Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 215: The Angry Thanos

Chapter 215: The Angry Thanos


Let's set aside how much the students admired the Hulk. Tony Stark flew down from the sky, landed in front of Juggernaut, crouched down, and gently tapped the other's metal helmet with his finger.

"Jarvis, scan the metal composition of this helmet."

He felt that after the head-to-head clash between the Hulk and Juggernaut, this thing didn’t show any signs of damage. The material seemed quite good.

Tony had been troubled for a long time over the metal shell material for his MK armor against top-level combatants.

However, after a round of scanning, he discovered that the metal properties of this helmet were very unfamiliar. It even contained metal elements that had never appeared on Earth, indicating that this thing was not from Earth or at least not known among Earth's metal elements.

"Hey, big guy, where did you get your helmet? Can you tell me its place of origin? I can offer you a lot of compensation."

Tony knocked on the helmet again and shouted.

Juggernaut was originally very angry and displeased, but upon hearing the word "compensation," he immediately suppressed his anger and said in a deep, gruff voice, "I don't remember. I found it in a very strange place, and there was only one helmet there."

"Uh, okay."


Ignoring Tony's disappointment, Juggernaut immediately demanded compensation.

Tony tilted his head, thinking that this deal hadn’t been made yet? If this big guy went into business, he’d probably become a ruthless businessman. Nevertheless, Tony didn't argue with Juggernaut. He wasn’t short on money, and for the sake of his recruitment plan, he readily said, "Alright, five hundred thousand dollars."

"Five hundred thousand dollars?"

Juggernaut's simple mind couldn't grasp the amount. He didn’t know how much this money was or its purchasing power, so he chose a way he could understand: "I want two boxes of money."

"Two boxes?"

Tony was startled by Juggernaut’s "greed." In his understanding, two boxes would at least be two million dollars, but money was something he didn't care about. However, he felt Juggernaut didn’t seem to have a concept of money.

So he tentatively asked, "How much is two boxes?"

"Two boxes are two boxes. Bella gave me two boxes, which was a large amount of money." Juggernaut said unhappily. Did this idiot not know how much two boxes of money were?

Bella was so straightforward.

At this moment, Juggernaut started to miss Bella.

Tony covered his forehead with one hand, realizing that Juggernaut indeed had no concept of money. He felt as long as he filled two boxes with money, it would be fine.

"OK, two boxes of money it is."

Juggernaut grunted, indicating his satisfaction.

At this time, Professor X, seated in a wheelchair, was pushed over. Looking at Juggernaut below, his expression was full of complexity: "Marco, I never thought things would become like this between us."

"Charles? I’m going to kill you, I’m going to beat you to death."

Seeing Professor X, Juggernaut was immediately overwhelmed with anger. His mind was filled with hatred for Professor X, even if his current intelligence was no different from that of a child.

The other X-Men sighed upon seeing Juggernaut like this.

They understood very well why Juggernaut hated Professor X so much. Juggernaut, whose real name was Cain Marko, was nominally Professor X's brother. Before Juggernaut became like this, his father married Professor X's mother for her wealth, and the two were not biologically related.

Juggernaut had a very dark childhood because Professor X showed excellence from a young age, and Juggernaut was naturally overshadowed. That father would only beat and abuse him daily, leading to his psychological imbalance.

Later, when he discovered that Professor X was a mutant, he hated him even more.

Eventually, Juggernaut left home and became a mercenary.

In 1950, Juggernaut and Professor X were summoned by the army to fight. While on the battlefield, they accidentally entered a forest where they found a centuries-old cave. Inside the cave was an ancient temple.

The temple was dedicated to an evil god named Cyttorak. Juggernaut saw a ruby on the altar, and despite Professor X's attempts to stop him, he touched and read the inscription on it.

Professor X remembers the inscription vividly: "Whoever touches this ruby will be endowed with the power of Cyttorak. From now on, you who read these words will become the ruler of mankind forever."

As Professor X feared, once Juggernaut read the inscription, a powerful crimson energy burst forth from the ruby, transforming him and granting him Cyttorak's power, turning him into a terrifying menace.

The released energy caused the cave to collapse. At the last moment, Professor X managed to escape, but Juggernaut was buried.

Everyone, including Professor X, believed Juggernaut was dead. However, no one expected that he survived under the massive mountain covering the temple. Due to the transformation, Juggernaut no longer needed food, drink, or even air.

He gained immense strength and endurance, eventually digging himself out from under the countless tons of rock.

Juggernaut escaped the cave, his intelligence significantly reduced after the transformation. However, he always remembered his greatest hatred: Professor X.

This explains why Juggernaut harbors such animosity toward Professor X.

Although it stemmed from childhood experiences, others didn't know how to respond or act, except for Professor X.

Faced with the enraged Juggernaut, Professor X was momentarily at a loss.

What could he do? He was also helpless. Was it his fault for being too excellent and outstanding as a child? It wasn't his choice. By logic, shouldn't Juggernaut resent his own father?

Why does he hate Professor X?

In the cave, Professor X tried to stop Juggernaut. But the latter was determined. As for the cave collapse, he wanted to save Juggernaut, but could he? The transformed Juggernaut was over two meters tall and immensely strong.

Even if he wanted to carry him, he couldn't. So, he had to escape alone.

Now, nothing could change. Juggernaut was single-mindedly focused on revenge.

However, Professor X wasn't too worried.

He decided to hand Juggernaut over to Tony Stark and Nick Fury. If necessary, he would ask Hulk to defeat Juggernaut and remove his helmet, allowing Professor X to use his psychic powers to alter Juggernaut's mind.

