Martial Cultivator

Chapter 529: Avalanche

Chapter 529: Avalanche

Fortunately, Autumn had already been trapped in the lightning pool Yun Jianyue had set up.

Countless bolts of lightning continued to strike, completely sealing off any escape routes around Autumn. Afterwards, Autumn was destined to struggle in the lightning pool. Lightning spells were extremely lethal to the demon race. Even if Autumn did not die today, she would surely be severely wounded too.

However, Yun Jianyue’s expression soon changed drastically when he saw Autumn. Autumn who was currently in the lightning pool was staring at him with a strange smile on her face.

In the next moment, a bolt of lightning struck, shattering Autumn’s body. This was exactly what Yun Jianyue wanted to see. But he did not hesitate, continuing to retreat, moving away from the battlefield by at least several hundred yards.

The sound of the snowstorm continued to roar in his ears as Autumn's figure coalesced inside the snowstorm, appearing not far away.

Yun Jianyue halted in surprise and said, “An avatar body? But how did you know I was going to lure you into the lightning pool?”

Avatars were not some remarkable spell. But the amazing thing was how Autumn could predict the future and create an avatar in advance, using it as bait.

Autumn was expressionless as she said coldly, “Do you think I'm as foolish as that woman you like?”

Yun Jianyue felt a headache coming on. The situation he had carefully crafted, even at the cost of his own injury, was easily resolved by the woman before him.

But a moment later, Yun Jianyue began to smile.

Because he had noticed the blood seeping through Autumn's sleeve, staining her clothes.

“It's not an avatar. It's just that you were willing to sustain severe injuries to escape the lightning pool, resulting in your current condition. Is this lowly daoist correct, Your Highness?”

Yun Jianyue looked at Autumn with a smile in his eyes.

Autumn did not refute him but merely looked up and said calmly, “It's not as bad as you think nor as good. If I want to kill you, you won't be able to escape.”

Yun Jianyue was also severely injured at this moment, that snow sword earlier had pierced through his chest. Although the snow sword had melted, some of its aura had already entered his body, and was currently consuming his meridians. He realized it was best not to continue fighting but to find a place to heal.

“Judging from what Your Highness said, are we to end this here?” Yun Jianyue smiled and said, “Your Highness has many techniques, I’m sure there are many you haven't used yet. If you are willing to let go of your intention to kill this lowly daoist, it must mean you have more important matters to attend to.”

Autumn did not speak but simply watched Yun Jianyue, who was indeed more challenging to deal with than the other one of the Twin Pillars. However, continuing the fight would at least ensure that she remained undefeated. Killing him would force her to leave the desolate northern plains to find a place to recover, which was something she did not want to do.

Her purpose in coming to the desolate northern plains was solely to kill Chen Chao, other matters could be set aside.

Yun Jianyue smiled and said, “Since Your Highness has important matters to attend to, this lowly daoist happen to want to try and stop you once more.”

Autumn replied coldly, “Do you think you can stop me?”

“One has to try, how can one know if one doesn't attempt it?”

Yun Jianyue smiled and said, “Killing Your Highness would probably also give me a sense of closure for my senior sister.”

Autumn retorted expressionlessly, "Fool."

Yun Jianyue was not angered. He reached out and, just like Autumn, drew a snow sword from the snowstorm. He smiled and said, “Although I'm not a sword cultivator, I do know a bit about this. Please give me your guidance, Your Highness”

Autumn remained expressionless.

Likewise, she pulled out a snow sword and faced him.



Chen Chao and Liang Jinjin walked into the low snow-capped mountain, climbing as they went. It had been countless years since anyone had set foot here, and the mountain path had long been abandoned. Chen Chao used Cloud Mud to clear the way as they advanced. Fortunately, being one of the sharpest weapons in the world, Cloud Mud made this task relatively effortless.

However, as the two finally reached the halfway point of the mountain, Chen Chao could not help but ask, "Didn't you notice anything unusual along the way?"

Knowing that Chen Chao was asking about the entrance, Liang Jinjin shook her head and replied softly, "After entering the mountain, that qi became almost imperceptible. No matter how I look, I can't find any trace of it."

Chen Chao covered his forehead, feeling a bit speechless.

This mountain was not particularly big or small, but if they were to search aimlessly like headless flies, who knew how long it would take to find the entrance.

"Could it be that the mountain-protecting array formation is still in operation?"

Chen Chao was rather curious. The sect protecting grand arrays of those cultivation sects not only safeguarded the foundation of the sect but some could even conceal the entrance.

Liang Jinjin frowned and shook her head, saying, "So many years have passed, the mountain-protecting formation should have dissipated long ago. Besides, when the demon race invaded and wiped out the sect, they should have destroyed the mountain-protecting formation first. How could it still exist?"

Chen Chao did not say anything and just continued moving forward.

After about half a day, the two of them reached the snow-covered mountain peak.

But what was there apart from the vast expanse of wind and snow?

