Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 67: British Shenanigans, 460 CE

Chapter 67: British Shenanigans, 460 CE

Britain. The land of tea, even though they can’t plant tea here. Well, tea doesn’t exist here yet, so it’s a bit early to say that… anyway, we are now in Britain, or Albion, or whatever you want to call it. Ajak had told us that they will stay to the west of the island, where a kingdom named Camelot stood.

The cold air of the isle is refreshing. After staying at Gupta for a while, you only feel this sort of thing for a small amount of the year, while here, almost every day of the year feels like this. Anyway, when we arrived at the gates of Camelot, a whole royal entourage was waiting for us at the gate, standing patiently for our arrival.

“This is new.” Gil commented beside me. “We never got welcomed like this… did Ajak do something?”

“I’ve got no idea.” I shrugged.

We kept walking to the royal entourage, and I saw the king himself, in his scabbard, I felt a peculiar aura from it, an aura of magic. I turned to the left of the king, and saw two men, one looked old, and one looked young.

The old man was full of magic, he was powerful, more powerful than some of us, if I would have guessed, he’s sorcerer supreme right now.

Then, I turned to the young man. He was wearing a black armour, and I saw his scabbard, and I felt a dark aura coming from his sword.

I frowned at this, and Gil noticed it. “You okay man?”

I turned to him, and nodded. ‘Yeah, I’m fine… it’s just… these men are strange.“


“Magic.” I answered. “They’re full of magic.”

We then stopped in front of them, and Ajak unmounted her horse. She walked up to the king, knelt, and kissed his hand.

“Your majesty.” She greeted the king.

The king nodded. “Ajak.”

Ajak then stood up, and smiled. She turned around to us, and introduced him to us. “Everyone, this is King Arthur of Camelot, one of his men found us and asked us if we could help him deal with the deviants around his kingdom.”

Oh, so that’s why he knew us. But how? The sorcerer supreme, maybe?

The king then announced. “Thank you everyone, for coming to my humble kingdom.” he said as he walked to us. He glanced at Thena, and shot a smile at her. He walked up to her, and kissed her hand. “My lady.”

Ugh. Kings.

As we walked through the streets of Camelot, I noticed that people were looking at us with reverence, or rather, they were looking at Arthur.

I then picked up the pace of my horse, and rode beside the old man.

“Are you sorcerer supreme of this time?” I asked the man, not looking at him.

“I am.” he nodded. “I suppose that you are Pluto, Zhered-Na’s apprentice.”

I scoffed. “I surpassed her a long time ago.” I then examined his clothing, and saw something missing. “Where’s the eye?”

“Back at the sanctum.”

“You didn’t bring it?”

“It is safe in the sanctum.” hummed the old man. “Safe from you, at least.”

Damn, this guy is annoying. “What’s your name?”

“Merlin,” he said. “If you need anything magical, you could ask me.”

I stared at him. This guy is quite weird. “I thought sorcerer supreme doesn't interfere with human affairs like us?”

“And yet you still do.” smiled Merlin. “So am I.”

I sighed, and we both kept walking, following the entourage in front of us. “Is the sanctum open to the public?”

“What do you mean?”

“You still accept disciples?”

“Of course.”

“Then what’s the name of the place now, Hogwarts?” I joked.

The old man looked at me strangely. “Why do we want to name the sanctum Hog’s warts?”

He just doesn’t get it… “Never mind.”

As I looked in front, I saw Arthur talking to Thena actively, it seems he has a crush on her…

“Arthur isn’t married… is he?”

“He has Queen Guinevere.” answered Merlin.

“Then that’s good.” Right? “By the way… that sword on Arthur’s scabbard, what is it?”

“It is my creation,” he answered. “I named it excalibur.”

“What about that?” I pointed at the black knight beside Arthur.

Merlin frowned. “He is Sir Percy. He has the ebony blade.”

I hummed. “You also made it?”

Merlin shook his head. “No. it comes from a strange meteor. Someone from his family forged it into a blade, I just blessed it.”


“Mors mihi lucrum.” answered Merlin.

“Death is my reward…” I translated it. “A curse?”

“Yes.” nodded Merlin. “A powerful one.”

As we entered the castle, servants started to bring our things to our rooms, which is quite a lot of things…

Arthur then stood in front of us. “My friends, for now, you can rest, your journey must be tiring.”

A woman then entered the hall. She was beautiful, probably comparable to Helen. Arthur noticed her presence, and introduced her to us.

“She is my queen. Guinevere.” he said as Guinever bowed to us.

“Thank you for coming, O’ great ones.” She greeted us.

A man then suddenly entered the hall. He looked young, and his posture was that of a swordsman. He looked handsome, but there was a trace of arrogance in his face. He walked up to the king, I saw him glance at Guinevere for a quick second, and he ignored us completely.

He then whispered to the king, and the king nodded.

The king then looked at us once again. “My friends, please excuse me, me and my knight lancelot have some affairs to deal with.”

The king then walked away from us, and the knight named Lancelot bowed to us, before following the king.

“O’ Great one. Please follow me to your chambers.” said the queen. We followed her, but suddenly Kingo whispered to me.

“It’s strange… royalty is treating us this good. Usually, they are all pompous pricks.”

I chuckled. “Well, just enjoy it while it lasts.”

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