Maou no Hajimekata

Volume 2 - Ch 6

Translator: Jay_Samuel, Editor: Krizzeir

We must prepare our forces as soon as possible

Deep inside that mountain of trial, is where Sakuya the God of volcano originally inhabited.

The major members of the labyrinth were gathered in the conference room which was made by digging out rock surfaces anew, and the Demon Lord Aur broke the ice with that.

This is the current situation

To Respond to Aurs words, the surface of the wall is distorted and some icons are displayed.

It was a map.

Two elongated peninsulas protruding to the left significantly, and two countries are in battle formation to gain control of the roots.

And an enormous mountain range stretching out as if to demarcate them.

The mountain range where Yamata no Orochi that was defeated by Aur and the others inhabited.

This is the country where we are currently. It is called Yamato

()The continuing mountain range are like walls and probably act as a border which divides the countries? So, it is referred to as Yamato

According to Aur who displayed the peninsula, Sakuya supplements that.

Even though Orochi is now gone its not easy to cross over this gateBut, it is not impossible.

I see. When spring comes, the armed forces of the Sahara will likely attack us

Thena who is a priestess and possesses precognition ability nodded to Aurs words.

It is difficult to feel the changes of the seasons in a Dungeon, but it is currently winter in the outside.

Crossing winter mountains is almost equivalent to suicidal acts, but in spring that is not the case.

Thenas divination clearly caught the appearance of soldiers coming along with snow melting.

Sahara as in?

South of the two neighboring countries. I heard that it is a scorching Earth-covered country. A vast and barren sand plain that stretches endlessly. ()Therefore, it is a country of Sahara desert

Sakuya replies Lilus ignorant query.

By the way, conversely, to the north is a land of intense cold. A country covered in snow and ice. ()It is known as Himuro country

Again that is also extreme!

Scorching heat in the South and intense cold in the North. In any case it is hard to say its inhabitable.

Yamato is a small country that cannot be compared to Sahara or Himuro. It will likely be easily destroyed if attacked

The mountain range serves as a defensive wall that protects Yamato, but at the same time also a cage that closes it in.

Unlike Yamato, which is only allowed to prosper inside a confined and small peninsula, Sahara and Himro dominates vast lands, so there is a big difference in their national strengths.

Much less with only the little troops of this dungeon, its not even worth mentioning. Which is why we must prepare our forces. And also, within the short time of only one season

Isnt that impossible

Sakuya is a God that governs the mountain, and disinterested in the world of men.

However still, they knew Aur was asking for the impossible.

Ah. Which is why I want to ask you guys something. Do you have any idea of the God that governs the void?

God that governs the voidis it?

Aur nodded Yes to Sakuya who was ruminating thoughtfully.

I once talked about our headquarters being in another continent, right. Majority of our forces are there but

The country that Aur governs almost extends over the entire continent. Speaking of size alone, its even more huge compared to Sahara and Himuro joined together.

It took me a month when I came to this continent by boat. It is probably possible to make it shorter, but with that its still two weeks. The limit is likely a hundred people at once

A month for round trip. That is three hundred people in three months. Even if we started building ships now, just building alone will take more than a season

Although being able to build a ship that is capable of ferrying hundred men across the ocean in a season is even more frightening

Sakuya once again shuddered at Lilus nonchalant muttering.

Their fundamental national strengths and technical capabilities are too far apart.

If its ships, should Tatsuki transport them

You will? How?

Suddenly, Tatsuki who has been listening to the conversation seeming bored raised her hand up.

Like, Zabaaan! like that

She who is the God of the sea, has the ability to manipulate the waves.

The tea prepared on Tatsukis palm swirls, it swells up greatly and carries the teacup

Due to the excessive force the teacup was sent flying, it hit the wall and got pulverized into pieces.

Yep, its going to capsize

So its no good huh

Tatsuki hangs her head down in despondence at Lilus assertion.

Since declaring to be an ally, she has changed completely and become cooperative unlike before when was only interested in food. Although, her efforts are mostly misdirected towards the wrong direction, and still quite fruitless but.

If it were that red-haired who is always presentUmm, Ms. Yunis? With her ability, cant she easily transport people

Ah. Thats the main point of the story

Aur nods to Sakuyas question.

Though it may not sound familiar to you guys, but we manipulate two disparate powers of magical powers and energy, each of which are used in sorcery and magic arts. Both can be used to teleport to a distant location instantaneously, but each comes with its own unique restrictions

By restrictions, what do you mean

To put it briefly, it can be said that sorcery has almost no limitations regarding actual amount of people, but it is impossible to hop across distances enough to separate continents. On the contrary, with magic, distance is not an obstacle in the least, but it can transport about two to three people at most

By using magic circle in sorcery, you can instantly transfer things inside it.

Just for the tedious task of increasing battle formation although it can send as many numbers as possible, but the amount of magical power it consumes will intensify in magnitude as the distance increases.

Yunis magic on the other hand ignores both distance and barrier, but her movement is only limited to the things she can carry her.

Its hard to please everybody, something like that huh

Therefore, I am placing my expectations on the arts you guys practice. It seems that Spiritual power is a combination of magical power and energy. Then perhaps there may be a way to circumvent the flaws within both

even if you say that

Sakuya expressed a perplexed expression.

.If it is a kind of travelers guardian deity which governs the road, there are lots of it, but that one simply just safeguards the road. Nor have I heard anything like it being able to connect to faraway locations. Though there are gods that are able to cover long distances in a day, but when it comes to crossing thousands of miles

So as expected it wont be that convenient. As Aur thought that, Sakuya suddenly raised her head up as if something just popped into her mind.

