, Are You Going To Imprison My Sister?

Chapter 34

Chapter 34


Isley Emers woke up to the sound of something scratching. I could see the legs of a small child, white and slender. He frowned as he stared blankly down at his pale pink knees, checkered overall shorts, and the white cloth that tickled his legs.

Huh? Where is this place? What was I doing right now


I heard a sound I had heard before. Isley blinked his eyes a couple of times before raising his head. What opened in front of him was a table full of delicious food. A simple white tablecloth without any patterns made the food on it stand out. It was then that he realized the identity of the object in his hand. fork and knife. Dirty with brown sauce. In front of him was a steak cut into a mess.

Yes, I was eating.


Isley turned to where the sound was coming from, to the chair where my mother was sitting. The duke wore a mask whiter than a white tablecloth. The mask covered the entire face and was too thick to see the expression behind it.

Mom, why are you wearing a mask?

Mask? I dont know what youre talking about. My dear son, Izzy.

Huh? Youre wearing a white mask right now. Take that off right away. You cant eat if youre wearing a mask.

Ha Now I dont need to eat. Im full just watching you eat. And Im not wearing a mask Haha, I see. Are you joking again? You cute naughty boy.


And I think theres a strange noise behind that mask


Cant you just take it off?

What a funny joke! hahaha.

Suddenly the Duke began to laugh. Isley felt goosebumps all over his body. Because he felt something was strange to her.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

The laughter stops and the air changes. Cold, wet, and heavy.

Wouldnt you regret it?

Isley grabbed his neck. Because as he breathed in the air, his throat hurt.

Its painful.

Hah Haah! regret it? I dont understand what you mean.

You told me to take it off. Its your fault. Its all your fault. what you want you. you. you. you. you. you. you. you guys.

Mother? why Yes. Cough! From before Im scared No, Im not saying Im afraid of mother that is cough!

The Duke slowly raised her hand and grabbed the mask.

Behind it were the octopuss legs.

Uh, mother?

What I thought was eight became ten, then twenty, two hundred, one thousand, no, countless, long, and thick stretches out and covering the entire dining room.

Hey! This is not my mother!

Its a monster!

It is something that you cannot understand even if you know its identity. Id rather not know. Strangely shaped legs began to rise above me. The sticky, disgusting, disgusting touch made Isley scream.


And woke up

He couldnt remember what kind of dream he had, but he only remembered the unpleasant feeling. So he frowned and spit out cursing.

Sunlight streams in through the closed curtains. The morning came again. Isley crouched and lifted his head slightly to look at the light shining on the floor before burying it again between his knees. A rumbling sound was heard from the ship. Contrary to the hum, I didnt feel hungry at all. His gloom is so engrossed in his mind that he has no time to worry about anything else.

Then, someone knocked on his door.


Every morning, noon and evening Layla came to clean his room. Recalling this, Isleys face brightened a little, then darkened again.

No, it cant be. She didnt come yesterday. In the morning, at lunch, in the evening Is she saying she doesnt want to see me anymore?

That expectation was not wrong. It wasnt Laylas high roaring voice, but a low, heavy voice that seemed to belong to an older woman came from outside his door.

Master, I brought breakfast.

Noisy get off it. I said Iwant to eat. If you bother me more, Ill cut off either your left arm or your right leg.

Are you still threatening other maids like that? Hah, if it wasnt for me as the maid, everyone would have gotten scared and ran away. If you starve like this, you will hurt your body. The butlers, except for me, are worried a lot.

From outside the door came the maids polite greeting to someone. The person, who was greeted, knocked on Isleys door gracefully, and said in an irritated voice.

Isley, stop and eat. Are you protesting like a child? I dont know whats going on Dont you think starving is stupid? Mother too is worried about you.

She must be very concerned.

Noisy. A true nobleman would usually hand over a formal sentence.

At Arthurs hoarse voice, Isley let out a small laugh. He looked at the long sword that was leaning against the wall. It was an item that I had Layla bring from the smithy back in the day.

Should I approach Layla first and apologize? What if she avoids me? What if she hates me more? No, Id hate it even more if I just stayed like this. okay Lets meet first. Wait a minute, now that I see

Isley, who remembered something, got up from his seat and jumped up and opened the door. The door moved violently and crashed into the wall, and Arthur and the maid twitched, as if a little startled.

