Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 186: Road to Budo

Chapter 186: Road to Budo

"you're awake?"

Seeing Yan Yue'er who was in a coma opened her eyes, Luo Xiu's tone revealed a hint of surprise.

"I'm really not dreaming?"

Yan Yue'er stretched out her palm and stroked Luo Xiu's face, as if she felt the familiar breath, her palm trembling slightly.

At the same time, she still had some doubts in her heart. She remembered being taken away by Pei Yuanqiu after being injured.

"Fool, you are not dreaming."

Luo Xiu took her into his arms with a little distress. Perhaps in the eyes of the world, she was an aloof and indifferent Tianfeng Wujun, but Luo Xiu knew that her heart actually had an extremely weak side.

She is strong because of her bumpy life experience and past experience.

Yan Yue'er's delicate body trembled. She was Tianfeng Wujun. No one had ever made such an intimate action to herself.

However, a kind of instinct that originated from her heart kept her from resisting Luo Xiu's embrace, and even a kind of dependence on the warm chest against her cheeks grew in her heart.

"I remember being taken away by Pei Yuanqiu, can you tell me what happened during my coma?" Yan Yueer asked with some doubts.

Mention of this, Luo Xiu has a murderous spread.

"Then Pei Yuanqiu arrested you in order to perform a kind of evil power to break through the realm of Wujun. After I heard that, I rushed to rescue you. Fortunately, you were not harmed, otherwise I might live my life I can't forgive myself..." Luo Xiu hugged her tighter.

Although Luo Xiu said it was easy, Yan Yueer knew very well how difficult it was to rescue her from Pei Yuanqiu's hands.

Unless there is a Wujun-level powerhouse, no one in the entire Heavenly Martial Kingdom can **** someone from Pei Yuanqiu, the peak powerhouse of the Martial King.

"Pei Yuanqiu actually wants to use me as a cauldron furnace to practice breakthroughs. When I resume my cultivation, I will definitely destroy his Pei family!" Yan Yueer's tone was full of murderous air.

Hearing this, Luo Xiu laughed dumbly, playing with a strand of Yan Yueer's hair with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Maybe you don't have this opportunity, because the Pei family no longer exists."

As soon as this statement came out, Yan Yue'er's delicate body was taken aback, and immediately got up from Luo Xiu's arms, staring at him with beautiful eyes.

At this glance, she noticed that the little guy who was only in the congenital realm was already a martial arts master in the nine-fold realm of refining gods.

The pupils in the depths of the beautiful eyes suddenly enlarged, and it was hard to hide the shock. After all, it had only been two years or so. How did he do it?

She had never heard of anyone who could cultivate so fast.

Moreover, even if he is already in the Ninth Level of God Refining Realm, what can the Pei family be destroyed?

"I invited a strong Wujun to take action." Luo Xiu explained with a smile.

While talking, Luo Xiu flipped his hand to take out a delicate jade bottle from the storage ring and handed it to Yan Yue'er.

Yan Yueer took it in doubt, and when she saw a round pill in the jade bottle, the whole figure seemed to have been hit by lightning, and she was instantly dull on the spot.

"Yin and Yang Soul Pill?" She exclaimed, her jade hand covering her vermilion lips. In the past two years, what she had dreamed of was such a pill.

At the same time, her heart couldn't help being filled with emotion. Obviously, in the past two years, this little man who had taken possession of his body due to an accident was also working hard for her to recover from the injury.

A sixth-rank yin and yang soul pill is definitely not easy to get, otherwise she will not be able to restore her cultivation level for two years.

For three hundred years, she has lived in endless hatred for her whole person, practicing desperately, just to avenge her parents one day.

Faced with the oppression of the Zifu Palace, the family's relatives alienated her and even handed her over, using her to please the Zifu Palace in exchange for the survival of the family.

She was disappointed, even desperate, but when she was at its weakest, a little guy with only congenital cultivation base quietly walked into her heart.

I thought that the two might not have any intersection in this life, but the fate is so wonderful, two years later, they met again.

The congenital little guy back then has now become a powerhouse at the martial arts master level, and even a powerhouse at the martial arts level, and eliminates the great power second only to the top ten families, the Pei family.

Especially when he learned that this Yin Yang Soul Pill was actually made by Luo Xiu himself, Yan Yue'er was shocked again.

It seems that the name Luo Xiu is synonymous with miracle and incredible.

This time, she took the initiative to open her arms, opened her heart, and poured Luo Xiu's head into her arms.

Even at this moment, she wanted to freeze time in eternity.


On the bed, Yan Yue'er, a majestic Tianfeng Wujun, was like a happy little woman, nestled in Luo Xiu's arms.

"Can you tell me about your experience in the past two years?"

She was very curious about how Luo Xiu came over the past two years, and how he raised his cultivation from innate to such a level.

