Marvel's Superman

Chapter 188 - 185 | Buckys Whereabouts, Touching Feelings.

Chapter 188 - 185 Bucky's Whereabouts, Touching Feelings.

Turn the clock back to one day ago.

Rogers strode in with his shield in the underground training room of S.H.I.E.L.D. ??

Wearing his star-spangled banner uniform and two flamboyant pectoral muscles, he instantly became the audience's focus.

The S.H.I.E.L.D., agents in the rest area, and the mutants of Task Force X all looked at the famous Captain America.

Although the appearance of Superman led to the loss of the original glory of Captain America on this timeline,

It even made him wonder if his Super Soldier serum might be a watered-down version. Otherwise, how could there be such an amazing difference between him and Luke?

Even if Rogers was later transformed into a 'battleship-class,' able to destroy aircraft carriers with energy waves from both eyes and resist tanks with his body, he was still no match for Luke.

He had already demonstrated this in many warm-up exercises and free sparring sessions.

Every time he felt sore and exhausted, it looked like his body was hollowed out.

So much so that Rogers' girlfriend, Margery, even wondered if her boyfriend had someone else out there.

On the other hand, after the spar, Luke was still as fierce as a tiger, without any fatigue, and could still say -- "I can do this all day!"

It could be seen that the combat effectiveness and durability of the two men weren't at the same level.

"That's Captain America! Have you ever seen any of his comics?"

Young agents in the rest area were whispering to each other.

"Of course! I bought the whole set as a gift for my little nephew; he loves it!"

Someone said,

Although Captain America's honor in the military wasn't as famous as that of later generations because he was still alive.

However, his sales were somewhat higher than Superman's.

With comics and toys, he harvested a large number of fans like Coulson.

Related comics, Star-Spangled Banner uniforms, and shield toys have flowed into every household in New York during the bond sales.

After the end of the war, various manufacturers have been actively expanding their markets to dozens of states.

So much so that Luke also made a special trip to Senator Brandt to help Rogers get the right to use the image of Captain America and the surrounding development back.

Brandt was unaware of this aspect, so he signed a paper contract, almost a sale contract, and didn't get any share of the proceeds.

Otherwise, Rogers wouldn't afford to renovate the old house in Brooklyn and live a comfortable life.

He was now sitting at home, doing nothing, and getting paid handsomely in royalties.

Those publishers, comic book companies, and Hollywood film companies all came to contact Rogers to use Captain America's image.

After all, his appearance was excellent, and with the aura of a war hero and a Colonel's rank, if one could become his agent, one would hold on to this cash cow.

Making several action films such as 'War Against the Third Reich' and 'Bringing Down the Evil German Hand,' and produce several best-selling books such as 'World War II Memoirs' and 'The Story Behind Captain America';

Basically, he didn't have to worry about making a living all his life.

Unfortunately, all of these suggestions were rejected by Captain America.

Because, at that time, he just wanted to live a quiet life.

He wasn't interested in becoming a celebrity.

"Get out of my way!"

Hearing the whisperings, Rogers couldn't help but pick up his pace; he didn't like being the center of attention.

However, when he walked to the training room, a tall figure bumped into him.

The other person had a cigar in his mouth, his beard was like steel wool, and his body exuded a sense of wildness.

Rogers was a good-natured man, so he stopped and stepped aside.

"Heh, Captain America."

Logan took the cigar out and puffed out some smoke.

He heard the young agents talking and seemed to feel some disdain.

"I've seen your films and your antics… a guy with a costume like you could be a hero?"

Regarding Captain America, Logan's knowledge was still stuck in the period of selling bonds.

"What about you, with a pair of claws, you see yourself like a beast?"

Rogers retorted defiantly.

In the face of Wolverine's aggressive provocation, Captain America wasn't very nice either.

He was a good man but not a coward.

In the face of jerks looking for a fight, he would always fight back.

"Well, I'm not in a good mood today."

Logan narrowed his eyes, a fierce glint flashed.

At this time, Wolverine hadn't experienced the tragedy of his wife's death and his claws being broken.

He never received psychological counseling from Professor X and let go of his heart's wild, tyrannical side.