Chen Chao looked around, finally fixing his gaze on Liang Jinjin, who had an embarrassed expression on her face.

The two of them just stood there, staring at each other in silence for a long time.

Chen Chao said, "Logically, a mountain pass entrance should be built against the mountain. Since that qi was here, it indicates that this should be the place. But as we made our way up, we didn't see any signs of it. That doesn't make sense. After all, since there was a bloody battle here in the past, we should have found some traces of it. Yet we haven't seen anything, which is very unusual."

"So, there are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that we've been looking in the wrong place from the start. The second possibility is that the mountain-protecting formation was never actually destroyed, and that's why we can't find the mountain pass entrance."

Chen Chao sighed and said, "But if the mountain-protecting formation is still active, the two of us probably won't be able to find a way to break through it."

How could the final barrier of a sect be something that two cultivators who had not stepped into Nepenthe could easily break?

Liang Jinjin had a look of disappointment. She had been hopeful about this journey, but now that they had finally arrived, they still could not find a way to enter.

Chen Chao looked at Liang Jinjin and was silent for a long time. Suddenly, he said with a smile, "There might be a way."

Liang Jinjin asked, "What is it?"

"Release your qi that belongs to that of a qi refiner. Since this is a sect of qi refiners, it might be able to sense a similar qi source, and then..."

As if entertaining a wild idea, Chen Chao said, "The mountain pass gate might just appear before our eyes."

Liang Jinjin was not entirely convinced that this would work, but she quickly released her qi. Qi refiners were fundamentally different from other cultivators in the world. In fact, many years ago, they all belonged to a single lineage. Over time, as qi refiners left their sects and spread out, this lineage flourished into what it is today. But no matter what, they all share the same roots, like different fruits from the same tree.

As Liang Jinjin spread her qi, she continuously looked around.

But everything seemed normal, and she did not feel any changes, as if what they had done was pointless.

Just as she turned to Chen Chao and was about to speak, a rumbling sound suddenly echoed between heaven and earth.

Chen Chao's expression changed drastically. Without any hesitation, he dashed forward a few steps, grabbed Liang Jinjin, and started running down the mountain.

“What's happening?”

Liang Jinjin was shaken, she still did not know what was going on right now.

Chen Chao just kept running madly down the mountain without answering.

Confused, Liang Jinjin glanced back and saw a shocking sight.

A massive avalanche was occurring at the mountaintop. Countless layers of snow were collapsing, a true avalanche far more powerful than the one they had previously triggered by human effort.

This was the true might of heaven and earth!

Chen Chao's expression was grim as he silently sprinted down the mountain. Upon reaching the halfway point, he stopped running and suddenly slashed at the mountainside. The powerful saber qi exploded against the mountain, creating a pit about ten feet deep.

Chen Chao shoved Liang Jinjin into the pit.

Then, he squeezed in himself, turning his back to the oncoming avalanche.

He stabbed Cloud Mud into the ground and braced it with his foot.

Using both hands, he supported the stone wall above them.

The sounds outside were deafening. Liang Jinjin and Chen Chao found themselves face-to-face, their noses nearly touching, each able to feel the other's breath.

Liang Jinjin had not recovered from the shock, while Chen Chao was expressionless. His back was being struck by countless fragments of rock dislodged by the avalanche, including a massive boulder as tall as a person that slammed heavily into his back.

It was only because he was a martial artist, having tempered his body over the years, that he could endure. Had it been an ordinary cultivator, they might have already been severely injured.

Or perhaps even killed.

Cultivators, in the process of studying magic spells, gradually gained powers beyond those of ordinary people. But no matter how powerful they became, they were still human. In the face of such natural might, ordinary cultivators had no means to resist it, except for those who had already stepped into Nepenthe, only they could remain unshaken.

Liang Jinjin looked at Chen Chao, feeling his breath, and found herself feeling a bit flustered.



It was unclear how much time had passed, but the sounds gradually faded.

Liang Jinjin came back to her senses.

Chen Chao pushed forcefully towards the back.

The two of them broke through the snow and saw daylight once again.

Liang Jinjin climbed out of the pit, but she quickly covered her mouth in shock, her eyes wide with surprise.

Chen Chao lay on the ground, panting heavily, but the snow around him was stained with red.

Chen Chao's face was pale, and it was a long while before he finally stood up.

Behind him, his clothes were already tattered, and his back was a bloody mess, with blood continuously flowing.

Chen Chao struggled to tear off his snow-white robe, revealing his upper body.

Liang Jinjin was even more stunned. She saw that Chen Chao's well-built upper body was covered with countless scars.

Heaven only knew how many times this man had been injured.

But Chen Chao did not seem to care. He quickly turned around, spat out a breath of white mist, and then said with some annoyance, "Damn it, I just healed from my injuries."

But what troubled him even more was that he had only brought two sets of white clothes with him on this trip, so now he had no choice but to wear his black robe again.

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