There isone god. Though I dont know whether or not he can fulfil Aurs wishes

Is he a difficult individual?

Aur asked Sakuya who was expressing a somewhat gloomy expression.

Difficultright, could say that. In the sense that I would rather not be associated with him, that may be exactly right

I see. Again this is

Reading the future of Sakuyas words, Thena too frowned her face.

Could you possibly mean him? Tatsuki, dislikes him

Not only that, even Tatsuki of all people too said something like that.

What the heck kind of god is he

To answer Aurs query, Sakuya in a serious manner opens her mouth.

His name is Sainokamihe is one of the oldest gods in Yamato

Translator: Jay_Samuel, Editor: Krizzeir

I see

I would rather not relate. Why did Sakuya utter such a comment.

Why did Thena dodge the question when asked about what the outcome would be after deciding to go.

But the moment he met him, Aur understood everything.

In a way, the same kind as Lilu uh?

Stop it. Even as a joke

To Maris teasing words, Lilu responds in a pissed-off tone from her innermost depth.

It is quite bigisnt it

Yutsu left her mouth wide open, as she looked up staring at it.

If likening it with an animal, then it will be a snake.

A white serpent going in tightly as if filling up a dark and deep cave. But with no eyes on its head, and no scales on its body. Not only that, it has no mouth much less a fang, but only a fissure that stretches from front to back.

If one were to make an analogy aside from an animal, then it is easy.

To put it simply, it was a huge penis.

It spoo__ookee!?

Lilu screamed, as the penis slowly lifted its head, and echoed in a deep voice.

Oh Sainokami. My name is Demon Lord Aur. I have come to borrow your* powerNo, thats not quite right. To steal it TLN: A derogatory form of your was used

Sainokami raised a delighted voice at Aurs arrogant words.

Of course

The white serpent crawls out of the cave, and then higher and higher it becomes erect.

Each time his words are so vulgar!

Lilus stone fire arrow* that even pierced through Yamata no Orochi, emitting fire with a roaring sound was aimed and released towards Sainokami. TLN: A type of ancient cannon

But the huge snake which stood like a pillar, dodged it by hardly shaking.

Little Mary, climb up!

As Yutu pulls out the racoon tail growing on her butt, it turns into a vermillion-lacquered stairway, making a crackling sound as it stretches to the sky.

Thank you, Little Yu!

As Mari climbed it and reached over Sainokamis head, she pulled out a four-pair sword as she leaped.

Take that!

But the strike that was even aided by acceleration due to gravity was easily repelled by Sainokamis head.

Mari, who did not think that even a sword wouldnt stand a chance was at her wits end and she fell.

However her body did not crash into the ground, she slowly decelerates displaying an arc through the air as she settles into Aurs arms.

Heh-heh, thank you, Lord Aur

Dont cause me trouble

Aur deployed a Cube and created a slope in the invisible labyrinth.

The blood vessels on Sainokamis body got excited and started overswelling into reddish brown.

And then, he bent his body greatly to the back, and strike with all his strength.

Oh, no!

Aur promptly activated the teleportation array built into the cube, avoiding the blow.

Although it can only jump a distance of about ten steps away, it is a far enough distance to avoid a crisis.

The moment the shiny head of Sainokami hit the ground hard, the ground ruptured.

The earth and stone are scattered around, and along with the wind came flinging like a sword.

If it were just the accompanying waves after the impact, the wall of the cube shielded against it, but if it had been a direct hit, it likely would have been instant death.

What absurdly outrageous strength

Lilu who immediately escaped to the sky, while alighting back to the ground she prepares her stone fire arrow.

For Maris sword to also be unable to make a dent on it

While looking at Sainokamis head that is without a single scratch, Yutsu frowned as if was troubled.

That head, it felt very jelly-like. Its more like its terribly elastic than hard

Hearing Maris words, the gazes of the women forces were gathered towards Aur.

It is because in regards to that sensation, they are extremely cognizant of the experience.

Right, as if a sword can repel that!

Aur reflexively yelled at the rude gazes that were focused on his lower parts

Since that is the case, the only effective blow against him that deals damage Lilus stone fire arrow

I cant hit him unless his movements is somehow sealed. Hes so agile even for a body like that

If it was a repeating crossbow firing countless shells scattered everywhere it would hit, but this time there is not enough power.

Lilu believes that it would require a stone fire arrow with superior penetrating force to pierce through that skin.

But how do we go about stopping his movement?

Aur and Lilu remained silent towards Maris naive question.

The both of them didnt have any means to stop such a big body.


In such a situation, Yutsu suddenly raised her voice.

Ill try to see if I can stop its movement

Do you have any ideas?

Its not such a big idea or anything but

While speaking in a manner lacking confidence, Yutsu nodded swiftly.

I understand. I will buy you the time you need, try it

There is no enough time to hold a detailed strategy conference.

Aur decided to entrust it to Yutsu, and then took a step forward.

Sainokami peeked his head from within the enveloping clouds of sand from the impact he had caused, and he asked thus.

Just getting started. We are going to distract him, Mari


Mari carries a sword on both hands and clanged them against each other. Immediately, the sword blades are engulfed in flames.

If blade doesnt penetrate, then how about this!?

As expected as to whether he dislikes high temperature, Sainokami displayed a slightly faltering appearance.

Mirror House

As the cube in Aurs hand deploys, it became numerous unidentifiable paths and started expanding radically.

One of them extended to Maris feet, and her appearance appeared in other paths as if it were a mirror copy.

No matter how much their appearances multiplies, he could still see where they were originally.

Even if they erased their real bodies at the same time the phantoms appeared, they couldnt have gone too far.