Essentially the same as Victor. They both belong to the cranky old man category.

In layman's terms, he would ask others, 'What are you looking at?' If the other replied, 'What are YOU looking at?', his fist would happily swing.

"Sorry, I'm in a good mood today."

After joining S.H.I.E.L.D., Rogers learned a lot of people skills from Howard.

"That's a shame. Your good mood ends here. I love teaching self-righteous bastards like you!"

As expected, Logan was a powder keg that would explode at the drop of a hat.

He flicked off the cigar with his hand, spattering a few sparks.

Then he clenched his fists and revealed his bone claws.

Naturally, Captain America didn't hesitate to raise his shield to smack away the thick cigar flying at him.

For a while, weapons were drawn, and the atmosphere became heavy.

At this time, if someone came forward and said, 'Don't fight again,' Rogers may just turn his head and walk away.

And Logan, considering the rules set by the S.H.I.E.L.D. Director would also choose to leave things as they are.

Unfortunately, the young agents around didn't stop them but 'ate-popcorn.'

This was a match between Captain America and Wolverine!

Who didn't want to see it?

If tickets were sold, it would be a full house. Half of the people in New York would come running!

Back to the present,

Luke took the elevator to the underground training in S.H.I.E.L.D.

The sweaty Captain America, wearing a compression undershirt, was unleashing his energy on a huge sandbag.

He suffered some injuries on his face. He had a bruise on his left eye and a hemostatic bandage wrapped around his abdomen.

"It's refreshing to see a little guy from Brooklyn learning how to fight people."

Luke made fun of him. The fight that shook S.H.I.E.L.D yesterday ended in a lose-lose situation.

Captain America was almost cut open by Wolverine's bone claws. Unfortunately, to recover fully, the latter right arm was also vaporized by a high-temperature Distortion Halo, and it looked like he needed 2 to 3 days to recover fully.

Fortunately, Carter stepped in to calm the situation. Otherwise, the gang from Howling Commandos, and Howard, would probably have clashed with Sabretooth, who was looking for revenge.

The massive S.H.I.E.L.D. had started to form a trend of creating factions.

"That's a beast, Luke. Only people like you could tame them."

Rogers touched the dark circles under his eyes, stopped moving his hands, and said, "But I have to admit, sometimes fighting does provide a way to let off some steam."

"Blowing off steam? Are you feeling unhappy lately?"

Luke showed a surprised look and whispered: "This time, you succeeded in rescuing Boston and stopping Atlantis' army from landing. So the President is ready to commend you personally."

"You got more credit than you would have otherwise. Aren't you satisfied?"

Rogers shook his head, a hint of gloom in his steely eyes.

"I just occasionally wonder where … Bucky went? When you get an award, there should be someone with who you could share it. Bucky is our friend. He would have been happy to see this."

Captain America said.

Luke drifted off with an odd smile.

Rogers was worthy of being a friend, always thinking about Bucky, who had been missing for a long time.

"I happened to want to talk to you about this."

Luke patted the other on the shoulder and whispered, "According to S.H.I.E.L.D's multiple investigations, it has been confirmed that Bucky was taken away by one of Hydra's leaders, Baron Strucker."

"They are hiding in the other wing of the world camp, the Red Empire in Siberia."

Rogers, who was depressed, was immediately energized as if he had been injected with a stimulant.

He looked at Luke, his eyes shining with excitement, and quietly asked, "You found out where Bucky is?"

"Not yet."

Luke shook his head heartlessly, shattering Rogers' illusions.

Then, he changed his tone and said, "But I am prepared to send agents to investigate the secret collaboration between Hydra and Leviathan, and by the way, search for Bucky's trail. If you are interested in …"

"Good. I'll call Margery later and tell her I'm going to be out of town."

Rogers didn't even think about it and nodded in agreement.

Luke froze for a moment, and the odd expression on his face deepened.

He kindly reminded me, "Promise me, Steve. Try not to mention Bucky's name in front of Margery so much."

'I wonder if Captain America's girlfriend would feel a sense of crisis when she heard that her boyfriend had traveled thousands of miles just to find his best friend?'

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