Married to the Devil's Son

Chapter 179 - 56

Chapter 179 - 56

Heaven gasped in shock. The sound of the slap echoed in her ears. Before she could recover, her mother slapped him again, on the other cheek. Now, her body froze completely. Why wasn't she doing anything? She looked at Zamiel, but he didn't seem the least surprised. He stood there calmly, looking like he was waiting to get slapped again. But her mother seemed to be done.

"One was for hurting my daughter and the other for hurting my husband." She explained. "Your are welcome."

Zamiel gave her a faint smile, then reached out his hand. Her mother placed her hand in his and he kissed her knuckles. "It's a pleasure meeting you, Your Majesty." He said then dropped her hand.

"Please sit." Her mother motioned toward the table.

Zamiel made his way to the table and pulled a chair out for her mother first. She thanked him with a smiled and sat down. Then he pulled a chair out for Heaven but she still stood frozen.

"Heaven?" Her mother called.

"Yes," Heaven forced her body to move and went to sit down. She looked at Zamiel to see if he was alright, and he gave her a reassuring smile.

Once he got seated, a maid served them tea and left. Her mother made sure they were completely alone, no servant and no guards. This made Heaven nervous.

"I know what happened to you and why you behaved the way you did. But as a mother, the most difficult thing is to see your child hurt. I think you know better than anyone."

Zamiel nodded. "I do."

"I want to make sure she is with someone who will love and cherish her. Someone who will protect her from any harm." Her mother continued.

"I'll love her selflessly, cherish her endlessly and protect her fearlessly." He said and then turned to Heaven. He looked her in the eyes. "I will share her happiness and her pain."

Heaven felt suddenly emotional. She fought back the tears that threatened to fill her eyes and smiled at him instead.

"Heaven, why don't you leave me and Zamiel alone for a moment?" Her mother asked.

Heaven panicked. Was something wrong? Did she not like him?

She looked at her mother and gave her a look, telling her to be nice before leaving. She waited outside, walking back and forth in the hall. What were they talking about? Was her mother scolding him?

Unable to contain herself after a while, she went to the door and placed her ear against it. She knew she shouldn't but she couldn't help herself.

Despite the thickness of the door, thanks to her supernatural hearing, she was able to hear her mother talk.

"What do you like about my daughter?" She asked. "She is young and not as experienced or as wise as you."

"It is true that we gain wisdom and experience with age, but it is not your daughter's wisdom or experience that makes me love her. It is her kindness, her courage and her will to live and learn. I might have more experience, but your daughter taught me more than what I have taught her."

Heaven took a step back from the door. She didn't know why, but for some reason she walked away. Maybe because she realized she didn't have to worry. Zamiel was handling it well, and she should trust both him and her mother.

She went to her room and sat down with a lot of thoughts in her head. His words made her emotional.


How could she have found such a man? How could he make her feel more loved for each day? His words imprinted in mind, and it felt like her heart would burst in joy. She was lucky and she would never regret that she released him from his prison because eventually he released her from her own.

Kate walked inside after a knock on the door. "My Lady, I saw you leaving the dining room. Won't you eat dinner? Do you want me to serve it here?"

"I'll eat later." Heaven said.

Kate nodded. "My Lady, if I may ask. The man who came here, is he to be your future husband?"

Heaven smiled. "That is the plan."

Kate frowned. "Then I should tell everyone to speak of him in a respectful manner. The maids are saying.... things."

Heaven could already guess what things they were saying. She had heard them gossip about her father so many times before, and sometimes even heard them say things she shouldn't have heard. She couldn't let herself get upset by these things.

"Don't let it bother you." She told Kate, but she was already bothered herself.

Now she would know how her mother felt all those years, having females throwing themselves at her husband.

After Kate left, Heaven waited patiently, trying to occupy her mind with other things, but she kept seeing the handsome man that came to meet her mother today. There was something different about him. Or was it just because she hadn't seen him dressed this nicely before?

How could this man appear more beautiful to her for each day that passed by?

When she thought she waited enough, she went back to the dining room. Now the door was open, and she was surprised to find her mother and Zamiel chattering happily.

Heaven walked inside as she listened to their conversation.

"She was so stubborn. She would always complain about wearing dresses and wanted to wear trousers. She once cut her own hair. It looked horrible." Her mother chuckled.

Zamiel had a smile on his face as he listened intently. Heaven was disturbed. She didn't want her mother to tell Zamiel these embarrassing stories about her childhood.