Sainokami thinks so, then with his head he mows Maris and the others figures with a sideways sweep and strike them altogether.

However, there was no tangible feedback*, feeling suspicious Sainokami stopped, and just then numerous numbers of swords enveloped in flames were thrusted at him. TLN: No feeling of having hit something.

They are not phantoms, but real pain.

The Mirror House created by Aur using the Cube, when the name is reversed it becomes a labyrinth sorcery that utilizes teleportation instead of phantom. The figures which multiplied at the front of the several paths were images which were projected by repeating the teleportation at high speed, the person who is reflected is present in all of them, and is in a state where it does not exist anywhere at the same time.

If he shifts to defense, he escapes to a safe path and avoids attacks, and if he shifts into offense, he attacks from all the paths at the same time.

It was a substitute that recreated the tactics of Yunis teleportation via sorcery.

But still, it only inflicts pain and scratches on Sainokami, and far from defeating him.

Sainokami who became irritated from having being inflicted with heat attack, once again overswells his whole body and bends backwards to strike.


At once, Yutsus body puffed up several folds, and using her voluptous pair of hills tucked Sainokamis body tightly in between.

If this is the first time he sees a female body that fits the size of his own giant body, it is also the first time to see the technique of sandwiching between the breasts, Sainokamis body involuluntarily became hard.

Now, Lilu!Please shoot me along altogether!

Eh, are you sure?

Its fine. Thats only a phantom afterall

As Lilu turns her face towards the voice coming from the vicinity of her ears, the real Yutsu was standing nearby.

Good. Eat this!

When the shell fired by Lilu penetrated through Yutus giant body, it became a lump of tree leaves and dispersed.

And so just like that, it plunges forward towards Sainokami who has become erect at the back.

However, as Sainokami overswells even bigger, he swings his head and repelled the shell.

Holy shit

Lilu was dumbfounded seeing the shell fly across the horizon.

By lifting his head in the shape of a gooseneck, Sainokami directs the hugely hollowed head towards Aur and the others.

A white flame spurt out from the fissure that was torn from front to back.

Whats this!?

No matter how you look, its not a common flame. It does not disappear as if it had been sprinkled with oil, and doesnt go out even when it touches the ground, not only that it flows around sordidly and spreads around the surroundings.

So it wont disappear until it burns everything thoroughly uh

He is truly the worst!?

In a sense, it was more severe than burning to death.

Sainokami turned towards Aur.

Arent you way too promiscuous!?

What would happen if Aur gets pregnant?

It is not as if Lilu had never thought of such a fleeting thing, but of course not as far as to try it out.

It cant be helped, lets retreat for now

We have no chance of winning if our greatest attack doesnt work.


Mari stopped Aur who made such judgement.

I might be able to defeat him

Say what?

The white flame slowly surrounds Aur and the rest.

There was no time to hesitate.

Do it

Thank you, Lord Aur. Open up, Tenmon*! TLN: Heavens Gate

As Mari put her hand up to the sky, her right eye radiates crimson red, and a rectangular pattern appeared around her fingertips.

For magic circles which uses curves as its foundation, it is constructed using straight lines and its shape is called magic array.

Come forth. Thy ferocious one, guardian of the broken sword, thou unparalleled spirit

Maris golden hair is dyed red and swells up.

The hair ornament is torn to pieces, and the manner in which the flame-like hair spreads is like the tempest of a lion.

Mari puts three of her swords back into the sheath, and hold out only one sword.

TLN: Hihiirokane is a metal that essentially comes with fire aspect, harder than diamond and capable of dealing damage directly to the soul.

Instead Sainokami asserts arrogantly at Mari whose demeanor had evidently changed.

He had absolute confidence in his hardness and endurance.

Without any effort or scheme, Maris sword is swung quietly.

And the next instant, both the white flame and Sainokami were divided in two.

Divided into two halves, Sainokami finally falls down to the ground.

Return, Dragon Killer Wolff Deal

As soon as the sword is put back in the sheath, Maris eyes and hair returns to normal, and then she collapse where she stands.

As I thought its really tiresome to invoke Uncle Wolff even for a moment

Marie smiled quietly at Aur who flusteredly caught her in his arms.

Why did you

Since hes Yunis father, I thought if I just asked him quickly, he might lend a hand

Maris answer was not the answer to Aurs question he was expecting.

He knows that she is learning Shamanism and she possesses the power of Immortality through Melizand, so it is no wonder if she is able to wield Wolffs power using the same method.

Why, did you think that was a dragon?

Eh, I mean after all, it looked like a snake, and it also breathed out fire right

After asking once again, Mari responds as if it were a matter of course.

But that didnt occur to Aur at all.

The same Aur, who has thousands of Demons obeying him, and is acquainted with tens of thousands of Beasts.

Is it just a coincidenceor is it.

Mari expressed a mysterious smile at Aur who was staring at her.

Translator: Jay_Samuel, Editor: Krizzeir

But still, was it okay to kill him?

Looking at the dead Sainokamis corpse with a sidelong glance, Lilu asked Aur.

It was the same with Orochi too, snake species could still move even when their heads are crushed.

Although she was being cautious, Sainokami did not show any signs of motion, so he seemed to have died completely.

Oh. Even though its said that he rules over void, he himself doesnt seem to have the power of teleportation. Rather, he inhibits it. Therefore he is a Sainokami* TLN: Travelers Guardian Deity

Hmm. Then, the talk about Aur coming here to steal

It is this cave

Aur points to the cave where Sainokami blocked.

I do not know in what form the power that is similar to void is. But

You know only how to acquire that power. Is what youre saying right

Nodding affirmatively, Aur linked the cube to the wall of the cave.

