Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 170: Sun Luo Necromancer

Chapter 170: Sun Luo Necromancer

This kind of martial arts secret book has always been the most expensive thing in the same level of treasure.

An Eight-Rank Flying Escape method is enough to allow a large force to be passed on from generation to generation.

"Auction reserve price, one million yuan gas stone!"

When the old man presiding over the auction smiled and reported the value, the enthusiasm of the many martial artists on the scene was immediately wiped out.

"Damn it, it's so expensive?" Even Luo Xiu smacked his tongue secretly. One million yuan Qi Stone refers to low-grade, but it is equivalent to ten thousand middle-grade. Except for some big powers, only martial artists alone A small number of Wu Wang can get so much wealth.

Luo Xiu took his gaze back after just two more glances. Although the eighth-rank flying escape method is good, it is better than the chasing wind chasing the moon he is currently using, but it is not too different. After all, chasing the wind chasing the moon This flying method has been cultivated to the perfect state by him.

When he was prepared to have a chance, he would go directly to the Hunter's Guild in exchange for the Ninth-Rank Flying Escape Technique, so that he could get it in one step without wasting the vitality stone to get the 8-Rank.

In an instant, the representatives of several major powers all got up, quoting loudly, and the price of the wind, fire, wings and escape method also soared, and soon reached the high price of 1.8 million yuan for the air stone.

In the end, this eighth-rank wind and fire winged wing escape method was taken by a martial king expert for two million.

Following the wind and fire wing wing escape method, several treasures appeared one after another. Although they were of relatively high value, they were not as long-lasting as martial arts, and they basically did not attract much sensation in the hall.

And Luo Xiu sat calmly in the corner from beginning to end, waiting for the thing he wanted to appear.

"Hehe, everyone, please look at it. This is a cauldron unearthed from ancient relics. According to the records in ancient books, there is a seal of the furnace set by a high-level alchemist. No one has been able to crack the mystery."

On the auction stage, a palm-sized cauldron full of patina appeared.

Seeing this cauldron furnace and the many martial artists in the audience, some people who didn't know showed their doubts and curiosity, while those who had been sealed by the furnace had curled their lips, showing no signs of interest.

"Although there is the seal of the furnace, it is a treasure unearthed from the ancient relics. If the seal of the furnace can be cracked, it is at least the furnace of the ground level, and it may not even be the furnace of the heavens." The auction old man laughed. Tao.

"Pull it down. I have never heard of a master alchemy master who has cracked the seal of the furnace seal. If it can't be cracked, the furnace can only be a display, a waste product."

Someone in the audience retorted, and many people were clamoring dissatisfaction.

"You can't say that. I have unearthed one or two furnaces with seals in the ancient ruins before. Many alchemy and formation masters are very interested. Perhaps they can understand the mystery of the ancient forbidden. "

The old man at the auction vomited and confided to the various benefits that this ancient cauldron can bring, hoping that this cauldron can be sold at a good price in the next auction.

"I hope that there will be alchemists and formation wizards interested in the seal of the furnace in this auction..."

The old auctioneer can only secretly say in his heart that only in this way can this ancient cauldron be sold at a price that satisfies the auction house, otherwise, this treasure might go unsold and no one cares about it.

"The ancient cauldron, the auction reserve price is one hundred thousand yuan gas stone!" The old auctioneer shouted.

As the old auctioneer's voice fell, the entire auction hall was quiet, and some people were even disdainful when they swept toward the rusty cauldron on the stage.

After all, 100,000 yuan of air stones is not a small amount. Who would buy a waste product and rot in his hands?

In the quiet hall, the calm atmosphere made the old auctioneer look unsightly. After all, for an experienced auctioneer, letting a treasure in his hands was a humiliation to his profession.

A true auctioneer, no matter how trash and useless treasures are, he will never pass the auction in his own hands, and he is the real peak.