"Do you really want to know?" Luo Xiu smiled.

Yan Yueer nodded, staring at him with bright eyes.

"This story is a long story..."

Except that Luo Xiu didn't mention the secret about the life and death beads, he roughly summarized the events of the past two years.

Mentioning ones past experiences with others is like replaying scenes in the mind.

Only then did Luo Xiu discover that since he merged with the Life and Death Orb, he had spent nearly three years in fighting and cultivating hard.

There has never been a moment of relaxation like it is now, walking on the edge of life and death several times, seeking opportunities for breakthroughs, just to be able to become stronger, protect the family around him, and everything he wants to protect.

Only Luo Xiu knew the thrilling struggles and struggles on the edge of death, but what he said was very clear, not wanting Yan Yue'er to worry.

But how smart is Yan Yueer? Why don't you understand Luo Xiu's mind?

Two more days later, Yan Yueer used the Yin Yang Soul Pill to completely repair the wounds of the soul.

Because the wound of the primordial spirit did not recover for too long, her cultivation level could not be restored to the state of the past peak at one time, and could only be restored to the realm of the second layer of Wujun.

This is because Luo Xiu's Yin-Yang Soul Pill is a pure pill without the slightest impurities, otherwise she can at most recover to the first level of Wujun, and may even fall from Wujun to the nineth level of Wuwang.

It's been a long time since Yan Yue'er had seen his parents. After Yan Yue'er's soul recovered from his injury, Luo Xiu took the teleportation array from Yunlong County to Qingyun City.

In the peaceful courtyard, the parents have slightly white sideburns.

Father Luo Songlin drank tea in the yard and soaked up the sun, while mother held her little grandson by the side, laughing and making noise, echoing in the yard.

When Luo Xiu's figure appeared in the yard, time seemed to stop instantly.

"Minor repair?" There were tears of excitement in the eyes of the parents.

Only the little guy babbled, with bright little eyes, looking curiously at this guy in black clothes.

The wandering child is away, and there are no parents who are not worried. They have not seen each other for nearly two years. They also miss Luo Xiu very much.

Mother Liu Shuyun took Yan Yueer's hand and asked warmly, her eyes were soft, as if she was looking at her daughter-in-law.

What surprised Luo Xiu was that Yan Yueer was also willing to chat with her mother, and teased her nephew with her mother.

"You kid, look good."

On the other side, Luo Songlin and Luo Xiu sat across from each other, drinking tea and chatting together.

Luo Songlin glanced at the red robe woman Luo Xiu had brought, and nodded with a satisfied smile.

"Of course my vision is good, but this is inherited from father." Luo Xiu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Luo Songlin couldn't help laughing. Two years later, the young boy who used to be young and old has grown up now.

In the past, he was a medicinal picker wandering in the old forest of the forest. He had heard of some things in the world of martial arts and knew the dangers.

Martial arts practitioners seem to be beautiful, but in fact they often walk on the edge of life and death. If they are not careful, they may die.

Sister Luo Xiuer heard the news of Luo Xiu's return, and returned home with her husband. The family is rarely reunited.

At night, Xuanyue was hanging high, and Luo Xiu was sitting in the courtyard with a pot of sake.

"Although the life of ordinary people is ordinary, they have the warmth of home. If I have the choice, I would rather be an ordinary person."

Beside Luo Xiu, Yan Yue'er looked at the bright moon hanging in the night sky and said sentimentally.

"It's a pity that we can only help ourselves." Luo Xiu smiled and shook his head, taking a sip of wine.

"The reason why I practiced martial arts was to let my relatives live a happy life at the beginning, so that I could get ahead."

"Until later, I didn't know how cruel Wu Xiu's world is. The purpose of my martial arts training is no longer to get ahead, but to protect the family around me."

"And now, in addition to protecting my relatives, my purpose of martial arts training is also to see what it is like to reach the pinnacle of martial arts practice."

Luo Xiu drank heavily, hot wine poured into his throat, and there seemed to be a wave of pride brewing in his chest.

Yan Yueer turned her head to look at the seventeen-year-old little man, and smiled at the show and Qingcheng, "I am willing to be by your side."

There is no need to say a thousand words, the oath of the mountain alliance is just the simplest sentence, like the warmest stream, flowing in the heart.

This peaceful life is destined to not last long.

Three days later, Luo Xiu left with Yan Yue'er in the eyes of his relatives. Long Ming merged with the space, like a shadow.

As for the golden fire grey lion, it was left by Luo Xiu at his home in Qingyun City. It changed into the size of a puppy on weekdays. Once there is a danger that threatens his relatives, it will instantly transform into an ancient with nine levels of strength for refining gods. Alien monster.

What Luo Xiu has to do is to continuously improve his strength and eliminate all hidden dangers that may threaten his relatives.

This is the road of martial arts he chose!

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