The exposed stone wall turned into a brick structure while watching, and a light turned on allowing one to see the inside.

Its a gate

Then Mari pointed forward, and raised her voice.

The magic light that was illuminated was a huge double-door unfitting for a cave.


When searching for dungeon, doors are one of the most alarming things to watch.

The handle, the door itself, the room on the other side of the door, the floor just before the door, and so on, can be used as mechanisms for traps.

Destroy it, Lilu

But it has nothing to do with the Dungeon Master Aur, who controls dungeons itself.

Wont it be better is Lord Aur just open it


But Mari raised an objection.

Although its just a feeling

What is this feeling. Tell me your reason

I dont know

When asked, Mari just kept shaking her head sideways.

Looking at the faces of Lilu and Yutu, it seemed that they also couldnt determine Maris intentions, and even both of them were puzzled by her.

Well, its fine. Stand back

If it is destroyed, it will just result in making unnecessary sounds, and worst case we can escape using this door as a shield.

Passing through without breaking it isnt such an odd option.

As Aur holds his arms over the gate, the cube deploys and expands, then a human figure formed up and stands behind him. It forcibly opened by Aur putting his hand on the gate in accordance with his movement.

There seems to be no trap

Because of its size it felt somewhat difficult to open, but the door without locks or bars opens easily.

There was no trap beyond it much less guards, not only are there no rooms, only a long avenue of passage that stretches far ahead.

Lets go. Even though weve defeated the watchdog, we have no idea what could pop out. Dont let your guard down


I understand

Mari nodded with enthusiasm, and Yutu replied with a solemn expression.

But contrary to the two peoples thoughts, the search was extremely boring.

Inside the cave, not only there were no enemies or traps, there is not even a single branched path, only a straight passage.

Aur and the rest silently proceed down the loose downhill.

Hey, whats this

The moment Lilu said something.

Its a room

Mary raised her voice, as she could see a room just ahead of the passage.

There is nothing here

Peeping through the room, Yutu murmured.

Just as she said, the large room was empty, but there are two passages leading left and right.

What a strange structure. For there to be no traps, no assembled guards, but only a room

Aur couldnt help but think and hope that it is just an ordinary three-forked road.

It is clear that it is not a natural cave.

If so, then it should be ones where numerous tunnels extends quite variably.

If it is not natural, then it should contain some kind of intentions, but he couldnt determine it in the slightest.

Well. Now, which one should we proceed

There was a similar place in the mountain of trials, but unlike then, the participating forces are limited this time.

Foolish ideas such as dividing into two groups are to be avoided.

I dont think we need to proceed

As Aur seemed troubled, Lilu said that.

What do you mean?

If there is indeed something, then its probably in this room. Im sure its all the same even if we proceed

How do you know that

Well, this is a womb after all

As Lilu said, Aur soon belatedly realize.

If Sainokami who had been protected it was shaped like a male genitalia, then this cave is a female genitalia.

The passages which had been passed through until now is the vagina, and the oviduct is up ahead.

So does that make the first gate the hymen. No wonder it let Aur penetrate it open.

But then, Aur wondered, how come Mari knew about that.

Besides the fact that she also has it within her body, the womb is essentially an internal organ. Its not what you can see from the outside.

Aur has some knowledge of medical science, and Lilu is a succubus so it is not surprising if she knows.

But Mari shouldnt have had any way of acquiring such knowledge.

In the first place, that would mean that until we got here even Lilu didnt notice, but Mari had already noticed it at the entrance.

Thats right

Alomg with a dry sound, Aur noticed the figure of a woman.

There was no way else to describe it except to say, he noticed her.

The woman stood at the back of the empty room where there was no place to hide.

But she didnt just suddenly appear. He didnt realize that she had been there since.

Who are you

To ask who am I, thats quite rude

She was a pure white woman. But it is different from the whiteness of Melizand or the heroic spirits.

It is such a whiteness that accompanies the beauty of flesh.

Her glossy black hair is cut evenly to the shoulders and her long slit eyes.

Although her body which was covered with a Yamato costume called kimono not only covered her body but even masked her figure, and yet there was still an attractive charm reflected.

The one who killed me, in addition to making me a woman, is all you isnt

Say what?

The one agreeing to the words of the beautiful woman and laughing in her throat, he could only think of one person.

But because the appearance was completely changed, Aur doubts his own thoughts.

I am Sainokami. The master who is protecting this cave

But Sainokami said that as if she was substantiating those thoughts.

You wont die when killed, is that it

No. Certainly, you lot killed my half body. But life originally is a pair, that appearance is none other than an aspect of me

In other words, because Mari cut you into two, you became a woman?

Its not quite correctbut you can also take it like that

Sainokami responds in a somewhat astounded tone to Lilus words.

The crucial point isI am able to wield the power you desire


That white skin, blonde hair, long nose and blue eyes. I can surmise you are not of this land. My guess is you would like to return to your own country

Well thats about it. But not only to go back, but we also need to come back to this place again

Sainokami nodded very deeply at Aurs words.

If its me, Im capable of doing that. As many times as you want at that

What is the price

Aur asked frankly.

Its because even if it is a half-body a person who was killed doesnt just appear with a proposal for cooperation without seeking any kind of compensation.

Price?You say some strange things. I said it didnt I. I am a god who is not enshrined. I abide no one. I do not need to fulfill human wishes to procure nourishment

If so, do you mean to start a fight, as Aur and the rest prepare their stance to square off.

But it is a different story, if I were to be your possession

Sainokami laughed lightly and replied thus.

My possession?In what sense?

Just exactly as it sounds. From time immemorial there has always been only one way in which a man makes a woman his own right?

