Manaless Mage

Chapter 50 Probe

Harry kept his focus on the small white flame inside of him, he had already activated 'energy control' and his proficiency in channeling his energy had improved so it was now a lot easier for him to control his energy.

In order to channel mana outside of the body, one had to first coat the inner layer of the body with a thin line of mana.

It didn't have to be moderately circulated around all parts of the body but only where the mana was going to be channeled from.

This process was easier for elementalists as they used elemental mana rather than raw mana, they would face less resistance.

The main aim of this was to reduce the resistance and let the mana come out of the body easily.

The human body had a natural resistance against mana, it was like drawing out water from a bottle without opening the bottle or making a crack in the bottle.

However, in Harry's case, he had to channel his energy into the crystal.

It would be quite difficult for him but he had no plans of shying away from it. This would definitely increase his energy control by leaps and bounds.

Harry swirled the flame and moved a part of it to his right hand. He spread it around the inner layers of his fingers and palm before trying to channel it into the crystal, unfortunately he failed as he couldn't draw the energy out of his body.

It only kept swirling between his fingers and palm without making any effort to break through his skin layer.

Harry exhaled as he paused in his efforts. Although he failed at first try, he wasn't dismayed. It was expected as drawing or rather channeling mana out of the body was a lot more complicated than channeling it within the body.

He then restarted the process and tried using a different approach.

He reduced the amount of mana he channeled to his hand, it seemed his first mistake was that he channeled more energy than he could bare so it easily became unstable.

He stirred the energy within his right hand while concentrating even more.

This time he used a lesser amount of energy and then spread it around his right palm and fingers.

The instructor never said he had to channel a large amount of mana or rather, energy into the crystal. The amount didn't matter, the main goal was to channel it into the crystal.

Harry slowly stirred the energy in one of his fingers, he wasn't just stirring it but was also slowly moving it forwards.

Although what he was doing seemed easy, it wasn't. It took every bit of his concentration for him to stir and move the energy.

He had to split his concentration to achieve this. As he was holding the thin line of energy within his palms and fingers, he was also trying to swirl and move the energy in his fingers.

Meanwhile the instructor kept staring at Harry in astonishment.

Since Harry was currently channeling his energy using his will, his skill "mana core illusion" was also following that will—he always activated the skill whenever he was in the academy—and was creating the same pattern with his "mana".

It wasn't just a passive skill that created a fake mana core alone, it could also create an illusion of the mana core working and functioning like a normal one.

The instructor could sense how Harry was channeling his 'mana', he could also see that it was anything but easy as the strain showed through Harry's twitching eyebrows and tight lips.

'It must be quite difficult for him… but it's still amazing.' He said inwardly with a slight smile on his face. He then turned his attention towards the other students in the room to check how they were also faring.

Although he would love to keep watching Harry train, he knew he still had to focus on others as Harry wasn't the only one in the hall.

As for the others, they were unsurprisingly far behind Harry. They actions were filled with mistakes and errors, instead of starting thing gradually, most of them simply rushed things and moved huge amounts of mana to their hands.

Harry had also done this mistake, just not as worse. However, he realised his mistake almost immediately and made corrections. That alone was something impressive.

Harry's brows furrowed as he kept channeling his energy using the same movements.

He didn't try to rush things even though all parts of his mind were screaming that he should.

Since he was only moving his energy with minimal movements, it seemed to take forever. However, Harry didn't lose concentration and simply kept going, he had already gotten this close, there was no way he'd want to restart.

When the energy finally reached his skin layer, Harry slowly stirred it, it was as if he was trying to mix it with his body.

He then drew it out gently, like drawing a thread from a cloth.

[-5 Energy points]

A familiar notification flashed across his eyes. Harry was slightly surprised by the notification, he didn't expect that the small strand of energy he channeled out of his body would actually amount of five energy points.

However, he didn't think much about it and simply focused on the thin white line.

Finally, he had succeeded in drawing his energy out of his body.

The energy unsurprising had a white colour—Although Harry's eyes were close, he was still able to sense and make out vivid features of it. It wriggled slightly as it danced above his fingertip.

Harry felt the urge to exhale and just rest, however he knew that was a stupid thing to do.

This step was the easiest, unlike his body, the crystal wouldn't provide any resistance.

Harry then moved the small thread of energy into the crystal.

Immediately his energy went into the crystal, the crystal shone in a bright yellow light.

It wasn't bright enough to illuminate the whole room but it was still a lot brighter than usual. Normally, the crystal would just shine with a yellow light. It shouldn't be this bright.

Some of the students who were closer to Harry felt the sudden increase in brightness, they couldn't hold their curiosity and they broke focus as turned their head around to face Harry.

Meanwhile, Harry—the main cause of all the distraction—was distracted by another thing.

[Energy Control Level up!]

[Skill 'Energy Control' now Level 2!]

[New Skill Unlocked!]

[Probe Level 1!]


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