"But what is that ruby? Who is Cyttorak? Why haven't I found any information about this evil god all these years?" Professor X wondered.


Heaven is no longer heaven; it has been taken over and renamed Wonderland.

Simply and brutally.

Wonderland, as its name suggests, is beautiful, like a place where immortals live.

Hell remains unchanged. Except for Mephisto, all the demon lords were slaughtered. Even without heaven, powerful beings from other multiverse dimensions should have invaded, but the situation is now unclear.

Mephisto managed to survive, likely through a deal or alliance with Bi Xiao, a confirmed single universe level being. Hell is now considered Bi Xiao's territory.

If it were just a god, many multiverse evil gods wouldn't care, but a single universe being is entirely different. Offending them could lead to invasion and destruction.

The difference between single universe beings and gods is immense.

Even single universe beings don't invade each other casually, as such battles would inevitably cause damage.

Thus, despite only Mephisto remaining, no one dares make a move on Hell.

Even Earth sees fewer threats, and old foe Dormammu has disappeared.

These changes went unnoticed by many, but one person in the main universe was alerted.

On an unknown war-torn planet, a massive figure with a blue-and-gold helmet with a gem, wearing blue-and-gold armor with gold shoulder pads and boots, stood silently on a cliff, watching the carnage below.

Beside him, a giant double-edged sword was stuck in the ground.

With gray-blue eyes, he gazed at the slaughter without emotion, only coldness, which was chilling.

Behind him stood two slender women, one with green skin and tall, the other with blue skin, modified into a half-mechanical, half-organic being.

The two women were his adoptive daughters.

One was Gamora, the other Nebula, who worshipped her father. She viewed the deaths as mere numbers, marks of her father's conquest.

Gamora, however, showed some compassion, though powerless to change her father's will. Her pleas only led to more brutal massacres.

He was the notorious warlord, tyrant, and Thanos, known as the Mad Titan.

He is powerful and wise, commanding a vast army that roams the universe. His belief is that while the universe has finite resources, the population continues to grow. To prevent the destruction of the universe, he vowed to use the most equitable method to kill half of all life and stop this impending doom.

It sounds grand, but such grandeur is bloody and cruel, and no one will understand...

Including Gamora, but she knows she cannot stop her powerful father because she is too weak.

But the father she sees as so overwhelmingly powerful and unyielding now seems restless and uneasy. Why? What is troubling him? What is causing his unease?

This makes Gamora very curious, and Nebula, noticing this as well, directly and respectfully asks, "Father, you seem to be worried?"


Thanos, after a long silence, finally speaks in a deep and commanding voice that instills fear, "Indeed, I am worried. The future has been completely altered, changed in a way that I cannot see clearly."

"The future changed? You mentioned this a few years ago," Nebula's curiosity grows. What could involve the future?

Neither Nebula nor Gamora has ever encountered such things or even had the opportunity to.

"Our universe has an unchangeable timeline, where everything is predetermined and cannot be altered," Thanos turns to look at his two daughters, possibly speaking to himself or seeking listeners to help him resolve his doubts and shock.

"I am destined. I will bring vitality to this world and this universe because this is a predetermined history, an unchangeable fate."

Thanos's words shake Gamora and Nebula to their cores.

Destined? An unchangeable timeline?

In just a few words, they seem to touch on a realm they've never encountered and cannot reach. But a bigger question arises: if Thanos is part of this unchangeable history, why did he say the future has been completely altered?

Altered so much that even he cannot see it clearly?

Can someone really see the future? What kind of power would it take to do that?

Or has Thanos always been able to do this?

Gamora feels her heart in turmoil, sensing that her plans and schemes were all seen through by her powerful father.

Were her actions all part of predetermined history?

So Thanos never intended to interfere?

Thanos's eyes, seemingly able to see through people's hearts, fall on Gamora, and he says meaningfully, "Fate is mysterious. No matter how one struggles, it cannot be changed."

"Yet now, there is someone who has changed everything."

When Thanos speaks of this person, a flash of anger and confusion appears in his eyes.


Nebula's voice is full of shock. Such a level and scale are beyond her imagination, but Thanos's words make her feel the immense power involved.

Thanos does not answer. He turns to the sky, as if seeing through the vast cosmos to that person who changed the predetermined Sacred Timeline.

He is just a sub-Celestial.

In terms of pure combat power, the Celestials could crush him, which is why, over the years, he led his army to slaughter planets without involving those of the Celestials or their equivalent powerful factions.

He slaughtered planets without powerful colonies.

But he never esteemed those so-called Celestials. Though they possess great power, Thanos believes his wisdom surpasses them.

Thus, he could see through the timeline and gain knowledge many Celestials could not.

Thanos has been patiently waiting for his time. Now, it is not far away. The fates of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One and Asgard's old man Odin are nearing their end.

Earth will no longer have restrictions to bind him.

Then, he will seek out the Space and Time Stones on Earth, gather the six Infinity Stones, embed them in the Infinity Gauntlet, and with a single thought, wipe out half the universe's life.

His ultimate goal would be achieved.

However, before Ancient One and Odin fell, within a few short years, an anomaly emerged that could affect the Sacred Timeline.

Initially, Thanos did not pay attention to the changes in the Sacred Timeline.

He could see it, but as a sub-Celestial, he could not immediately detect its changes. By the time the changes were significant enough for him to notice, it was too late.

The future became chaotic and obscure, leaving Thanos both shocked and angry, completely unaware of what had happened.

It was not until two years ago when Bi Xiao appeared out of nowhere, slaughtering countless demon lords and archangels from Hell and Heaven, including killing Yahweh, that Thanos realized the true anomaly affecting the Sacred Timeline was that human.

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