Sainokamis breath that whispered to so, was thoroughly captivating.

Is it alright to consider you a woman?

But what lies behind Aurs mind was a manly erected penis that had just been killed.

Ridiculous. There are no other women more woman than I am

Indeed, there is no hint of masculinity in the appearance of Sainokami before his eyes.

Nevertheless the reason the appearance of the white snake overlaps with hers is likely because, their aura is exactly the same.

All living things alive possesses the nature of both male and female. Gender is nothing more than which of those appearance it takes outwardly

Oh. Then, do you mean that I also have a part of me that is woman?

Yea. Because all living things are born from both father and mother

Aur silently hummed at Sainokamis words. Certainly it does have some logic.

However, you lot killed my male. The me left behind is a genuine female. Meaning Im the most complete and whole woman in this world

Alright then

As Aur taps his feet, the floor beside him rises, and a stone bed is created.

When the surface was stroked, it suddenly became a soft bed with a canopy.

Wait, Aur

Lilu pulled Aur who was heading to the bed.

That, is probably

I know. She is like your kind right

The way a man makes a woman his, is certainly through sexual intercourse and make her submit.

But the way a woman captivates a man is also through sexual intercourse and instead make him drown himself in her body.

That is to say, this battle is one which replaces sharp swords with soft pieces of flesh.

Dont be anxious. Im used to it thanks to you


The sex with Lilu is tied with a contract on the premise that she isnt allowed to inflict harm upon him.

If a Succubus seriously with all malicious intent means to squeeze you dry till death, even Aur might not be able to endure it.

Of course, even Aur himself knows this, but he couldnt afford to retreat.

Sorry for the wait

Please, I dont mind

Aur shook himself off Lilus grip and proceeds towards Sainokami who was already lying in wait on the bed.

You are going to entertain me from now right?

Sainokami who was lying on the bed acting flirtatiously, unfasten the sash of her kimono smoothly.

The coupling around the chest collapsed, and the white skin fleetingly peeks out of the gap, seeing that Aur gulped.

Even though they are similar, it is a totally opposite concept from Lilu whose skin is exposed and spreads her charm.

The womans body that peeks from within the kimono that covered the whole body without gaps and even concealed the body outlines, greatly stimulated the desire of the man.

Of course

As Aur presses down Sainokami, he inserts his palm gently through the tenderly loose coupling.


Aur involuntarily let out a moan at the touch feeling of breast.

It is so soft that it does not seem to be the of this world, and the skin that seems as if sucking in the hand.

Though the size is just enough to completely fit into the palm of his hand, but it was so soft that he would like to grope it in his hand forever.

I dont mind if you just skip and put it in directly you know

That wont do

Aur responds so to Sainokami who whispered in his ear.

Half of the reason was to feel around and probe for his partners response, but the other half was because of Aurs own pride.

Hmm thats good. Aah

He further opened the lapel and kissed around the breast, while fiddling with the tender flesh, and stroking the tip with his fingertips, the small bud started to swell and become hard.

Sainokami skillfully exude a sweet breath, but her skin betrayed her as it turned peach color, then splitting the hem of the kimono he creeps his fingers in between her legs, the dripping honey made a swishy noise.

Turning his eyes towards Lilu, she nods back at him.

And now even with a Succubus judgement there is no doubt that Sainokami is feeling it. It is not a performance or a mimicry.

Here I come

Ah use your thick hard thing, to penetrate me

While leaving the disorder kimono as it is without taking it off, Aur pushes himself through inside Sainokami.


However, although there was a lot of moisture, but for some reason he couldnt penetrate any further. Is the entrance narrow, when tip attempts to penetrate further, there is a strong feeling of resistance.|

Your penis appears to be big for me. What, dont mind me so just push it through all at once

Despite embracing the strange feeling of discomfort, Aur grabs Sainokamis waist and exerts more force.

The only resistance was at the entrance, once passed, Aurs flesh spear smoothly penetrated Sainokamis thing all the way to the root.

At the same time, the impact from the smooth sailing left Aur eyes widely open.

Sainokamis vagina was astonishingly warm so much, so that he thinks he might get burned in conjunction with the temperature of her cold skin.

The vaginal walls coil around Aurs thing tightly, and the refreshing wriggling sensation of the surface is almost like that of a hundred women giving him a blowjob.

Although he had only just inserted it, it was so comforting that he felt his waist would crumble.

If he had not been trained through his sex with Lilu, he would have released with that alone.

Oh. For you to enter inside me and not release semen

Sainokami made an expression of admiration from the bottom of her heart.

You* TLN: Derogatory form of you, like you bastard or you son of a bitch

Aur was glaring at her, and speaks as if he is being squeezed out.

What is the meaning of this?

His line of sight was fixed towards the area where their genitalias are connected.

scarlet red was spreading around there.

Its just as you see it. Is it strange that I am a virgin?

Sainokami replied as if it was natural.

You do not appear so is all

That attitude, that emanating allure, one wouldnt believe those attitudes were that of virgin.

Much less Aur, even Lilu didnt see through that.

Its probably so. Besides being a god of boundary, at the same time I am also a god of sexual love and fertility. In other words a natural born harlot. But, even harlots have something called a first time

As if to support her words, Sainokamis vagina doesnt show any sign of faltering from pain, and tightens Aurs piece of meat.

I have been a Sainokami for long, but you are the first person to kill my male counterpart and enter into this cave. Therefore, to my woman counterpart also, its my first time experience with a man

As Sainokami puts her arms around Aurs neck, , she whispered around his ears in a tickling manner.