The auction bidding time for an item is ten minutes, which means that if no one bids within ten minutes, then the ancient cauldron will pass the auction and the next treasure will be auctioned directly.

As time went on, some people in the audience gradually became impatient, yelling to throw this piece of broken copper aside quickly, and quickly take out the next treasure.

And at this moment, Luo Xiu, who had been sitting in a dark and inconspicuous corner, spoke softly, and his voice clearly echoed in this quiet hall.

"I gave out one hundred thousand yuan gas stone."

In an instant, everyone's eyes converged, with all kinds of complex expressions of doubt, curiosity, ridicule, and ridicule.

However, when these people noticed the Tier 4 Alchemy Master badge worn on Luo Xiu's chest, they suddenly became clear.

"It turned out to be a Tier 4 alchemy master, so it's no wonder that he would be interested in the ancient cauldron."

"But this master looks very young, I don't know which force it belongs to."

"The ancient seal of the furnace cannot be deciphered even by a Tier 5 master. Even if he is a Tier 4 master, he can only be used as a decoration if he buys it back."

Buying a cauldron with the seal of the ancient seal as a Tier 4 alchemy master will naturally not be suspected, because in the circle of alchemists, even if it is impossible to crack the seal of the ancient seal, many alchemists do I want to collect an ancient cauldron as a collection.

There are records in the ancient books that the cauldrons with seals are the exclusive cauldrons of high-level alchemy masters.

Although it cannot be used as a collection, it is also one of the pleasures of many alchemists.

As for cracking the seal of the furnace seal, some people may have done it in the tens of thousands of years since ancient times, but at least it has never happened in the thousand-year history of the Tianwu Kingdom.

No one bid for the auction, so in the end this cauldron fell into Luo Xiu's hands naturally, and it only cost 100,000 yuan for the gas stone.

For Luo Xiu, who has a wealth of more than 100,000 middle-grade vitality stones, 100,000 lower grades are just drizzle.

And once he can crack the seal of the furnace, this cauldron is at least of a grade above the ground level, and it is worth at least millions of middle grades. A profitable business is nothing more than that.

The auction continued, and soon some treasures from the bottom of the box in the third stage began to appear.

The first treasure that appeared at the bottom of the box was a jade slip with martial skills recorded.

"Everyone, according to the appraisal, the martial skill recorded in the jade slip is named Senluo Necromancer Sword Art. It is a ninth grade martial skill!"

With the sound of the old auctioneer's voice, the audience suddenly became silent and silent, staring at the jade slip in his hand with red glowing eyes, hot and crazy.

Even the old man of the auctioneer himself is flushed, because this is the first nine-grade martial arts he has encountered in his career as an auctioneer.

The martial arts reached the ninth rank, which is already the ultimate, and in the Tianwu Kingdom, even the top ten families headed by the Fan family, the highest martial arts rank is only the eighth rank.

"Sen Luo Necromancer Sword Art? The name of this martial skill is terrible."

Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart was a little moved, because from the name of the martial skill, it could be felt that this should be a martial skill suitable for the true essence of death attribute.

What is even more curious is, who is it that actually put this level of martial arts for auction?

Nine-rank martial arts, the Fan family, the most powerful imperial family in the Tianwu Kingdom, did not have it, even if the three more powerful surrounding forces, Zifu Palace, Xuanyangzong, Changhemen, and Nine-rank martial arts were also important core inheritances. Have it been auctioned at Dahuang Auction House?

In the Great Wild City, people from all forces in the Tianwu Kingdom gathered. Among them, the top ten families headed by the Fan family's royal family naturally also have representatives participating in the auction.

Luo Xiu had already noticed that those martial king-level powerhouses from the top ten aristocratic families had their eyes flushed. The next step for this ninth-rank martial skill would be a battle between dragons and tigers.

"A ninth-grade martial arts skill, the value is at least 500,000 middle grades, I can't afford it." Luo Xiu shook his head, feeling a little bitter.

