Marvel's Superman

Chapter 238 - 236 | Hello Sir, Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 238 - 236 Hello Sir, Agent Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Many years later, when Nick Fury was alone, he always thought of this afternoon.

His first meeting with the legendary Superman, the first Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although the specific content of the conversation had long been forgotten.

But Fury still remembered his uneasy mood at that time and was even more excited than being a veteran of World War II and receiving an interview with the President.

If people say that Captain America was the worthiest idol in the eyes of every child in the 1960s.

Then Superman was probably the hero in the eyes of all the veterans -- although most people only judge from appearance.

'Hello, sir… No, should I call him General or Lieutenant General?'

In the summer of 1946, Nick Fury walked into S.H.I.E.L.D's building while practicing how to greet him later.

He was the leader of the CIA's field operative team, specializing in collecting foreign government-related intelligence and sabotaging domestic spies.

"Hello, I have an appointment with Lieutenant General Luke Cavill."

Fury, a little unaccustomed to his high-end suit, scratched his neck and spoke to the beautiful young receptionist.

Out of professional habit, he looked around secretly.

Compared with the CIA headquarters in Washington, D.C., near the Lincoln Memorial, only a few other employees were here.

S.H.I.E.L.D looked good. It occupied a huge office building, and everyone wore standardized uniforms; even the receptionist was much prettier than theirs.

'No wonder the guys all want to move here. '

Fury thought silently.

He heard that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s casualty compensation was three times more than that of the CIA.

Everyone preferred the better terms and conditions and a comfortable working environment.

Even FBI and CIA agents and operatives, there was no exception.

Many people think that the salary level of intelligence workers should be very high.

Actually, it's not.

'I wonder if S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are earning three times as much as the CIA. '

This thought flashed through Fury's head.

For example, there were nineteen levels of positions in the FBI, with the D4 level being the highest and the A1 level being the lowest.

In general, the total salary of a D4 for one year was around $120,000 to $130,000.

The average annual salary for a newly hired A1 was only $40,000, similar to that of a rookie NYPD officer.

After taking out the necessary subsidies and overtime and deducting the 26% federal, state, and local taxes, the actual amount they could get was probably even less.

The same was true for the CIA, even for agents who were active overseas all year-round.

In addition to the funds allocated for operations, the real annual salary was only $70,000 to $80,000, which wasn't as good as the Wall Street bloodsuckers.

As bottom-of-the-barrel agents, the most generous sum of money they could receive in their lifetime was probably the severance pay after they died on duty.

Not every agent, like James Bond, wore a hand-made high-class suit, suave, enjoying cars and drinks, and having an enviable life of global travel.

That was more of a dramatized imagination that had been embellished and romanticized.

"Mr. Nick Fury. This is your access card. Please take the elevator and go up to …"

After checking the information, the receptionist handed an electronic access card to Fury.

"The Director is in a meeting. You may have to wait a few minutes."

Fury nodded, took the access card, and turned to the elevator.

He didn't know why Superman wanted to see himself. He was just suddenly informed that a meeting was scheduled for this afternoon.

At first, Fury got the letter in his mailbox and thought he'd come across a new form of fraud.

He read in the newspaper that some professional scammers would send many people letters like 'congratulations on winning the first prize' or 'rich woman seeking a child for a lot of money'.

Taking advantage of people's nature of wanting to get rich quickly, to receive the reward, or to be chosen by the rich woman, they must first send money.

Those reasons were so bizarre that it was almost immediately obvious that it was a scam.

If they could cast a wide enough net, they could always catch a foolish fish.

Many people that had fallen for the scam got angry and reported it to the police.

Especially those who were looking forward to spending the night with a rich woman. After finding out that the so-called 'rich woman' was actually a stingy man, their hearts were damaged twice.

So, the vigilant Nick Fury originally wanted to assist the police department in Virginia by making a report to break up the scammer's group.

However, after opening the letter, he saw the red stamp of S.H.I.E.L.D. on it, with the address and contact information.

With a dubious and cautious attitude, Fury made a phone call and got a definite answer from the secretary.

Superman wanted to meet him?!

It turned out to be true!

Fury was confused at that time.

How did he, a nobody, get the attention of that Lieutenant General, the war hero?!

'Is it because of the SSS Program?'

Fury walked into the elevator, a little puzzled.

He was one of the hundreds of soldiers recruited for the anti-aging drug test by the military.

The purpose was simple, to earn extra income.

Generally speaking, some retired veterans or recruits in the military were willing to try those experiments that required volunteers, as long as the risks weren't very high.

If they could earn a lot of money easily, who wouldn't want to?

Of course, if they were unlucky enough to meet a conniving official, they might have to be a guinea pig for free.

Corruption and dishonesty were everywhere, and it's just a fact of life.

'As the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., how could a Lieutenant General waste his time meeting with every soldier participating in the test …?'

Fury shook his head and denied this guess.

He stepped out of the elevator with trepidation, walked through a curved corridor with two doors, and was guided by a female secretary into the Director's office.

"Please wait a moment."

The female secretary had a sweet smile on her face.


Nick Fury sat upright, watching the graceful back, disappearing in the doorway.

The secretaries, beside big shots, always looked beautiful.

The bored Fury thought so.

A few minutes later.

The office door was pushed open.

A cheerful smiling voice entered the room earlier than the figure.

"Hello, Sergeant Fury."

Seeing the legendary Superman, Nick Fury quickly got up.

His first reaction was that he was too young.

Although Superman was often featured in newspaper headlines, the feeling was undoubtedly a little stronger when he saw him in person.

"Sergeant Nicholas Joseph Fury, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment of the Army, reporting, General."

Hearing Luke addressing him with his Military designation, not as a CIA agent, Fury subconsciously gave a military salute.

A loud voice echoed through the office.

"Sit down, don't be too formal."

The corners of Luke's mouth smiled; seeing the future braised egg-headed Director, now looking like a novice rookie, was quite amusing.

"Sergeant Fury, I've read your file."

"You served with commendable dedication during World War II and currently lead a field team in the CIA."

"Not long ago, you captured a few spies. Even General Vandenberg has heard of you."

Hoyt Vandenberg, a Lieutenant General in the Air Force, was the current CIA Director.

Speaking of which, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the FBI weren't very cooperative, and the latter's Director Hoover was repeatedly humiliated by Luke in public.

However, their relationship with the CIA was good, and it was almost a friendly alliance that helped each other.

"Lieutenant General Cavill, you're praising me too much."

The young Fury grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

He was modest, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

This was a compliment from Superman!

"Sergeant Fury, have you ever considered joining S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Luke leaned forward and tapped his fingers on the table.

"I welcome talents here… like you."

There was an obvious shock on Fury's face.

'Is he recruiting … me?'

"I'm with the CIA …"

Fury, who was still young, scratched his head and hesitated.

"It's okay. General Vandenberg doesn't mind you moving to S.H.I.E.L.D. He's even planning a farewell party for you."

Luke stopped tapping his fingers and whispered, "We usually have two weekends off here. The extra overtime fee is calculated by the hour. The pension is three times higher than that of the CIA, and disability insurance is also attached. You can get a single apartment in New York after five years of service."

"By the way, if you go to Las Vegas for a relaxing vacation and mention that you're a staff member of S.H.I.E.L.D., you can stay in a hotel and enjoy the luxury suites, play in the casino and use the private rooms for VIP customers."

"Director Cavill, when can I go through the entry formalities?"

After listening, Fury nodded in agreement.

He originally wanted to show his attachment to the CIA, but S.H.I.E.L.D. had offered so much. He didn't even need to think about it.

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