"Oh Heaven. Here you are. Your father is coming, we will eat dinner soon."

Heaven sat down surprised, and her mother wanted to continue telling her story. "Mother, please." She cut off.

Her mother chuckled. "Alright, alright. I have already told him enough." She teased.

Shortly after, her father walked in. All of them stood up and her Zamiel greeted him respectfully.

"Please sit." Her father said.

"I was just telling Zamiel embarrassing stories about Heaven." Her mother smiled.

"Then I shall continue." Her father teased.

Why was she being mocked by everyone?

"No father, please." Heaven begged.

He clapped her on the shoulder to assure her he wouldn't.

"Zamiel, I have heard that you have set up a trade in town?"

He did? When?

"Yes, Your majesty.?Your are welcome to visit." Zamiel replied and so they started talking about trades, prices, markets and other things she couldn't understand while they ate dinner.

Heaven was just happy they were getting along, and there seemed to be some kind of understanding between them. Their conversation flowed naturally and Heaven found herself staring at the two men she loved the most in the world.

After a while, when dessert was served, her mother took her aside and they went to another room.

"Let the men speak alone." She said.

They went to the parlor and sat down. Heaven was curious to know what her mother's impression of Zamiel was.

"Mother, what do you think of him?"

Her mother smiled gently. "I can see why you like him. He seems calm, gentle and mature, and he reminds me a lot of your father."

Heaven was happy to hear that.

"Mother, I want to marry him." Heaven said not hiding how she felt.

Her mother chuckled. "I know. Take your time. Don't rush it." She advised.

Heaven was relieved that everything went alright and both her parents seemed to like Zamiel. They told him to come and visit again before saying goodbye.

With a smile, Heaven went back to her room. She knew Zamiel didn't go back home. He must be waiting for her there. Walking inside, she found him sitting on her sofa. He looked up at her and then motioned for her to come and sit next to him.

Heaven's heart raced for some unknown reason as she obeyed him. She sat beside him while keeping a little distance between them. His scent filled the space in her room and invaded her senses. What was wrong with her today?

Ignoring her emotions, she turned to him. "I am sorry about my mother's behavior earlier."

"Don't be sorry. It was the least she could do. She was very kind to me." He assured, looking at her with his smoldering silver eyes.

They seemed more silver than before, or was it just her eyes?

"Yes, she is very kind. People think I am closer to my father because I bother him and confide in him more, but that is only because I am protective of my mother. My mother is my weakness. It pains me to see her sad." She explained.

She wanted Zamiel to know how important her mother was to her.

Zamiel nodded. "I understand." He said, looking at her in a way that made her nervous.

"Is-is something wrong?" She asked when he kept staring.

"No, you look perfect." He said.

Heaven's breath caught in her throat from the way he looked at her as he said those words. It was almost as if she hypnotized him.

"Thank you." She said as her cheeks burned.

Did she put too much effort into looking good? Maybe she overdid it.

He reached for her face, his cold fingers sliding over her burning cheeks until they reached her lips. His gaze followed his fingers. Heaven held her breath as he leaned in and then captured her lips with his. She closed her eyes as his hot mouth moved over hers, slowly waking the demons inside of her. Heaven was still, trying to remind herself to not lose control, but it was almost impossible. He was awakening every nerve in her body. Her senses immediately reacted to touch and to his scent.

Just when she couldn't control herself anymore, he pulled back, leaving her feeling lightheaded. She took a few shaky breaths, but not enough to calm down before he kissed her again. Heaven was lost in a pleasure she hadn't known before. Heat consumed her, yet she shivered when she felt his fingers trail down her neck. The hot and cold provoked her, but Zamiel pulled away in time again.

If he kissed her yet again, her heart wouldn't survive. It was already drumming in her ears. Yet the emptiness that followed when he stopped made her want to die.

Zamiel turned away from her quickly. She had provoked his demon, just like he had provoked hers. She could see it from his clenched jaw that he had been close to lose control.

Both of them sat quietly for a moment, trying to calm down, but Heaven couldn't stop her beating heart.

Suddenly it felt hot inside the room. There was no air to breathe. Heaven stood up and went to open the door that led to the garden. She stepped outside and inhaled the cold air. Zamiel was right behind her and they stood there in silence to cool off.

"Heaven." He finally spoke.


"I should go home. If I breathe in your scent one more time, I might not behave decently."


???? Change of schedule!

Because of school and exams, I am changing my schedule for a while. Updates will be on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays until new year.

Thank you for your patience, ??.

Lots of love ??

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