Come on. Oh my beloved man, who made me a woman in two senses. The night has just begun. Please entertain me to the fullest

Translator: Jay_Samuel, Editor: Krizzeir

Inside a dark cave, clashing sounds of flesh and splashing sounds of water echoed, and a dense horny scent of male and female having sex envelope within.

Aah, yesthere, stick it in more

At this point, the kimono was no longer worn as a garment, but barely just coiling around the sleeves on the arms.

Several sweats like beads emerged on Sainokamis skin which are exposed from her slender throat to her breasts aloofly facing upwards, and all the way to the bottom of her smooth belly, and a smooth belly, her flushed cheeks and blurry eyes deeply sunk in pleasures stares at Aur.

I am cumming!

Ahh, cum, pump your semen deep inside me!

When Aurs piece of meat swells up inside her, she squeezes with impeccable timing like a bell that rings after being hit. She certainly lived up to the name of a natural-born harlot, one would be hardpressed to believe her disorderly manner a while ago was that of a virgin.

As he forcibly pushes his waist all the way deep down the tightning bewitching flesh, the tip kisses the womb that had lowered down as if it desires a child. Her movements as if her whole body is seeking a man, Aur released all his piled up semen without saving any.

Ahhuh, ahhnhnn, ah, thats, great, t!

Every time Aur spews his white murky liquid intermittently, Sainokami cums twitching her body. Each time her vagina tightens in undulation to squeeze out semen, Aur further ejaculates due to that pleasure.

While exchanging pleasures back and forth like a pendulum, at the end of their long, long orgasms they were both out of steam and collapsed on top each other.

Are you satisfied with this?

Yeayour superb thing is quite magnificent. Even after cumming this much, its still pulsing inside me

When he asked Sainokami who was lying wasted on the bed, she smiled happily while exerting force and started to move her hips loosely.

This is bad, as the warning alarm rang inside Aurs head.

It wasnt an act or a mimicry, Sainokami definitely got aroused, and she also cummed many times over.

But her energy and stamina seem almost inexhaustible, and no matter how much he made he climaxed, or pump semen inside her, she just instead asks for even more.

And Aur too couldnt stop responding to it.

It is not that he was afflicted with a magical or some kind of celestial technique.

It was purely because Sainokamis body just felt too good.

Every time he thrusts, the hunger-like desire only increases, no matter how many times he bangs her, he doesnt get enough of it. The pleasure of pinning down that tender body, violating, and dominating it was almost like narcotics.

If this were an ordinary man, he would have fallen down completely from exhaustion after ejaculating two, to three times. But unfortunately for Aur, he had remade all the passages they passed through till now into his own dungeon, so there is a path of magical power stretching all the way from the Mountain of trials.

The red lava which contains plenty of underground magic, though its almost like dragon veins, and it gives an infinite amount of energy and vitality. But now, it has come to bite him in the ass. There is a possibility that parties who both have infinite physical strengths can continue to copulate with each other indefinitely.

Hey, youve done it ten times already?For how long do you intend to continue!?

After perceiving it, even Lilu barged in.

Though Itll be a problem to be unable to enlist Sainokamis assistance, its better than having Aur taken.

No worries, I have no intention of doing it forever. Its just until I am satisfied

And how long will it take you to be satisfied

When Lilu asked putting her hand against her waist overbearingly, Sainokami nodded and responds.

A year. Naturally I would have settled for every night, but if its with this man, then we can keep going like this and copulate for a whole year

Are you stupid!?

Lilu yelled at that response.

Wont I dry up completely and die by then!

Alrightthen, will you mingle with us too?

Eh, Really?

Of course not, fool!

Aur in turn involuntarily shouted at Lilu who asked encouragingly and was about to be won over.

Lilus questionable words were probably just reactions and not based on calculations or anything, but putting it another way it means to some extent she was able to free Aurs spirit that is enchanted by Sainokamis charms.

Something like a year, I havent heard anything about that. As if I will go along with that

Oh. Are you saying that you you no longer want to relish my body anymore?

Sainokami squint her eyes, while asking seeming sad, she once again exposes her naked body to Aur in a natural motion. Suddenly, in Aurs mind he is pushing her down, and the the desire to f**k her senseless started to boil strongly within.

Theres something I have to do. I have no spare time to spend a year leisurely

When he restrained himself against it and replied, Sainokami opens her eyes widely seeming surprised.

To push aside my affection. What strong willpower

Sorry to break it to you. Hes already used to Succubus kinds

While hugging Aurs head tightly, Lilu brings her tongue out.

With the sensation of soft flesh enveloping the back of his head, Aur screamed in his inner-most mind that it was having the opposite effect.

Succubusare there beings like that in a foreign country too. However, I said it didnt I. I am the most perfect woman in this world. In other words, abandoning the sexual union with me is tantamount to giving up sex with all women. The more abundant the affection, the more difficult to escape from it

Do you mean to say that the more lustful the man the more difficult to quit

And Lord Aur is awfully lustful


Mari agrees with Lilus words, and even Yutu nodded deeply.

He wanted to yell at them, but Aur too doesnt exactly have much leeway to say anything.

Thinking about it carefully, this is a very serious situation.

If Aurs mind is being enslaved by a bewitching art or some kind of ability, then it would be possible to lift it. However its a different story if the origin stems from Aurs very own mind.

It means without an unwavering determination to let go of Lilu, Mari and every other women he has ever had sex with from the bottom of his heart, he will not be able to leave Sainokami. To Aur its not something that could possibly be acceptable.

Even if he is to be forcibly pulled apart with the help of Lilu and the rest, itll still be the same.

Losing his wives due to the influence of external forces is the one thing that should be avoided by Aur the most. It wont just end as just a symbolic event, but there was a feeling that it would wound and damage Aurs soul.