He is richer than many Wu Wang-level powerhouses, but compared with the great power that has been passed down for thousands of years, he is still a poor ghost.

Finally, a ninth-rank martial arts suitable for my cultivation appeared, but I couldn't afford it, so I could only stare at it, which made people feel uncomfortable.

The base price of Senluo Necromancer Sword Art was set at 200,000 mid-grade vitality stones. At the beginning, the price soared to 300,000!

If such a ninth-rank martial skill can be practiced, it will definitely not be a problem even if it is a battle between martial masters who have the ability to leapfrog.

Most of the people remained silent, but their eyes were still extremely hot. The voices of the top ten martial arts experts from the top ten families echoed in the hall, and the price of this ninth-grade martial art also rose rapidly.

In less than half an hour, the price of the Sun Luo Necromancer Sword Art has reached the height of 670,000 middle-grade vitality stones. This wealth is worthy of the wealth of the Shangfan family for several years. Up.

And the price is still rising. After reaching the price of one million middle-grade vitality stones, among the top ten families, six of them chose to give up, because if the price is higher, the wealth of the family will almost be hollowed out. .

In the end, when a Wu Wang of the Fan family quoted a price of 1.2 million yuan, the entire auction site was silent.

Converted into a low-grade vitality stone, this is a sky-high price of hundreds of millions!

Silence and silence lasted for more than ten minutes. Almost everyone was trembling and full of enthusiasm, shocked by the price of hundreds of millions of dollars. How many years would it take for a great power to accumulate such a wealth?

And the Fan family's imperial family can come up with such a huge fortune in one breath, it is enough that the Fan family controls the territory of the Tianwu Kingdom, and the rich background is by no means comparable to the other nine great families.

"There are rumors that among the top ten families, even the other nine families together can at best match the Fan family imperial family. This Fan family imperial family is indeed very simple." Luo Xiu secretly said in his heart.

"But there seems to be a grudge between the Fan Family Royal Family and me..."

Rubbing his chin with his fingers, Luo Xiu's gaze locked on the Wu Wang who photographed the Sen Luo Necromancer Sword Art with the 1.2 million middle-grade vitality stone.

The opponent has vigorous blood, majestic true essence, radiant life veins, and every place shows the powerful presence of a Wu Wang-level expert.

Luo Xiu has seen quite a few Wu Wangs, and it can probably be judged that this Fan Jia Wu Wang's cultivation base should be in the Wu Wang triple realm, not very strong.

After all, even for the Fan Family, there are absolutely no more than fifteen King Wu-level powerhouses, and among them, those who can cultivate to the mid-term or above of King Wu are even water chestnuts.

The auction was nearing its end, Luo Xiu stood up and quietly left the auction hall.

Because the auction process was broadcast live on the outside array projection, so at this moment, the matter about the Ninth-Rank Martial Arts Senluo Necromancer Sword Art has been circulated in the Wild City.

Fan family imperial family seated in the wild city of Wu Wang, naturally it is impossible to carry hundreds of millions of vitality stones with him, in a short period of time, this transaction will not be completed so quickly, Fan family imperial family will send someone to buy the wealth of this nine-grade martial art , Sent over from the Tianwu City State Capital.

As for the Great Wilderness Auction House, it is said that there is a Martial King-level expert, even if the news of the Ninth-Rank martial skill spreads, he is not afraid of someone coming to grab him.

Luo Xiu inquired about such news after he walked out of the auction.

When he first entered the auction house before, he vaguely perceives the vitality of a Wujun-level powerhouse, and he thinks it should be the mysterious powerhouse behind the Great Wilderness Auction House.

If there is no deterrence of absolute force, once there are treasures that are too valuable, the auction house will not be able to protect the safety of the items, and will naturally lose credibility.

Luo Xiu did not rush to leave the Wild City, but rented a cultivation secret room in an inn in the city.

At the same time, through the call of the soul forbidden, Long Ming in the wasteland outside the wild city galloped towards the wild city.

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