Layla, my exclusive servant? Has she already left the mansion?

He remembered clearly that Layla would give her resignation letter and she would leave in three days. And today was the third day. At Isleys words, the maid, Jean, struggled to swallow her sigh as she was about to come out, and Arthur frowned.

Young master The maid hasnt gone out yet. She cant go out.

What are you talking about?

Its embarrassing to even say this  Layla and her sister have been stealing things from the masters secretly. She was found guilty of that, and she is now in a dungeon.

Isley raised the corners of his mouth, saying it was ridiculous.

You are lying? Why is she doing that? Layla is not like that.

Dont play, just tell the truth!

Arthur let out a short sigh and let the maid go.

Ill explain. Calm down.

He thought he should tell his brother how this happened. Arthur explained, succinctly and succinctly, what had happened to Layla.

its not that good way, but I dont think its a bad way either Isley? Isley Emers!

Arthur mistakenly mistaken Isleys feelings for Layla as simple liking or curiosity, similar to his own.

So, as soon as Arthur had finished telling the story, he had no idea that Isley would find Osses and grab him by the collar.

Osses, who was heading to the dukes office early in the morning, was suddenly struck by a human spirit that attacked him. A huge hand grabbed him by the collar, and at the same time, his body was lifted lightly and pressed against the wall. It was a formidable force. bang! With a loud noise, the back and the wall collide. Employers were startled, and those with a little more seniority looked for people in a position to put an end to the situation.

Osses grimaced at his piercing pain, then looked into his opponents face.

He realized the identity of the opponent from the moment he was grabbed by the collar. There are very few people in this family who can treat him like this. And especially those who can lift an adult man so easily. Osses made eye contact with Isley and smiled.

I dont know why youre so angry all of a sudden?

You dont know, you said?

Isley growled as he walked up to the nose of his face.

I heard everything from Arthur. brother Osses, he said that you imprisoned Layla by doing something dirty.

Stop making a fuss and let it go.


Our mother wont like it if its loud. This is in front of mothers office.

And, isnt Isley the same anyway?

From now on, there are no good things the employees have heard. Osses whispered in Isleys ear.

I have already heard that you took the fainting maid into the infirmary. I heard your expressions were really nice back then, didnt you?

The hand on the collar trembles finely. The same is true of the eyes facing each other.

What did you do to the maid to make her faint? Whats that? What horrible thing did you do to her, Isley Emus? You cant do this to others. And wouldnt you like it if you could catch a maid like this? Why dont you think about how to hold her

Without saying a word, Isley loosened the strength in his hands. And he just stared blankly at the wall like a lost soul. Osses set his feet on the ground and turned around, contemplating his stupid face.

Its annoying.

Osses let out a deep sigh as he fiddled with the creases of his shirt.

He returned to his usual soft smile, but his heart, on the contrary, was full of irritation.

Emotional and ignorant. I really dont like him being called a rare genius.

Osses called the maid from afar.

Isley doesnt look very good, so take him to the doctor.

And in order to solve the original problem, he lightly knocked on the door of the Dukes office. Arthur, who came here late, noticed what had happened and frowned, but, turning around, he didnt notice. Arthur got the dukes permission and went inside. He greeted his mother, who was buried in the papers, softly.

Good morning, mother.

Dont make a fuss unnecessarily. Its noisy.

The duke, noticing the commotion outside, answered, sipping her coffee and scanning the documents. Papers are folded, swept, and sounds are heard in the quiet parlor.

Yes, sorry

Osses opened his mouth to hand over the apple. At the same time, the duke put down her glass and said:

Do you have a favor? Tell me.

Youre so quick-witted Yes, thats right. Im here for business.

You cant release the maids in the basement.


Its useful for this job. If it went well, it may solve the problem.

So you blocked the way to the dungeon?

Osses remembered what happened yesterday. The dungeon couldnt be entered. It was because the knights blocked the way, saying it was the dukes order. If the duke ordered it directly, no one in the dukes family could ignore it and act recklessly.


I didnt know. I dont think they have anything to do with mothers work  Why didnt you tell me? I thought I was involved in the slave auction to some extent.

I was going to tell you when I was more certain. All of them, including you. You guys also helped me quite a bit.

Then a knock was heard again, and the knight came in with the dukes permission. Hearing the story she whispered in her ear, she bluntly uttered her words of permission. And Yuria came in.

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