Just like Yamata no Orochi who bites off even the soul, the god of this land probably possesses such power. Even if he had no hostility towards the other party, he shouldnt have been careless. At this stage, late in the game, Aur now wisened up.

I understand. Ill keep you company until you are satisfied

The only relief is that, just as Sainokami said herself, it does not last forever. Once she is satisfied, it will end.

Oh. You can f**k me as much as you like. Pound me with those carnal desires of yours to your hearts content

Sainokami partly closes her eyes seeming very happy. Is there really no malice or hostility.

Which is exactly why Aur couldnt see through the possibility of her being an obstacle.

Im going to f**k you from behind, so turn your butt towards me

Oh-ho. Its almost like the mating of beasts, but its not bad

As Sainokami pulled out her hands from the sleeve of the kimono, she became stark naked, and faced her small-sized butt towards Aur. Aur grabbed it with both hands, and thrust in all at once.


At that moment, when Sainokami opened her eyes wide, she let out a confused voice.

Wa, waitthat place, is wrong?

It wasnt inside the genital but in the upper part of the genitalia that Aur plunged his rigid rod.

Because it was the dirty hole.

What do you mean wrong

Im gumming!* TLN: She was cumming from her a** she literally said that ^^

As Aur repeats the pelvic thrust, Sainokami raised her voice loudly. It was a completely different kind of voice than the satisfied voice from earlier.

There, look at the way youre wriggling twitchingly with pleasure

Sinokamis body which has been overwhelmingly stimulated at the first round of sex, now easily swallows Aurs flesh spear that is smeared in semen and love juice deeply, and is inevitably climbing the stairs of pleasure.

However, from that point, something akin to her composure which didnt lose no matter how disorderly she got earlier, is now being lost gradually.

Yo, wrooong!In such, in such a place, I!Aaahh!

Sainokamis face and facial expressions were filled with confusion, and she is being made to gasp in such chaos, and forced to moan loudly.

Dont worry. You said earlier that you had just been born. Then, without having eaten anything, even your stomach is quite clean

That iss, not the issue, uh, Aaahh!

By pulling Sainokamis arms as she tries to escape, Aur violates her rectum.

As expected of a woman, even as a god her arm strength was just that of a woman.

She is unable to best Aur who is a man, but she is just being raped as he pleases and unable to escape.

Aaaahh!No, NOoo!

Arent you starting let out some nice sounds

The sensation of the butthole was quite different from that of the vagina.

No way, such a thing, cant be called sexUghnn!

When he inserts his finger inside Sainokamis vagina opening who was already swinging her neck from disapproval, her vagina swallowed it with pleasure as she twitches while drooling.


While doing so, he continues bore and move around her asshole, and then she raised up her voice and screamed like a shriek, and while squirting out like a fountain Sainokami twitches her body as she reached climaxed.

Even a god, the power they wield is not infinite.

This was what he realized from his relationship with Sakuya.

Even if she wields as much power as she does, if they sleep together, she will get tired just like a human, and also deeds like eating and sleeping are also indispensable.

So, where does the Sainokamis inexhaustible Stamina come from?

Aur guessed that it might be related to the power she governs.

Boundary, love, and fertility.

The three things that Sainokami governs are seem unconnected to each other at first glance, but a certain something does connect them.

It is pregnancy and childbirth.

Childbirth lies in the border between life and death, the result of sexual love, and the very symbol of fertility.

Then during sexual intercourse, if it is a kind that is unable to bear a child, then recovery wouldnt be impossible.

It seems like Aurs conjecture hit the mark dead on.

As he continues to ravish her asshole, Sainokami started losing power in her voice gradually, and her movements starts to get sluggish.

I cant go on anymoreplease spare me

By the time he cums in about three more times, Sainokami already fell on the bed with her face down, and announced her surrender thus while gasping heavily.

Translator: Jay_Samuel, Editor: Krizzeir

Pervert such a pervert

While forming a contorted face and about to cry, Sainokami murmurs such incessantly.

The asshole, the space between the cleavage, inside the mouth and the hair, and to top it all, even the armpit and thighs what the heavens is wrong with your culture

It seems that the only thing she knew was real sexual intercourse for making a child.

Every time, place other than the genitalia is used, she is afflicted with a great deal of confusion, and bewildered with the unknown sensations.

How pathethic. For me, even the holes in my ears and nostrils are game

I would like to request you count me out of that one

Lilu said such in a dismal tone, but even for Aur, that deviated from the allowable category.

Now then, shall I ask you to lend me your power

Its impossible


Aur frowned his face at Sainokami who was shaking her head.

Although it was a verbal promise, Sainokami definitely said that she would lend her power.

A contract with a sorcerer on par with Aur, even a god should not be able to renege on it.

Even if I wanted to I am low on power. I said it didnt I. I am one that abides no one, a god that cannot be enshrined. I cannot perform such outrageous deed like bridging a path to a foreign country

Now thats not what we agreed. You said that you could do it, and that shouldnt have been a lie

If it were a lie, Lilu would have seen through it. There is no difference between a man and a god in that aspect.

Of course. If I was enshrined, such level of power is easy

What do you mean by that enshrine?

He could understand the literal meaning of the word. It means to show reverence and faith.

But he doesnt know the specific means with which it is conducted.

I said it didnt I. it means to copulate for a year


However, that also melted into Sainokamis brief explanation.

Indeed, there will be no better way to express respect for the god of sexual love.

But thats one troubling talk

It is a different story if its just mere sexual love, but its a sexual love which probably contains the nuance of making a child.

She said that if it was any other man not of Aurs caliber then she would just make him partner with her on a nightly basis, conversely, no matter how strongly they copulate, the period of one year cannot be shortened. Whether or not a child can be made is not related to the density of the sexual intercourse.

If so, it would be meaningless to rely on more than one man. If she were a Succubus like Lilu, the more partners she have, the more vitality she is able to steal, but the number of children a woman is able to conceive is not something that will change regardless the amount of men that pairs with her.

In other words, it was necessary to take a year.

Is there no other way?

Originally it is still an unexpected condition, but it is useless in this situation where the enemies will attack after one season.

You are a god of boundary, sexual love, and fertility right. While it is common in the axis of childbirth, each is another aspect as well. Is there any other way to gain power other than sexual intercourse?

not that, theres none

Sainokami responds with a difficult expression to Aurs question.

Noaccurately, I should say there was

Sainokamis facial expression that murmured was terrible.

What do you mean?

In the first place, the reason I lost my power to such an extent is because, for a very long time nobody paid attention to me. that is, enough to even forget my own name

Is Sainokami not a name

When Aur asks the questions, Sainokami replies nodding.

To put it in you peoples words, it is more like a job post. It is a name referring to me, but it is not my own name

Should I will ask Sakuya whether she knows?

As Lilu said that, Sainokami raised one eyebrows.

Are you guys acquainted with Princess Konohana Sakuya. But I doubt that person will also know my name. Because she is still young

Still young at the age of 12000, what kind of scale is that

And Sainokami herself, how long as she being alive as a god.

At this point, rather than being surprised the feeling of astonishment is stronger.


Wh, what?

Mari, who suddenly heard her name called by Aur, she wasnt participating in the flow of the conversation, and just heard the name Mari and blink her eyes in surprise.

What will you do, if she gives you a name


She became perplexed by the additional words he threw at her.

To name me, you say?

The confusion is identical in the face of others besides Mari.

Sainokami knits her eyebrows dubiously, and ruminates Aurs words.

If no one in this world knows and you yourself dont remember it, that kind of name is the same as not having right. It is decided what to do when calling something without a name. You name it

The name of a god is not such a simple thing. It shows the essence of existence and is fundamental to it. Its not a dogs or a cat, as if there will be a meaning to one you decide so crudely

Its probably a very unacceptable conversation.

Sainokami screams out like a growl in a displeased voice.

I understand. I too wasnt suggesting it without having considered it. So, what do you think?


Returning again to Mari, she was at her wits end and finally thought about it, and the name slipped from her mouth bit by bit.


Isnt that a typical Figuria-like name!

Its a name that you dont hear much around here isnt it

Instantly Lilu made a retort, Yutu also consent reservedly while smiling as if troubled.

That is, it

But Sainokami open her eyes widely and mumbled with a blurry voice in disarray.

Noits wrong. Thats not it. That is not my name. But, to express my current self, rather than my former name its more appropriatewhy is that?

Sainokami asks herself as if muttering incoherently.

Is it not because its a girls nameIf it were that penisnake, such a name would not suit you, right

I see!

Mary naturally points out, that it is correct and at the same time wrong, and at that answer, Sainokami came to the realization that it is proper.

Because I lost half of my body, its reasonable that my name be divided in half. MishaMishagami!That is my name!

At the moment when Sainokami cried so, something overflowed from her body.

It wasnt visible to the eyes, no sound, there was no heat nor smell, but everyone present felt that there was a feeling of some pressure that is similar to the wind.

From Sainokamis toes to each single hair, it was full of power, and it felt like her whole body was glowing.

In that appearance, Aur realized the reason why Thena continued calling Yamata no Orochi as that one.

Is a name, such an instrument that bestows such power to a god?

Young miss, you have my gratitude. For giving me a name


Sainokami kneels down in front of Mari with slow motion, and Mari nods momentarily.

Is calling you Mishagujialright?

No. You refer to me as Mishaany other any other and it wouldnt sit well. Just as it is, call me Misha. That is the name befitting of me. Even more than my previous name

SainokamiMisha replies thus to Aurs question.

Certainly, if she is going to proclaime herself as a genuine Yamato style name, it would passable if a long sounding name is cut out.

But at the same time it did not mean that the name that Mari responded with had been shot out of the truth.

Hey, little Mari, how did you know?

I didnt know anythingI just tried saying what sounded appropriate

Mari tilt her head to the side in bafflement, to Yutus question.

The ability to guess the true name of a personwasnt what she displayed.

If she possesses such an ability, then it is a dreadful threat. To a sorcerer, knowing ones real name is equivalent to grasping the opponents heart. Even to an inexperienced practitioner like Mari, it will be a formidable ability.

But thats not quite the case. Because even if one is able to guess a name that is close enough, as long as its wrong it doesnt mean anything.

So what the heck is the power that Mari showed a glimpse of earlier.

She saw through that the white snake was indeed a dragon, grasped the meaning of the door at the entrance of the cave, and then guessed Sainokamis half name.

A naming talent,huh

That was the only thing that could be considered. To see through the essence and perceive it as a sensation.

Then It would be easy to name something.

Is that talent useful?

I dont know

Aur shakes his head at Lilus question,

For example, if you encounter an unknown monster, she is able to give a name that is appropriate for it. But, the weak point or ability is not something that should be known right

What was effective against Sainokami was that the race called dragons is well-known and because by chance Mari had countermeasures against it.

Even though it is not entirely useless, such an example can be thought of as rare.

But, in truth is that really the case.

Just a rare talent, The bud of a gift not sufficient for harvest. Then, while feeling remorseful, Aur curiously tilts his head in contemplation and stared at Maris face.

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